From Russia With Love

We’ve made it – our final new release of the year, and the last leg in our epic quest to redesign/resculpt the Aeronef models of the six major powers. Today sees the release of the Russian cruiser and escort forces, with six redesigns and two brand new models. You can see all of the new models below, along with the two smaller vessels released last week.

The two new craft are the Kronshtadt Heavy Cruiser, an enormous beast the size of a small battleship with new twin turrets. The other vessel is the Burnyi destroyer, fitted with a forward barbette and torpedo tubes.

There’s a new Fleet pack with a Poltava Dreadnought, an Admiral Nakhimov battlecruiser plus escorts, and a new Russian Escort Flotilla pack with eight destroyers (although I’m afraid we still have no flying stands so the packs are without these for the the moment).

The small Russian barbettes have been redesigned and are available in packs of 12, as is the new cruiser turret on the Kronshtadt. There are even some new flags, the Imperial flag and Naval Jack.

VANFP-502 – Russian Fleet Pack #2 – £21.50
VANFP-513 – Russian Escort Flotilla – 10.00

VAN-501 – Petrapavlovsk Class Cruiser – £2.50
VAN-502 – Archangelsk Class Dig Cruiser – £3.50
VAN-504 – Dobrovolets class Destroyer – £1.00
VAN-505 – Derskyi Heavy Destroyer – £3.50
VAN-507 – Smolensk class Seaplane Tender – £2.50
VAN-511 – Strashchni class Destroyer – £1.75
VAN-516 – Kronshtadt – £4.50
VAN-517 – Burnyi – £1.75

VANF-503 – Russian Imperial Flag – £0.50
VANF-504 – Russian Naval Jack – £0.50

VAN-7051 – Russian Single Barbette (x12) – £1.50
VAN-7052 – Russian Twin Barbette (x12) – £1.50
VAN-7057 – Russian Twin Cruiser Turret (x12) – £1.50

Having finished with the major powers, we’re off in a completely new direction with Aeronef in 2021. News of this coming soon…

That’s it for new releases this year – next Friday is of course Christmas day, and we have better things to do then, as we’re sure you all do!

Posted in Aeronef, Imperial Skies, New Releases | 1 Comment

River Horse

New for this week are some variants of our popular 15mm truck, the South African Confederation Hippo.

The first is a troop-carrying variant with raised sides and seating for 12 troops. The other two versions are armed models – one with a twin tri-barrel AA turret, the other a 12-barrel rocket launcher system, both on rotating mounts.

SF15-608c – Hippo Troop Carrier – £8.50
SF15-608d – Hippo with Twin AA Tribarrels – £9.00
SF15-608e – Hippo with MRLS – £9.00

Posted in 15mm SF, Hammer's Slammers, New Releases | 1 Comment

Starship Painting Guide

Our friend Robin Fitton, author of both Gruntz and Imperial Skies, has begun a series of starship painting guides on his Rottenlead blog. He’s featuring models from a number of manufacturers including ourselves.

Part one, covering cleanup and prep, can be seen below:

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Flying Fortresses

This week sees the release of new versions of the Russian Raevski Aerial Redoubt and Shevardino Aerial Battery. These heavily armed, static flying defences are positioned to defend harbours and air stations across the huge expanse of Mother Russia. These new versions are resin hulled, making them lighter and much easier to base, and feature the new heavy turrets found on the Russian capital ships. We’ve also released a Defence Battery pack with one Raevski and two Shevardino.

As if that wasn’t enough, we also have new versions of the Russian Murmansk Patrol Nef and Novik Torpedo Nef.

At the same time, the Austro-Hungarians get an updated Lussin Rocket Nef plus a new vessel, the Maros Patrol Nef. The Russian and Austro-Hungarian torpedo flotilla packs have been updated with the new models.

VANFP-511 – Russian Torpedo Flotilla – £4.00
VANFP-512 – Russian Defence Battery – £8.00
VANFP-711 – Austro-Hungarian Rocket Squadron – £4.00

VAN-503 – Murmansk Patrol Nef (x3) – £1.50
VAN-508 – Novik Torpedo Nef (x3) – £1.50
VAN-509 – Shevardino Aerial Battery – £2.00
VAN-510 – Raevski Aerial Redoubt – £5.00
VAN-705 – Lussin Rocket Nef (x3) – £1.50
VAN-716 – Maros Patrol nef – £1.50

Posted in Aeronef, Imperial Skies, New Releases | 1 Comment

All Along the Watchtower

Today we have some useful 15mm bits and pieces. The largest is a Watchtower, built to keep an eye on the myriad hazards that can threaten a small colony out in the wastelands. The design is the same as the one from our 6mm Town Walls range, but with the integral walls removed.

The other two items are handy items of cargo. The first is a set of eight small resin cargo cases, two each of four designs. The other set has 12 metal barrels, six each of two designs.

B15-185 – Watchtower – £8.00
SF15-943 – Cargo Cases (x8) – £1.75
SF15-944 – Barrels (x12) – £3.00

Posted in 15mm SF, New Releases | 1 Comment

Stop the Cavalry

Just a quick update – after a longer than expected hiatus, our Great War Belgian cavalry are available again now that we have a new mould for the horses. So you can once again add lancers, guides and chasseurs to your 1914 Belgian army, along with officers and buglers for each type.

