Boat to Bolivia

This week sees the release of the penultimate South American fleet for Imperial Skies. Bolivia is landlocked and bordered by no fewer than five other countries – Peru, Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina and Chile – most of whom it has been at war with at some point in history since gaining independence from Spain in 1825.

Bolivian Fleet

The main firepower in their aerial fleet is carried by the Bolivar class Patrol Battleships, which are not the largest but do carry a fearsome punch. The rest of the fleet consists of vessels no larger than destroyers, with the most curious being the Jacamar class gunboats. These are armed with the US-designed Dynamite Cannon, a strange weapon which propels 500-lb projectiles filled with dynamite using compressed air (this was a real thing – you can read more about it on Wikipedia).

In Imperial Skies, we suggest the following (unofficial) rules for the Dynamite Cannon: treat them as torpedoes, but with a short range. At targets under 3″ a 4,5,6 is needed to hit; up to 6″, a 6 is needed; damage is 2d6. They can only fire in the ship’s forward arc, and each cannon can only fire on alternate moves due to the time needed to refill the compressed air tanks. However, unlike normal torpedoes they have no ammunition limit and there is no limit to the number that an individual ship can fire in one turn. When designing your own vessels, each Dynamite Cannon costs 1 point.

We’ll have stocks of the Bolivians – both fleet packs and individual models – at Hammerhead tomorrow, along with the new Hammer’s Slammers rulebook.

VANFP-3001 – Bolivian Fleet Pack – £24.00
VAN-3001 – Bolivar class Patrol Battleship – £7.50
VAN-3002 – Santa Cruz class Battery Destroyer – £1.50
VAN-3003 – Cochabamba class Patrol Destroyer – £1.50
VAN-3004 – Charcas class Corvette – £0.80
VAN-3005 – Jacamar class Gunboat – £0.80
VANF-3001 – Bolivian National Flag

Posted in Aeronef, Imperial Skies, New Releases | 1 Comment

Return of the Crucible

Some great news for Hammer’s Slammers fans this week. The original Crucible rulebook hasn’t been available (at least from us) for a while, but this past weekend we took delivery of a new softback version.

What’s in this edition ?

There’s the basic rules; the First Appendix (with the Alien Autochthons); the Second Appendix with Elite Skills and Personnel; the Third Appendix with Tank Names for the Slammers; plus the Timeline. The rules have been corrected where mistakes were detected, plus extra material has been included, lifted directly from the supplements. Finally, many of the measurements included have been adjusted to favour 15mm models rather than the 28mm ones in the original hard-copy rule set.

What’s not in this Edition (compared to the hardback) ?

There’s no introduction from Dave Drake; no background about the Slammers or all of the other forces listed in the original. In fact most of the first 100 pages are missing. There’s also no painting guide (it was aimed squarely at 28mm vehicles after all); and many of the illustrations of 28mm vehicles have been replaced by 15mm ones.

With this rule set – plus the five supplements and play sheets from the website at – you are ready to play Hammer’s Slammers.

We have both the paperback (which is lighter and thus cheaper to post than the hardback) and you can also get a PDF digital version from us if you prefer to read on your tablet or Kindle.

HSC-008 – Hammer’s Slammers:The Digital Crucible (softback) – £20.00
HSC-009 – Hammer’s Slammers:The Digital Crucible (PDF edition) – £9.99

Posted in 15mm SF, 6mm SF, Hammer's Slammers, New Releases | 1 Comment


The Han Chinese army is split into the Black Banner Guards and the People’s National Guard. Although both have ‘Guards’ on the end, the Black Banner get to ride round in fancy 8×8 APCs with big lasers on the roof, while PNG get nothing more than a bunch of trucks. The 15mm versions of the trucks have been out for a while, but the National Guard have had to wait until now for their turn in 6mm.

The main chassis is the 8×8 PAW MV-701, which can carry four TUs of infantry in the open rear bed, and a trailer can be added on to accommodate a further four TUs, although this does slow the vehicle down. For fire support, the PHL-18 is fitted with an 18-round rocket launcher capable of direct or indirect fire.

