Jo6 Preview #3 – Air Support

Our Squadron Commander range of starfighters stand as a range (and game – you can download the rules for free) in their own right, but also do double duty as air support for our 6mm SF range. It’s been a while since the last release, but we have some new models prepped and ready to go at the Joy of Six on Sunday. I’ve only had time to very quickly wash and drybrush the models (and drop the Hamerkop, snap off the base and have to replace it…), full paint jobs will follow when they’re actually released

The South African Confederation and Pacific Federation both get two fighter types, one derived from their existing fighter types in the spaceship range while the second is a new model.

The South African Petrel multi-role fighter is joined by the Hamerkop heavy interceptor, which boasts plenty of guns and an armoured frame.

The PacFed Sea Wasp attack fighter now gets an escort in the shape of the small and nimble Weta interceptor.

All of the models will be available individually and in flights of four with flying stands.

SCR-601 – Petrel Multi-role Fighter – £2.50
SCR-602 – Hamerkop Heavy Interceptor – £2.50
SCR-701 – Sea Wasp Attack Fighter – £2.50
SCR-702 – Weta Light Interceptor – £2.25

Posted in 6mm SF, Previews, Shows, Squadron Commander | 1 Comment

Jo6 Preview #2 – Guido’s Boys

Number two in our short series of Joy of Six previews is a new set of 6mm infantry for Hammer’s Slammers, Fasolini’s Company. We already have these available in 15mm, and sculptor Martin Baker has done a fantastic job of scaling down the larger models to 6mm. For the show we will have infantry packs available, although unfortunately we aren’t quite there with the unit’s distinctive tracked guns so you’ll have to wait until we add those to the website (although I might just about have enough spare masters to create a detachment pack or two).

Each pack contains 23 figures – two squad leaders, four rocket launchers and fifteen riflemen, plus you get the two named leaders from the book Forlorn Hope – Colonel Guido Fasolini and Lt. Albrecht Waldstejn.

HS6-360 – Fasolini’s Company Infantry – £2.75

*EDIT – I put the wrong number of figures in the first version of this post, this has been corrected and the pack price amended.

Posted in 6mm SF, Hammer's Slammers, Previews, Shows | 1 Comment

Jo6 Preview #1 – The Nightmare Bridge

Before I start – this is the last call for Joy of Six pre-orders, I’m at Brigade Towers tomorrow casting stock and it’ll be my final chance to put any orders together.

We have a few new 6mm SF items ready for the show this coming Sunday, most of which will then be added to the website in the next few weeks. One, however, won’t be (at least not yet). This is a building from the Desert Domes range which was one of the first to be designed, and which I really like, but it’s never been released. Why ? Well, in it’s current one-piece form it’s a nightmare to cast (or rather, it’s easy to cast but a nightmare to get out of the mould without snapping or warping the bridge). I’ve managed to produce a (very) small number for Sunday which will on sale on a strictly first-come, first served basis (no pre-orders – you’ll just have to get to us early).

Eventually I’ll redesign it, probably as two resin towers with a separate metal bridge piece, and then it will go on the website for general sale.

B300-413 – Connected Towers – £7.00

Posted in 6mm SF, Previews, Shows | 1 Comment

That Sinking Feeling

Following on from last week’s first steps underground with the release of the buried structures, this week we have four more ways to live below the surface of a planet – clearly HG Well’s artilleryman was onto something.

For want of a better name, we’ve called these ones Sunken Structures. They’re based around a courtyard sunk into the ground around 25 feet or so, with doors and tunnels leading off from the open central area. Windows and vents pierce the side walls and exhaust towers protrude above the surface. Access from ground level can be by simple stairs cut into the rock or elevators running up the side of the pits. Some are accessed through small entrance buildings on the surface above. One of the structures is an octagonal pit with a large workshop door off to one side, intended as a below-ground landing bay.

The models are one-piece resin castings. They’re all cast as simple square or rectangular pieces, and all are 25mm deep – the idea is for them to be modelled into a terrain baseboard or hill/mesa using 25mm thick insulation foam (inexpensive white polystyrene can be had from Wickes in the UK for just £7 for an 8’x4′ sheet). I’ll write an article on this in the near future, I promise.

We’ll have stocks of these at the Joy of Six next week. We’re getting close to the deadline for advance orders for the show, especially if you would like me to bring anything that’s not either 6mm or Small Scale Scenery.

BP300-702 – Sunken Structures Pack – £17.50

B300-704 – Sunken Structure #1 – £4.00
B300-705 – Sunken Structure #2 – £5.00
B300-706 – Sunken Structure #3- £5.00
B300-707 – Sunken Landing Pad- £5.00

Posted in 6mm SF, New Releases | 4 Comments

Slammers Decals

For ages I’ve been putting off sorting and categorising the huge folder of decals for the 15mm Hammer’s Slammers range. Now I’ve finally done it, and I know why I was reluctant to start ! It’s taken a ridiculous amount of time to sort them, create suitable pictures and thumbnails and them add them all to the database, but I’ve added something like 60-odd sheets of decals to the website. I’ve split them over two pages, one for the Slammers (and the Neu Friesland Defence force) for which there is a huge selection and range of options, and a second page for other units. All of those that are listed are in stock, although in some cases there are only one or two sheets so I’ll be re-ordering those today to ensure we have enough.