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Upgrading the Great White Fleet

At the start of the year we had this grand plan to finish upgrading all of the models of the major powers of the Aeronef world. All six had already had their capital ships replaced by new 3D sculpts, and we’ve also added plenty of new designs – but we had all of the escorts and cruisers still to go. We did most of the British, French and Germans in 2019 (not quite all, there are one or two to go), which left Japan, USA and Russia for this year. The Japanese received cruiser and escort replacements earlier in the summer, and now it’s the turn of the USA to be re-equipped. It’s turned out to be one of the most extensive releases of all of the fleets – we’ve replaced nine existing models and added no fewer than six additional cruisers, destroyers and frigates, plus a new fleet pack.

You may notice one or two re-classifications amongst the ships; the US fleet had some anomalies (largish vessels termed as Frigates, etc) which have been corrected, although all of the names remain the same.

The largest vessel is the Kentucky dirigible; this has a new one-piece resin hull with metal bridge, mast and turret.

Three of the new vessels are designed in the same style as the Lexington class battlecruiser, and form a Fast Pursuit fleet – these are the Raleigh cruiser, Augusta destroyer and Huntsville torpedo destroyer. There is a fleet pack containing two each of the Lexington, Raleigh and Augusta.

Another new ship is the Olympia class Light Cruiser, seen below with the redesigned Maryland model.

VANFP-205 – US Pursuit Pack – £21.50

VAN-201 – Tallahasee Class Patrol Nef – £1.00
VAN-202 – Des Moines Class Destroyer – £2.50
VAN-203 – Michigan Class Light Cruiser- £3.00
VAN-204 – Kentucky Class Dig – £4.25
VAN-208 – Brooklyn class Destroyer – £2.00
VAN-209 – Maryland class Cruiser – £3.75
VAN-210 – Decatur class Corvette – £1.00
VAN-211 – Saginaw class Corvette – £1.00
VAN-213 – Baton Rouge class Cruiser – £3.25
VAN-218 – Olympia class Light Cruiser – £3.25
VAN-219 – Nashville class Frigate – £1.25
VAN-220 – Raleigh class Fast Cruiser – £3.00
VAN-221 – Augusta class Fast Frigate – £1.50
VAN-222 – Huntsville class Fast Torpedo Frigate – £1.50
VAN-223 – Scranton class Torpedo Corvette – £1.00

And we should get to the Russians by Christmas – the moulds are done, the sample models painted for the website so barring unforeseen events (global pandemic, anyone?) we’ll hit our target. And we then we’ll tell you our Aeronef plans for 2021…

Posted in Aeronef, Imperial Skies, New Releases | 1 Comment

A Tale of Contrast

I recently experimented with painting some 6mm vehicles using just Citadel’s new Contrast paints. I tried them out on some unreleased models – 6mm versions of the Prosperity army vehicles released a little while back in 15mm. I wrote up a post on our club’s blog (so please feel free to pop over there and have a look), but you can see the results below. For just five colours, I think they worked out pretty well.

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Support Gulls

This week we’re moving down to 6mm for our new releases. We have the previously-previewed new support vehicles for the Flaming Sword of the Holy Brotherhood and ben Mehdi’s Legion. All manufactured by Gull Systems, they include the GS-1100C cargo carrier, GS-934 Recce Car and GS-700 jeep.

Making use of these, we’ve introduced three new 6mm detachment packs for ben Mehdi’s Legion – Tank Destroyer, Mechanised Infantry and Support.

HS6-2016 – GS-1100C Cargo Carrier – £1.25
HS6-2017 – GS-934 Recce Car – £0.75
HS6-2018 – GS700 Jeep – £0.50
HS6-2018a – GS-710M Mortar Jeep – £0.50

HSD6-4001 – ben Mehdi’s Legion Tank Destroyer Detachment – £10.75
HSD6-4002 – ben Mehdi’s Legion Mechanised Infantry Detachment – £4.25
HSD6-4003 – ben Mehdi’s Legion Support Detachment – £7.50

Posted in 6mm SF, Hammer's Slammers, New Releases | 1 Comment

Anson Ahoy

We had a very good response to the news of the website reopening at the end of last week, which has kept us busy filling orders. However, we want to get back to the business of releasing new models, since we’ve built up quite a backlog over the past few weeks.

We’re starting today with a new Aeronef model, the British Anson class Battlecruiser. It’s comes in at an impressive 110mm long, as large as an Albert class Dreadnought although not as hefty. She mounts two triple turrets and a pair of superfiring twin turrets, along with a more than respectable secondary battery, and boasts an impressive turn of speed for a vessel her size. In Aeronef however, she does suffer from the “There Seems To Be Something Wrong With Our Bloody Ships !” optional special rule.

VAN-130 – Anson class Battlecruiser – £8.00

Posted in Aeronef, Imperial Skies, New Releases | 1 Comment