IT Issues

I’ve had a bit of an IT problem for the last day or so (ie the Wi-Fi here at Brigade Towers is playing up), which has meant that I haven’t been able to get the next batch of new releases onto the website.

It’s also means that I can’t get any orders posted as I can’t get onto our PayPal account to print out shipping labels – so there’s a big pile of orders sitting in the office waiting to go.

So apologies to anyone waiting for their order – I’m hoping that it will be back by tomorrow morning so I can get everything posted before the weekend.

Posted in Updates and General Waffle | 1 Comment

Token Addition

To round off the first week of new items from Salute, we’ve added the Hammer’s Slammers:The Crucible counter pack to the website. This has over 50 laser-cut acrylic tokens for marking orders, damage, suppression, artillery and mortar blast areas and missile attacks. There are also 25 plain counters for allocation command points.

HSC-007 – The Crucible Counter Pack – £20.00

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Baby Missiles

The 15mm range gets five new vehicles and variants today. The American Republic gets a command version of the Baumann hover APC which is armed with a pintel mounted weapon over the top hatch. There is also a new armoured cargo hauler, the Conestoga, which is built on the Baumann chassis.

Our Mercenary Brigade forces have two new versions of the Shinigami combat car – one armed with an automatic heavy mortar and the second with a six round missile launcher. The missile version handily fills a gap in the Hiroseki National Army’s detachment list for Hammer’s Slammers:The Crucible.

Finally, there’s a version of the European Federation Javelot with the same automatic mortar fitted to the rear bed.

SF15-203c – M-413 Baumann Command Vehicle – £8.00
SF15-209 – M-419 Conestoga Cargo Hauler – £7.00
SF15-406e – Javelot Mortar Carrier – £4.00
SF15-1510a – Shinigami Missile Carrier – £4.00
SF15-1510b – Shinigami Mortar Carrier – £4.00

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Heavy Weapons

The next batch of Salute releases to hit the website are six packs of infantry heavy weapons for the British, Neo-Soviet and CDSU forces.

The British get a twin machine-gun and heavy anti-tank rifle, the Soviets a grenade launcher and heavy tri-barrel. The CDSU on the other hand get two remote mounted weapons systems, a twin-barrelled support gun and a four-round missile launcher.

Each set comes in packs of two weapons each with two crew.

Finally, there’s also a British four-man anti-tank gun crew with one seated, two kneeling and one standing crewman (three of the four figures have previously been available in other packs but we’ve brought them together and added the seated gunner to make a gun team).

British Gun Crew

SF15-168a – Anti-tank Rifle Team (x2) – £3.00
SF15-168b – Twin MG Team (x2) – £3.00
SF15-169 – British Gun Team – £1.50
SF15-566a – PLA Remote Twin Gun Teams (x2) – £3.00
SF15-566b – PLA Remote Missile Teams (x2) – £3.00
SF15-1267a – Neo-Soviet Tri-barrel team (x2) – £3.00
SF15-1267b – Neo-Soviet Auto-GL team (x2) – £3.00

Posted in 15mm SF, New Releases | 2 Comments

Moonage Daydream

So Salute is over for another year, and normality returns to Brigade Towers. One of the tasks that follows the show is getting the raft of new releases onto the website and available for sale. As we’ve done over the last couple of years, we’re going to introduce them gradually rather than all at one go – that way we avoid too much of a deluge of orders from people who didn’t make it to ExCel. I’ve tweaked the order in which we were going to release them slightly – one of two models proved to be difficult to cast and need a bit of fettling before we’re happy to put them on general sale.

Today we’re starting with some models that featured in one of the games put on by the host club, the South London Warlords. Our one existing 15mm Moonbase model has been joined by three new ones – two domed buildings and some very necessary Oxygen storage tanks.

And before anyone asks, 6mm versions of these will be appearing in the next 2-3 months.

B15-603 – Utility Dome – £7.00
B15-604 – Storage Dome – £5.00
B15-605 – LOX Tanks (x2)- £3.00

Posted in 15mm SF, New Releases | 1 Comment

Counting the Cost

Something we’ve been working away on for a while is a very handy counter set for the Hammer’s Slammers:The Crucible rulebook. Made for us by Beadspoke Designs, we’re very pleased to say we’ll have stocks at Salute on Saturday – the set contains over 70 counters and markers, including order counters for Rapid and Concentrated Fire, damage markers, infantry suppression markers, missile markers, blast markers (for outlining mortar and artillery zones) plus 25 counters to allocate command points. We’ve even got some smart compartmented boxes to keep them in, as you can see.

