Updating the Zugspitze

At last, something I’ve finished painting ! This is the new version of the German Zugspitze fighter carrier, which replaces the old model of the same name and joins its three cruiser comrades in our Salute line-up. It’s quite a bit bigger than the old version but retains the same configuration.

As well as individual stocks of the model, you’ll also be able to buy it in the German Patrol Group pack.

SFS-311 – Zugspitze class Light Carrier – £6.00

Posted in Previews, Salute 2019, Spaceships | 1 Comment

Death from Above

After yesterday’s undercoated German village, today we can do slightly better (although only slightly) with an almost-but-not-quite-finished model. It’s painted but hasn’t had decals applied or been varnished, so it’s a bit shiny (in fact, it was still a little bit sticky when photographed !).

This is the Demeter, an 15mm VTOL used by the Eaglewing and Texians in the Hammer’s Slammers background. It’s a six piece model – three resin parts (fuselage and two wings) with metal fins and chin turret.

In addition we have a pack of weapons – two each of missile pods, tri-barrel gatlings, rocket pods and hyper-velocity missiles. They are moulded with an integral pylon so just need to be fixed to the lower wing surface (or – just to be different – try mounting the hyper-velocity missiles to the upper wing surface like a 70s-era Jaguar).

At this point, I’ll be very disappointed if you haven’t started humming ‘Ride of the Valkyries’ or at least have it going through your head – this is surely the default reaction of any self-respecting wargamer to the sight of any attack helicopter or similar aircraft…

HS15-2602 – Demeter Attack VTOL – £12.00
SF15-937 – VTOL Weapons (x8) – £2.50

Again, photos will be updated once finished !

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Cold War Frontline

You can tell Salute is getting close and the pressure is mounting – today I’m having to preview unpainted models, I just haven’t had a chance to finish them yet 🙁

Today we have a post-war German village in our Small Scale Scenery range. The style of these differs from some of our other village sets by having a number of buildings with steeper chalet style roofs, plus a small town hall, inn and shop.

Despite their undercoated state we have already cast up (hopefully enough) stock for the show.

SSS-8132 – German Village – £6.00

Once I get these painted I’ll update the photos.

Posted in Previews, Salute 2019, Small Scale Scenery | 1 Comment

CDSU Remote Weapons

Following on from the new British and Neo-Soviet weapons teams, we can add new remote weapons teams for our 15mm CDSU (Chinese) forces. The People’s Liberation Army get both a remote 4-round missile launcher and a twin barreled support weapon, each with a 2-man crew. Being remote weapons, the crew can be sited away from the weapon itself, reducing visibility of the weapon to the enemy and increasing the survivability of the crew. Both sets will be available at Salute in (gulp) just eight days’ time.

SF15-566a – PLA Remote Twin Gun Teams (x2) – £3.00
SF15-566b – PLA Remote Missile Teams (x2) – £3.00

Posted in 15mm SF, Previews, Salute 2019 | 1 Comment

Back to the Corridor

You might remember that at Salute a couple of years ago, we brought along some really nice laser cut corridors produced by Assault Publishing. AP have now closed their doors to concentrate on rules publishing, so we’re not going to be able to get any more stock of them. We’ve decided to discount our remaining stock at Salute on Saturday to clear some space at the workshop, so we’ll be offering them at the reduced prices below. We don’t have many sets, so it’s first come first served, although if you would like to reserve a box then drop us a line and we’ll put them by for you.

LCAA-01 – EDCV Labs Set – £90.00 £65.00
LCAB-01 – Umbrella Set – £50.00 £35.00

Posted in 15mm SF, Salute 2019 | 1 Comment

AmRep Auxiliaries

We have a couple of support vehicles for our American Republic 15mm forces today, both based on the Baumann APC chassis. The first is an armoured command vehicle, packed with electronics and scanners but also sporting a pintel weapon at the top hatch for air defence; in this case, a tribarrel powergun.

The second vehicle is a utilitarian cargo hauler with an open flat bed cargo area but an armoured cab.

SF15-203c – Baumann Command Vehicle – £8.00
SF15-209 – Cargo Hauler – £7.00

Posted in 15mm SF, Previews, Salute 2019 | 1 Comment

Farming in the 20th Century

Today’s addition to the burgeoning Salute line-up is back down in the smallest scale, as we unveil a set of Modern Farm Structures. Our existing agricultural buildings serve to make a farm that would work anytime from the 17th century onwards, but this set brings us more up to date with metal sheds and barns, grain silos and water towers.

SSS-8134 – Modern Farm Structures – £5.50

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Mobile Mortars

We have three new 15mm vehicles which will be available at Salute. There are two variants of the Mercenary Shinigami hover jeep and a new version of the EuroFed Javelot scout car.

The two Shinigamis are both weapon carriers with one carrying an automatic mortar and the other fitted with a 6-round missile launcher. The missile version handily fills a gap in the detachment list for the Hiroseki National Army in the Hammer’s Slammers universe.

The new Javelot model also carries a mortar (of the same design as the Shinigami – to be perfectly honest, we just made this because we could…

SF15-406e – Javelot Mortar Carrier – £4.00
SF15-1510a – Shinigami Missile Carrier – £4.00
SF15-1510b – Shinigami Mortar Carrier – £4.00

Posted in 15mm SF, Hammer's Slammers, Previews, Salute 2019 | 1 Comment

Baby Waagnatie

When we released our model of Hangar Waagnatie, the venue for the Tin Soldier’s Crisis show in Antwerp, there was a comment or two on the Facebook page asking if we could make some slightly smaller versions. We do listen and where we can we like to respond positively to requests, so here we have two smaller dockside warehouses. There’s one two bay design and another with three bays, but to the same basic design as the much larger Wagnaatie. Below you can see the two new models in front of the original full-size design.

SSS-8135 – Belgian Dockside Warehouses – £5.00

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German Cruisers

We previewed CGI images of some new German spaceships recently, and are pleased to say that they’ll be available for the first time at Salute.

There are three new models – replacements for the existing Osnabruck and Wuppertal models (this is the third iteration of the Wuppertal), plus a completely new model, the Wiesbaden Missile Cruiser.

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