That’s It for 2019!

Sorry – if you haven’t placed your order by now, then you’ve missed it. The sale is over – finished. Done. Gone. Well, ’til next year anyway.

Now all I need to do is actually finish all the orders before Christmas…

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Sale Countdown 2019 – Last 24 Hours!

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Sale Countdown 2019 – The Final Weekend

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Sale Countdown 2019 – And Then There Were Three…

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Sale Countdown 2019 – Four Days Left!

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Sale Countdown 2019 – Five Days To Go!

The sale has just five days to run…

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Looking Ahead #12

Nope, not saying anything about these either.

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Looking Ahead #11

We’re not saying anything about these, except that they’re part of a new project for 2020. We’ll just leave them here…

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Looking Ahead #10

So we’re into the last week of the sale, so don’t miss out!

We have a few more previews to go – I’d like to think we’re saving the best ’til last. This is the Leviathan. It’s a British spaceship carrier. It’s BIG.

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Looking Ahead #9

Back down to 2mm again, this is the fort of Qasr Bshir in Jordan. It’s an ancient Roman fortification, built to protect Arabia against nomadic tribes. I started it as a relatively simple build, which escalated rapidly when I realised that, contrary to first glances, none of the four corner towers are the same and nothing is quite square…

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