Apart from the command point counters (which are plain tiddlywinks) the rest are laser cut and engraved from translucent acrylic. Although they come unmarked, it’s a pretty simple process to ink them yourself with acrylic paint from a brush or pen – I did it with some Imperial Skies turn rulers at the start of last year. The photos below show a set which I’ve inked up for use, which only took a few minutes.

HSC-007 – Hammer’s Slammers Counters – £20.00

Posted in Hammer's Slammers, Previews, Salute 2019 | 1 Comment

Get Me to the Church on Time

We’re getting very last-minute here, but I only had a chance to test out the mould just now (it works, fortunately…)! This was supposed to have been the very, very last thing we were lining up for Salute – but a package arrived in the post this morning, so there is one more thing to come …

As an accompaniment to the German Village pack previewed over the weekend, how about some German Churches ? This pack of three models is the perfect addition to a small hamlet on Luneberg Heath, waiting to be steamrollered by the Warsaw Pact back in 1980!

There are three base buildings with separate towers – there are six of these, two each of three types (which leaves you a couple of spares) allowing a total of nice different combinations for plenty of variety.

SSS-8133 – German Churches – £5.00

Posted in Previews, Salute 2019, Small Scale Scenery | Comments Off on Get Me to the Church on Time

British Fleet Upgrade

After some delay, we’re finally able to preview a major upgrade for the British Aeronef fleet. The Grand Fleet is the first to get their smaller vessels – cruisers and escorts – redesigned to match the standards of the bigger ships. Six vessels have been replaced by updated versions and there’s also a brand new vessel, the Medusa class Armoured Cruiser. The bigger vessels (destroyer upwards) all have separate turrets, and there’s a new anti-aircraft version of the Arethusa with AA turrets. We’ll have stock of all of the models on Saturday, and all of our fleet and starter pack stock has been updated with new models.

And no, these models aren’t quite finished, and they don’t have any masts (guess who forgot to bring some home…?). I’ll update the models and photos as soon as possible.

VAN-102 – Exeter class Heavy Cruiser – £3.50
VAN-103 – Osprey class Patrol Ship – £1.00
VAN-105 – Cygnet class Torpedo Ship – £1.00
VAN-107 – Cossack class Corvette – £1.00
VAN-108 – Steadfast class Frigate – £1.25
VAN-112 – Arethusa class Fleet Destroyer – £2.00
VAN-112a – Arethusa class AA Destroyer – £2.00
VAN-128 – Medusa class Armoured Cruiser – £4.00

Posted in Aeronef, Previews, Salute 2019 | Comments Off on British Fleet Upgrade

Skimming in Six

Yet more for the Salute line-up – and our only Salute release in 6mm for this year (the smaller scale gamers will have to wait for the Joy of Six in early July).

We have two new sets of 6mm scale one-man skimmers with riders, to match the 15mm versions released earlier in the year. There are twelve PacFed (full armoured suits) or British (battledress with helmet) riders in each pack. The British skimmers also complete the ToE for the Wolverines mercenary unit in Hammer’s Slammers:The Crucible.

SF300-167 – British Skimmers – £3.00
SF300-756 – PacFed Skimmers – £3.00

Posted in 6mm SF, Hammer's Slammers, Previews, Salute 2019 | Comments Off on Skimming in Six

Spanish Fighters

Phil pulled a late one (or two) over the weekend and has come up with no fewer than ten moulds of new stuff, most of which we’re hoping to have at Salute on Saturday. To accompany our new Spanish Aeronef aircraft carrier, we have this neat little monoplane fighter aircraft called the Halcón. It also means that we can release a Spanish Carrier fleet pack, with a Principe de Austurias, fifteen Halcóns and five escort ships.

VANFP-1703 – Spanish Carrier Pack – £22.00
VAN-1711 – Halcón class Fighter (x6) – £1.25

Posted in Aeronef, Previews, Salute 2019 | 3 Comments