HS6-504 – MV-701 Truck and Trailer – £2.00
HS6-504a – MV-701 Truck – £1.50
HS6-504b – MV-792 Trailer – £0.75
HS6-504c – PHL-18 MRLS – £1.75

Posted in 6mm SF, Hammer's Slammers, New Releases | 1 Comment

No Man is an Island

Baffin’s Legion makes an appearance in the second part of the story ‘The Warrior’, as the Hindi and Han forces clash over the paddy fields of the town of Morobad. While the Han are supported by the Slammers, the Hindis are reinforced by Colonel Baffin and his force of tank destroyers, armoured infantry and heavy artillery.

The Legion is the final force in The Warrior that we have yet to cover, so the arrival of this new set of 15mm miniatures allows you to play out the battle of Morobad on the tabletop. The Legion’s armoured might is concentrated in their M12 tank destroyers – these are similar to the existing M12L14 used by the Flaming Sword and ben Mehdi’s Legion, but with a 15cm gun and pintel flechette support weapon instead of the later version’s 20cm and tribarrel.

The infantry ride in two types of APC. The GD-804 is a conventional vehicle with a flechette HSW in an armoured mount, while the Ar842 is a twin-hulled, articulated vehicle mounting a heavy conebore in a remote mount on the roof of the front cab.

The GD-804 chassis is used in several support variants; the GD-806 has a twin 3cm calliope for air defence, while the -807 variant is equipped with a hypersonic missile launcher. The GD-814 is a dedicated command vehicle with a large box body – infamously it’s in one of these where Colonel Baffin meets his end.

The 806 calliope is also fielded in a ground-mount variant. This is fitted to a 4-wheel carriage with a gun shield to protect the crew. This weapon, designated the GR-806T, is generally towed by a variant of the GD-516 hover jeep.

For artillery support, the Legion field the GD-621 Hog, a large fixed-superstructure vehicle with a 21cm rocket howitzer.

If you’re putting together a Baffin’s Legion force, we suggest using our Polish figures for infantry.

HS15-2011a – M12 Tank Destroyer – £8.50
HS15-4503 – GD-804 APC – £8.00
HS15-4503a – GD-806 Calliope – £8.00
HS15-4503b – GD-807 Missile Vehicle – £8.00
HS15-4503c – GD-814 Command – £8.00
HS15-4504 – Ar842 Twin-Hull APC – £10.00
HS15-4505 – GD-621 21cm Hog – £8.50
HS15-4506 – GD-516 Hover Jeep – £3.00
HS15-4507 – GR-806T Towed Calliope – £3.50

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Show Calendar 2024

Our list of shows for this year kicks off in a couple of weeks at Cavalier in Tonbridge. The full list of shows is below – it’s the same nine as we attended last year, including Re-Play, the new event at the Royal Engineer’s Museum in Gillingham, Kent.

Tunbridge Wells Wargames Society logo

As always, we welcome orders in advance of the shows. Our new website allows you to place an order and select ‘Pickup at Show’ as the shipping option – just let us know which show in the ‘Additional Information’ box.





Posted in Shows | 1 Comment

PacFed Supports

We have two new vehicles for the Pacific Federation (PacFed) in 15mm this week. Both the Quoll and Koala have been in the 6mm range for many years but never made the transition to the larger scale – well now they have.

The Quoll is a large vehicle with a twin railgun turret plus a missile pack on either side of the hull. Although designated a cavalry reconnaissance vehicle, its firepower means that it’s ideal for fast strike missions, being used in hit-and-run attacks on enemy outposts or behind the lines against logistics and command posts.

The Koala shares the same arrowhead grav skirts as the Quoll but with a different body mounting a pair of 10.5cm ECAP guns mounted high up on the superstructure. In its role as a tank destroyer, this allows the vehicle to fire from hull down positions with only the gun mounts in view. An alternative weapons load sees the ECAPs replaced by two Manta missile pods on the Koala-M.

SF15-707 – Quoll Cavalry Vehicle – £8.50
SF15-710 – Koala Tank Destroyer – £8.50

Full disclosure – we somehow forgot to paint a Koala-M, so there are no photos, just the 3D image. But it is available, you can select the missile armament as an option from the product page.

It’s time for one of our occasional shout-outs to other manufacturers whose products make ours look presentable. The image above has a background by artist Jon Hodgson. This is the first time we’ve used one, and rest assured that you’ll be seeing more of Jon’s work on the blog in future. In other credits, the mat on which the vehicles are sitting is from Geek Villain.

