Baby Eaglets

Off the production line this week are these two 6mm Eaglewing VTOLs, the Demeter and the Perseus.

The Demeter is a two-seater attack craft while the Perseus is a utility VTOL with room to transport an infantry squad in the cabin.

The Eaglewing is a Hammer’s Slammers mercenary unit equipped primarily with VTOLs that operate almost as ground vehicles, flying nap-of-the-earth in combat zones to keep out of sight of enemy anti-aircraft weapons. Away from the front line they can fly higher and use their high speed to redeploy quickly as required. They also have a small number of conventional ground vehicles for mortar and artillery support.

Other users of the Demeter and Perseus include the 101st Texian Light Airborne, a fully airmobile infantry unit, and the Fianóglach veterans of Guardforce O’Higgins.

HS6-2601 – Perseus HU.1 Utility VTOL – £2.00
HS6-2602 – Demeter Attack VTOL – £2.00

Finally, just a quick notice that I’m away for a couple of days. We’re up to date with orders to the end of Sunday (15th) and I’ll be back on Friday to deal with any that arrive this week so there shouldn’t be much delay – I just may not be able to answer any emails as quickly as usual.

Posted in 6mm SF, Hammer's Slammers, New Releases | 1 Comment

Signature Delivery

We’ve been meaning to do this for a while, and we’ve finally got around to adding an option on the website for tracked/signed-for deliveries. Our current shipping rates don’t normally allow for this, but for customers that would prefer the peace of mind of tracking and a signature, for an additional cost (£1.25 UK/£5.00 overseas plus VAT if applicable) you can select a Signed For service (either First Class Signed For in the UK or International Tracked & Signed overseas).

Right, now back to some proper work…

Posted in Updates and General Waffle | 1 Comment

Anders Plus

We previewed a bunch of new 6mm models for the Joy of Six show – and I managed to get the cooling tower painted and photographed! The first of these have gone onto the website today, along with (thanks to a well timed delivery of etched brass bits) a new vehicle that hasn’t previously been seen.

The Rapier MBT is being phased in by Anders Legion to replace their inventory of obsolescent Cutlass tanks. It’s a tracked vehicle with a large, sloped turret equipped with a heavy railgun and light ATGW launcher.

The Xiphos is a rather unusual hybrid tank destroyer/combat car. It’s an open backed vehicle, with the rear of the crew compartment protected by a mesh splinter screen, similar to those deployed on Slammers Combat Cars. Primary armament is either a railgun (the same calibre as that on the Rapier but with a shorter barrel) or a pair of breech-loading gun-mortars. It also has three tri-barrel powergun mounts – one on the roof operated by the commander standing in the rear, and another pair mounted over the rear wings. Anders Legion are re-equipping with these in place of their current fleet of Uralvagonzavod Halberds. The 6mm model comes with separate tri-barrels and an etched brass piece for the screen – you’ll need tweezers to assemble this one!

Although we don’t yet have the rest of the Flaming Sword of the Holy Brotherhood ready (a bit of a FUBAR with one of the moulds…), we wanted to get the M12 out as it’s a great little model. The M12L14 tank destroyer is a fusion-powered blower, mounting a 20cm powergun and remote-control tri-barrel. It’s used by the Flaming Sword in their heavy detachments and as the primary armoured vehicle of Broglie’s Legion

Finally for this week, a handy little Radome building which makes an ideal game objective. The dome is the same as our larger radar bunker, so you can create a radar array similar to the Fylingdales Moor installation.

HS6-2011 – M12L14 Tank Destroyer – £1.50
HS6-3611 – Rapier Tank – £1.25
HS6-3612 – Xiphos Tank Destroyer – £1.25
HS6-3612a – Palintone Mortar Support Vehicle – £1.25

B300-144 – Radome – £2.00

That’s all for now – see you Sunday!

Posted in 6mm SF, Hammer's Slammers, New Releases | 2 Comments

Six Specials

We have a some new bits and pieces for the Joy of Six on Sunday – all 6mm scale (of course !). We have a mix of vehicles, VTOLs, starfighters and buildings to try to tempt the moths out of your wallets – none of these have been seen before in 6mm. Some of the models – especially the Squadron Commander starfighters and the Eaglewing VTOLs – will be in short supply as I don’t yet have production moulds so will only be able to bring what I can cast from the master moulds.

First up – a reminder about pre-orders. I finished stocking up for Jo6 yesterday so I will have some time tomorrow to cast up any last minute orders for collection at the show. For details about exactly what I’m bringing and how to order, click here.

