Turn, Turn, Turn

We still have no joy getting our PayPal account back under control, if I told you the tale of my communications with them you just wouldn’t believe me …

Hence no new release again this week (don’t worry, we’ll catch up soon enough) – but we do have the return of an old item. Finally back in stock are the Imperial Skies turn rulers – we have a few ready to go and will be ordering more shortly (along hopefully with the command markers and altitude markers).

Click the picture to go straight to the website.

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Return to the Steel City

We’re having a few ongoing issues with our PayPal account at the moment – don’t worry, we can still receive payments so the website is open and we’re still processing and shipping orders. But we decided not to put out our new release last week because of this, and we’ll hold off until things are back to normal (which should be within a few days). This also affected us with respect to shipping, so some orders from last week were delayed – apologies if you were affected by this, all outstanding orders up to the end of Sunday have now shipped.

We have some more show news – the Joy of Six show run by Peter Berry of Baccus is returning this year, on Sunday July 3rd at Sheffield Hallam University. This, as the title suggests, is a show dedicated to 6mm gaming, and has been running for a number of years before a Covid-enforced break. All being well, we should be back there again with our full 6mm range of vehicles, figures and buildings, plus the 1/300th scale Squadron Commander fighters. We also take the full 2mm scenery range (we’ve seen a number of very effective 6mm games that use smaller scale scenery) plus the 10mm buildings range.

Posted in Shows | 1 Comment

New Year, New Show

Having already lost a couple of shows this year, it’s time for some good news. We’ve been on the waiting list for Hammerhead for several years and we’ve just heard that we’ve reached the top of the list. It’s fairly short notice (the show is in less than four weeks) but we should be ready to go.

Hammerhead, held at Newark Showground, has grown into one of the larger shows in the calendar. It’s situated just a few minutes off the A1, so is easily accessible.

Technically we’re returning to Hammerhead, since we attended the original show at Kelham Hall several times over a decade ago – but that was a different venue and different organisers, so it’s really a new event for us.

Posted in Shows | 1 Comment

Libertad o Muerte

The Imperial Skies South America project reaches halfway with the release of the fifth national fleet. The Oriental Republic of Uruguay is a small country, the second smallest on the continent, but we decided that it deserved a decent fleet (mainly because we came up with a nice design style that we wanted to make the most of…).

The fleet consists of six models, from the General Artigas battleship and Montevideo battlecruiser down to the ROU-22 torpedo pinnace. There’s the obligatory fleet pack and torpedo flotilla, and no fewer than four flags (Uruguay has three official flags plus a naval jack).

I had a go at painting a 3-colour dazzle camouflage on the larger vessels (the small ones were too fiddly) using an airbrush and random wedges of masking tape. They didn’t come out exactly as I’d seem them in my mind’s eye (they’re a bit darker) but overall I’m pleased with the result.

VANFP-3401 – Uruguayan Fleet Pack – £23.00
VANFP-3411 – Uruguayan Torpedo Flotilla – £4.00
VAN-3401 – General Artigas class Battleship – £8.00
VAN-3402 – Montevideo class Battlecruiser – £8.00
VAN-3403 – Capitán Miranda class Cruiser – £2.75
VAN-3404 – Paysandú class Destroyer – £1.75
VAN-3405 – Flores class Frigate – £1.25
VAN-3406 – ROU-22 class Torpedo Pinnace – £0.50
VANF-3401 – Uruguayan National Flag – £0.50
VANF-3402 – Naval Jack – £0.50
VANF-3403 – Artigas Flag – £0.50
VANF-3404 – Flag of the Treinta y Tres – £0.50

Prices include UK VAT at 20%

Posted in Aeronef, Imperial Skies, New Releases | 2 Comments

Alien Dwellings

This week we have something new for our 15mm Tolero aliens – somewhere to live !

There are three small stone houses, resembling yurts with multiple sides. The windowless dwellings have suitably Tolero-sized doors (your average 6′ trooper is going to have to duck to get in) with smoke holes in the centre of the roofs. The sturdy construction is proof against the weather of Eta Odin IV, their homeworld.

They’re available individually or in a pack of three.

B15-050 – Tolero Dwellings (x3) – £10.00
B15-051 – Tolero Dwelling 1 – £2.50
B15-052 – Tolero Dwelling 2 – £3.50
B15-053 – Tolero Dwelling 3 – £4.50

Posted in 15mm SF, New Releases | 1 Comment

Luxury Castles

We’re down the scales back to our 1/1000th Small Scale Scenery range today. We have a pair of castles, one from Germany and another from Italy – but both are really stately homes rather than proper fortified buildings capable of withstanding a siege.