Posted in 15mm SF, New Releases | 1 Comment

Slugged Again

Our chum Phil Page over at Slug Industries has been at it again, with a new Kickstarter that expands his magnificient 6mm Medieval Village (we still have a few left if you’re tempted).

The expansion pack has another nine buildings plus some village figures and carts from Perfect Six Miniatures. We have that last couple of sets left over from the Kickstarter, which we’ve just added to the website – don’t hang around, there are literally just two of them.

SLUG-002 – Medieval Expansion Set – £60.00

UPDATE – we initially posted the wrong price – this has been corrected

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Hindi Detachments

Welcome to a new month, after a January that seemed to last about 60 days. The latest update on the order backlog is that by the end of today’s casting session we should have finished almost every order from January (there’s an odd one that needs a couple of 3D printed items) – so, in other words, we’ve finally caught up (go us !) and what passes for normal service has resumed.

This week we’ve added three 15mm Hammer’s Slammers detachment packs to the website for the Hindi Army. These are Heavy Armoured (lots of H-Tanks), Armoured Grenadier (infantry and scout cars) and Support (plenty of towed guns). To complete these we needed Hindi infantry missile teams, so we’ve added these to the website as well.

HSD14-4401 – Hindi Armoured Grenadier Detachment – £56.50
HSD14-4402 – Hindi Heavy Armoured Detachment – £90.00
HSD14-4403 – Hindi Support Detachment – £173.00
HS15-4463 – Hindi Missile Teams (x2) – £3.00

And in a complete 180-turn, here’s a new spaceship. Someone asked us why we didn’t have an armed version of our Medium Container Ship – after all, the parts are all interchangeable with the other container vessels. So we quickly put one together, gave it a lick of paint and added it to the website.

SFS-5005a – Medium Armed Merchant – £2.25

Posted in 15mm SF, Hammer's Slammers, New Releases, Spaceships | 1 Comment

Cold Storage

First (as always) – an update on orders. It’s stopped being cold here, instead it’s wet and windy ! That’s not so bad for production, and by the end of today we’re hoping to have caught up to January 19th – so we’re running a week behind (last week it was 9 days, which counts as progress of a sort).

Onto our new release this week, which is a set of three modern warehouses. We say modern, these could have been built anywhere, anytime in the last fifty years or so. They’re the sort of structure that can be seen on any industrial estate worldwide – although all three of these were based on ones on the outskirts of Maidstone, no more than a mile or two from Brigade HQ. Two are simple rectangular, pitched-roof designs while the third has the classic factory sawtooth roof. Two have office structures attached.

SSS-209 – Modern Warehouses (x3) – £5.00

Posted in New Releases, Small Scale Scenery | 1 Comment

Desert Hospitality

First, another update on orders – we’ve shipped everything that arrived on or before Jan 4th (and some that arrived after that), and by the end of today’s casting session we hope to be up to Jan 10th, so the delay will be down to just over a week. We’re hoping that we’ll have cleared the whole of the backlog by the end of the month, but that of course depends on how many orders we get between now and then ! The cold weather here in the UK isn’t helping – the workshop is mostly unheated (yesterday it didn’t get above 6-7°C inside the building). This makes resin casting especially problematic – the resin is incredibly brittle and is likely to snap if you so much as look at it funny, so demoulding is a challenge. However, the temperature is forecast to reach a balmy 12°C on Monday, which will make things much easier (and it’ll stop the tea going cold within a few minutes !).

This week, we’re back in the (6mm) deserts with these three new buildings. The first is a Caravanserai – on Old Earth, these were roadside inns along major trade routes such as the Silk Road. In past times they would have food and lodging for both the weary traveller, and also for their horses or camels. In this variant it’s more likely to be fuel for the grav sled, but the idea is the same. They generally had a large entrance leading to a courtyard with rooms leading off from there. Ours has the same layout, with the addition of a tower to one side.

This one has been made into a small diorama with an oasis and outbuilding, to fit in with our other desert scenery.

Our second offering is a Fondouk, which has a similar purpose to the caravanserai, but more likely to be found in urban settings, and more of a drinking house. The sort of place where disreputable rogues, scoundrels and starship captains hang out !

Finally, and vital for the desert regions, a small water tower to keep everyone hydrated.

B300-114 – Water Tower – £1.50
B300-115 – Fondouk – £3.00
B300-154 – Caravanserai – £5.00

Posted in 6mm SF, New Releases | 1 Comment