So, onto the models. I was hoping to have the 6mm versions of the Flaming Sword of the Holy Brotherhood ready but we haven’t quite managed to get all of them done in time. However, I will have stocks of their largest vehicle, the M12L14 Tank Destroyer. This turretless beast is armed with a 20cm powergun and can go toe-to-toe with a Slammers M2 tank.

At Salute we released a 15mm VTOL, the Demeter. On Sunday we go one better with two new 6mm VTOLS, the Demeter (r) and its cousin, the Perseus. The former is an attack VTOL while the Perseus is a small troop carrier – the equivalent of a UH-1 Huey.

This one is brand new – it’s currently going under the codename of Rapier, although that may change 🙂 It’s a heavy tank used used by Anders Legion, who are rolling it out to replace their Cutlass tanks, and has a heavy cannon plus a missile pod. Expect to see this in 15mm very soon too.

As mentioned, we have two new starfighters in the Squadron Commander range. The first is the AmRep Raptor attack fighter. This has four X-foils with torpedo pods sandwiched between them either side and twin gatlings. The Germans get the Kondor two-seat heavy fighter, with it’s remote rear gun turret. I did make versions of both of these ages ago which never went into production, but these are brand new digital sculpts. Both will be available singly or in flights of four.

This handy little building is a radar dome – a conventional radar dish is enclosed in a protective dome to keep out the effects of weather, sandstorms, small animals etc.

Largest of all is this power station cooling tower. We’ve had a hollow 3D-printed item in our Shapeways shop and we’ve sold a few of these at shows, but this is a much larger resin version – at over 4″ tall, it’s almost twice as large as the 3D printed model.

But, much to my annoyance, I forgot to bring one home from the workshop to photograph, so for now you’re left with this enigmatic silhouette… (I’ll try to remember one tomorrow !).

HS6-2011 – M12L14 Tank Destroyer – £1.50
HS6-2601 – Perseus Utility VTOL – £2.00
HS6-2602 – Demeter Attack VTOL – £2.00
HS6-3611 – Rapier Tank – £1.25

SCR-203 – Raptor Assault Fighter – £3.00
SCP-203 – Raptor Flight – £11.00
SCR-303 – Kondor Heavy Fighter – £3.50
SCP-303 – Kondor Flight – £13.00

B300-144 – Radome – £2.00
B300-145 – Power Station Cooling Tower – £10.00

For those who can’t make the show, most of these models will be trickling onto the website in the near future. For those who can, please come and say hello on Sunday, but be gentle with me – I’ll be at a wedding the day before and although I won’t be hungover (I have to drive to Sheffield from Kent on Saturday evening) I may not have had much sleep…

Posted in 6mm SF, Hammer's Slammers, New Releases, Shows, Squadron Commander | 2 Comments

New Stockist

Last Man, Last Bullet have begun stocking our Small Scale Scenery alongside their own excellent selection of pillboxes and other battlefield fortifications. They cover a different spread of shows to us so should widen our catchment area. They’ve started with a small selection of our forts and castles, but assuming all goes well we’re hoping they’ll expand the range that they stock.

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Flying Batteries

During the Crimean War, the French used a number of Floating Batteries – ironclad hulls with a complement of heavy guns, but no means of propulsion. They were towed into position by smaller vessels – mostly paddle-steamer frigates – and used to bombard Russian coastal forts with some success. They were also deployed to the Adriatic during the 1859 Franco-Austrian War.

They struck me as a great idea for some new Aeronef vessels. Using the same idea of battleship-sized but unpowered vessels with lots of guns, this time flying rather than floating, I’ve come up with two different variants.

The first model is the Redoutable, the early version of the flying battery idea. This has 18 heavy guns in open mounts on the deck and a small deckhouse for the gun crews to shelter in.

The second model is what I imagine to be an updated version of the design – maybe a few years later, the original vessels were upgraded. These vessels, known as the Solférino class, retain ten of their original gun mounts but with the end ones replaced by two heavy battleship turrets and, in recognition of the increasing threat posed by fixed-wing aircraft, two turrets each mounting three rapid-firing small calibre AA guns. The vessels also have a small steam-powered engine to provide power to operate the heavy gun turrets, and a mast with spotters to provide centralised fire control.