Schloss Glücksburg, or Glücksburg Castle, is a water castle in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, very close to the Danish border. It was built from 1582-1587 by the Duke of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg on the site of a former monastery. The grounds of the abbey were then flooded to create the lake in which it sits almost entirely surrounded. It seems to have seen little military use over the years, although in WW2 Albert Speer used it as his office while British troops searching for Heinrich Himmler seem to have looted it. Whatever its heritage, it’s a striking looking and very colourful building.

Glücksburg Castle

Moving south into Italy, Castel del Monte (literally ‘Castle of the Mountain’ – it has nothing to do with tinned fruit…) is a 13th century citadel built on a hill in the southeast region of Apulia. It has no moat or other obvious defences, although there does seem to be evidence of there having been a wall at some time. It has been used as a hunting lodge or prison and in WW2 the US Air Force based a VHF navigation aid called Big Fence in the grounds. We have two versions of the citadel – one as it is now, and another with the original taller crenellated towers.

SSS-8178 – Castel del Monte (modern) – £3.00
SSS-8178a – Castel del Monte (original) – £3.00
SSS-8179 – Schloss Glücksburg – £2.50

Posted in New Releases, Small Scale Scenery | 1 Comment

Back to the Space Race

We have a couple of new spaceships today that fill in gaps in the EuroFed roster.

The first is the Voltigeur corvette, a small craft in the same style as the rest of the EuroFed fleet.

Voltigeur Corvette

The second is the Aigle, a small dropship capable of carrying infantry of light vehicles. It came about when a magazine review of the Le Malin frigate noted that it had a similar configuration to the Space 1999 Eagle Transporter. Now I hadn’t noticed that fact until it was pointed out, but from there it seemed an obvious next move to create a dropship in that style. The Aigle isn’t really all that similar to the Gerry Anderson vessel that inspired it – it has the same vague outline but that’s all.

Aigle Dropships

SFS-450 – Voltigeur Corvette – £1.00
SFS-470 – Aigle Dropship (x6) – £1.50

Posted in New Releases, Spaceships | 1 Comment

Desert Raider Reinforcements

We’ve pretty much caught up with the backlog of orders from the Christmas holiday, and have finally updated the website for the new EU shipping solution, so it’s time for our first new release of 2022. The 15mm Desert Raider figures have plenty of options in terms of heavy weapons and lizard cavalry, so we wanted their 6mm counterparts to be similarly reinforced.

We have two new packs – a set of 12 Lizard Riders, plus a pack of heavy weapons teams with two each of two weapon types.

HS6-4261 – Lizard Riders (x12) – £4.00
HS6-4262 – Desert Raider Heavy Weapons (x4) – £2.00

Posted in 6mm SF, New Releases | 1 Comment

EU Shipping

We promised at the end of last year to implement a new system to handle the problems that EU customers are having with import VAT, and some quite eye-watering charges from courier companies to collect this tax. It’s taken longer than expected, but we think we’re ready to go at last. The website needed quite a few changes to handle the new system but hopefully we’re there (we still need to fathom out how we’re going to handle the EU VAT separately in our accounts software, but that’s a whole other problem!).

EU shipping will now be different to other regions; instead of percentage charges based on order value, EU orders will now be charged a fixed amount depending on the destination country, regardless of order size. Although these charges are higher then we previously charged for EU shipping, they include full tracking and (more importantly) they include any customs handling fees, which we know have been a big issue in some countries. Orders will be charged VAT at 21%, which we then pay on your behalf when the package reaches the EU.

The way it works is that we ship all EU parcels to a shipping hub at Heathrow; they are then flown to Schiphol Airport in the Netherlands, where they are assessed for tax (hence the same rate for everyone, rather than different rates for each country). At this point we pay the VAT that we previously collected from you over to the Dutch customs authorities. They are then sent straight to your address via the DHL courier network, but because they are now inside the EU there are no further fees, charges, taxes or duties. We’ll attach the DHL tracking ID to the PayPal transaction so you should be able to track it from there – if not, please email us and we’ll send you a link.

Because we have to box up all EU orders and post them off to the Heathrow hub, there may be a slight delay in despatching orders; we have to wait until we have enough to make it worth sending them. But we should ship them out weekly at worst.