VAN-420 – Redoubtable Flying Battery – £7.50
VAN-420a – Solférino Flying Battery – £7.50

Posted in Aeronef, Imperial Skies, New Releases | 6 Comments

Joy of Six 2019

Our next show, the Joy of Six in Sheffield, is less than two weeks away. Jo6 is, as you might guess from the name, an event dedicated to the delights of 6mm gaming across all periods and genres. Organised by Baccus, the show takes place in Sheffield Hallam University and attracts over a dozen traders and features almost thirty micro-scale games.

Since this is a very specialised show, I don’t take all of our ranges with us – instead I have a smaller stand packed with everything 6mm, plus a couple of other related ranges (full list below).

As always, we’re happy to take orders in advance – you can either place an order and pay in full using the collect in person option on the website, or just drop us an email with a list and pay by cash or card on the day. You can advance order anything from any of our ranges, not just the 6mm ones.

  • Hammer’s Slammers – the full range of 6mm figures and vehicles, along with a good selection of detachment packs
  • 6mm Sci-Fi – our full range of vehicles, figures, buildings and other items, including army packs, company packs and building packs
  • Squadron Commander – full range of models, starter packs and blister packs
  • Small Scale Scenery – full range of buildings and other items
  • 10mm Buildings – some people prefer slightly bigger buildings, so I’ll also have our full range of 10mm resin buildings

As well as our recent 6mm releases, we are working on some more new items for the day – I’m hoping to be able to preview something soon.

Posted in 10mm SF, 6mm SF, Hammer's Slammers, Shows, Squadron Commander | 4 Comments

Shadow on the Walls

For safety and security, colonists have often enclosed their new settlements with walls to keep out local predators (and raiding gangs!). Today we’re releasing sets of wall sections in our 1/300th Desert Buildings range so you can keep your own micro-settlers safe from harm.

The sturdy walls are 21mm high and come in lengths of 80mm or 40mm. The L-shaped ends are designed so that they can be assembled either way round. There are two lengths of wall, two types of corner and a gateway. There are also two very useful defensive pieces – an open watchtower and a small gun tower with a number of turret options. The Town Walls set (above) contains thirteen pieces that will enclose an area 240x200mm.

The walls would also work in 15mm as much smaller pieces for making compounds, gardens etc. The gateway is just about tall enough to allow 15mm figures to walk through.

BP300-108 – Town Wall Set – £11.00
B300-180 – Long Wall Sections (x4) – £4.00
B300-181 – Short Wall Sections (x4) – £2.50
B300-182 – Corner Sections (x4) – £4.00
B300-183 – Curved Corner Sections (x4) – £4.00
B300-184 – Open Gateway – £1.50
B300-185 – Watchtower (x2) – £3.00
B300-185 – Gun Tower (x2)- £2.00

Posted in 15mm SF, 6mm SF, New Releases | 1 Comment

Hunker in the Bunker

I had a couple of days off last week, hence no new release on Friday (and I’m also a bit behind on orders, most will be posted today but there are a couple left over – but everything should ship by the end of this week).

Catching up with the release today, and continuing with the plan of having plenty of new 6mm stuff for Joy of Six next month, we have four new 1/300th scale bunkers today. There’s a Turret Bunker with lots of options for the turret, a smaller AA Bunker, again with different turret options, a pair of twin Checkpoints and a Command Bunker.

B300-1002 – Turret Bunker – £1.25
B300-1003 – Checkpoint – £1.25
B300-1004 – Command Bunker – £1.00
B300-1005 – AA Bunker – £1.25

Posted in 6mm SF, New Releases | 1 Comment

Packing Them In

The continued release of new and redesigned models means that occasionally we tweak the contents of our Aeronef and Spaceship fleet packs to accommodate the new vessels and increase the variety across them.

To this end, we’ve just updated the contents of some of our British spaceship and German Aeronef packs. Conveniently we sold out of British spaceship packs at Salute so restocking those was an ideal chance to make changes, and the new German Aeronef cruisers prompted the second change.

The affected British packs are SFSP-104, the heavy fleet pack, which gets the new Triumph heavy destroyers, while the Strike pack, SFSP-105, now has Shark class stealth destroyers to match the Swiftsure cruisers.

Most of the German fleet packs have been updated – VANFP-301, -302 and -304 have all been revamped to fit in the new cruiser designs, as has the Grand Fleet Pack, VANFP-023. We’ve also added a seventh German fleet pack, VANFP-307, with a Kaiser class dreadnought (which has never been in a fleet pack before now) at its core supported by two new Lutzow class Flottenkreuzer.

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