Shipping charges for each country are shown below. We appreciate that they are a steep increase, especially for smaller orders, but it’s clear that many potential customers were being put off by the prospect of being hit by a big import bill before they could receive their order, so we’re hoping that this should go some way to alleviating the issue.

France, Germany, Netherlands, Poland – £11.50
Austria, Belgium, Czech Rep., Luxembourg – £13.00
Hungary, Eire, Slovenia, Spain – £14.50
Estonia, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Sweden – £16.00
Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, Greece, Malta, Portugal, Slovakia – £17.50

When checking out, please include a phone number (a mobile phone is best) so that the courier company can contact you if necessary regarding estimated delivery times.

As previously mentioned, we’ve had to make some substantial changes to our website and re-upload pretty much all of it to get this to work, but hopefully it’ll all go OK (crossing all fingers and touching every piece of available piece of wood…). Please let us know if you come across any anomalies, and we’ll keep a close eye on all incoming orders to ensure that it’s all functioning as expected.

Posted in Shipping Stories, Updates and General Waffle | 1 Comment

Coming in 2022

We did promise recently that we’d give a few clues about what we have coming in 2022 (beware what you say in a Facebook comment…). As always, our release schedule will be fairly fluid (there are weeks when we’re scrabbling round to find something that’s ready!) and the recent cancellation of Salute means that we’ve had to rewrite it again 🙁

But we do try to have some sort of plan, while also leaving some deliberate gaps just in case we have a flash of inspiration somewhere along the line.

Imperial Skies

We’ll be moving on with the South American fleets, with the Uruguayans making their appearance very soon (they’re ready apart from the final production mould for the small ships). Once the local fleets have been finished we want to add British, French and Dutch units for their respective colonial fleets.

General Artigas class Light Battleship (Uruguay)

Hammer’s Slammers

The first HS models of 2022 will be 6mm versions of the Sincanmo dune buggies that came out in 15mm at the end of last year. Then we have a pair of matched forces that come from the same story (chapter 2 of The Warrior if you’d like to read ahead) – the Han Black Banner and Hindi National Army. The Han use lots of 8×8 wheeled vehicles and laser main armaments, along with 1-man trikes for command and liaison. The Hindis on the other hand have tracked tank destroyers and heavy anti-tank guns. The plan is to release the 6mm forces one week followed by the 15mm versions the next (or maybe the other way round). After that … who knows? There is an unusual 10-wheeled tank destroyer somewhere in the mix too…


The first project of the year (apart from a couple of odd EuroFed models) will be a batch of new capital ships for the German fleet to replace the existing ships. After that we’re planning a redesign of another of the remaining fleets, and (drum roll here…) releasing a brand new fleet – the first in a long time. This was supposed to have happened last year, but events overtook us. We also have to finish off some space stations, another partially completed but delayed project.

Voltigeur Corvette

Small Scale Scenery

This releases in this range tends to be more random, Phil now does much of the design work so what comes out depends on his mood…

What we already have lined up starts with six forts/castles, including a very impressive Polish Baroque fortress. There’s a set of distinctive buildings for the Free City of Hamburg in case anyone fancies creating a northern European port. Phil’s also embarked on a series of buildings from days gone by in our home town of Maidstone – well, we say ‘series’, so far it’s just the one, but I’m hopeful…

Glücksburg Castle

Other Ranges

There should be some additions to the Squadron Commander range of starfighters – some will be larger vessels such as shuttles or assault craft, which will have a crossover with the 6mm range.

We should add some more small forts to the 1/700 range, plus a set of generic houses which we’ve been asked for several times.

Phil is putting the finishing touches to a 28mm Belgian artillery piece for the Great War range. This will be a departure for us in that it will be released as a 3D printed model, created on a hi-res resin printer. He’s also part way through a stretcher team for the Surgeon General fundraiser range.

Speaking of which, it will see some other new medically themed additions, these will generally be single models that appear as part of a larger release.

And Finally…

In other news, the EU shipping solution should go on line this week – our account is set up and we’re ready to go with the shipping agent. I’ve made the website changes but was wary of uploading them just before the Christmas holiday when I may not be on hand to make any fixes.

Posted in 15mm SF, 3D Print, 6mm SF, Aeronef, Great War, Imperial Skies, Previews, Small Scale Scenery, Spaceships, Squadron Commander, Surgeon General | 1 Comment