Hopefully we can start filling in some of the gaps for units that don’t yet have decals at the same time as we release models for them.

Below are some sample sheets of decals for the Slammers and Heliodorus Regiment with a picture of a Centurion C4F6 with some applied. And for good measure, how about a Lightning Division Kraus…


Now I’m off to do something a bit less tedious…

Posted in 15mm SF, Hammer's Slammers, New Releases | 1 Comment

Going Underground

Firstly, we’d like to give ourselves a small pat on the back – if you look to the right you’ll see a shiny medal which we’ve received from Feedspot, a content aggregator for websites, blogs and Youtube channels. We haven’t had many awards in our time (although we did get a couple from the currently hibernating SFSFW many years ago) so this is a nice addition to our virtual trophy cabinet.

Now onto business – this week’s new release. The desert is a harsh environment, with the combination of sun, sand and wind making life difficult for anyone trying to eke out an existence among the dunes. Some colonists have tried to protect themselves from the climate by digging themselves into the terrain and building their houses, workshops underground. In some cases they’ve built above ground and then buried the structures under a layer of plascrete and sand, leaving just the doors and windows exposed, with a few vents and exhausts.

Today we’ve added three underground structures to the website – a couple of small houses and a larger complex with garage doors and a large exhaust fan. There’s also a pack available containing one large structure and three each of the smaller ones. They’re listed under a new category of buildings, Underground Structures.

They are all one-piece resin castings which will make a rather different addition to your 6mm desert Sci-fi layout. We’ll have stock of these at the Joy of Six in a couple of weeks.

BP300-701 – Buried Structures Pack – £15.00
B300-701 – Large Buried Structure – £4.50
B300-702 – Small Buried House #1 – £2.00
B300-703 – Small Buried House #2 – £2.00

We have further additions to the Underground Structures range planned – in fact they’re more then planned, we already have some of them in hand, as you can see below. These are effectively sunken pits where the underground dwelling is based around a central courtyard. We should also have these at Jo6.

Posted in 6mm SF, New Releases | 5 Comments

Slammer Troops

We have a number of 15mm detachment packs available for Hammer’s Slammers:The Crucible, although none for the Slammers Regiment themselves. We’ve made some steps towards rectifying that by releasing seven smaller Troop packs, which are half-sized units each consisting of four TUs (tactical units – a vehicle or infantry team). The Slammers are powerful enough that these troops can stand up for themselves against many other forces full-size detachments.

There are seven options available covering all the troops in the Hammer’s Slammers Troop Detachment List, covering mixed all-arms units, armoured and infantry troops and even a troop for the White Mice, the Slammer’s internal police section.

We’ve bought in the official Slammers infantry (both foot and skimmers) from Ground Zero Games, and all of the infantry packs also include resin fireteam bases. All of the packs with vehicles include a pack of stowage.

HSD15-051 – Slammers All-arms Troop – £19.00
HSD15-052 – Slammers Armoured Troop – £23.00
HSD15-053 – Slammers Tank Troop – £34.50
HSD15-054 – Slammers Combat Car Troop – £19.50
HSD15-055 – Slammers Mobile Infantry Troop – £12.50
HSD15-056 – Slammers Infantry Troop – £7.50
HSD15-057 – Slammers White Mice Troop – £14.00

Posted in 15mm SF, Hammer's Slammers, New Releases | 1 Comment

AmRep Upgrades

A number of our American Republic 6mm vehicles have been out of production for a while, in particular the support variants of the Baumann and Oldmann light tank. Today we’re releasing (or re-releasing ?) new versions of these models derived from the new 15mm designs of the same vehicles.

There are four new variants of the Baumann – the base armoured infantry carrier armed with autocannon and missiles, and anti-aircraft, anti-tank and command variants. The Oldmann comes in the gun version and also one with the same 16-round anti-tank missile turret as the Baumann. The picture below shows the difference between the old and new Baumann models.

The new versions of the Baumann will replace those in both of the AmRep army packs and the AmRep Infantry Company pack. We’ve also brought back the third AmRep army pack, the Cavalry Squadron, based around the Kochte tank.

SF300-203 – Baumann MICV – £0.80
SF300-203a – Baumann AA Vehicle – £0.80
SF300-203b – Baumann with ATGW Turret – £0.80
SF300-203c – Baumann Command Vehicle – £0.80
SF300-206 – Oldmann Light Tank – £0.60
SF300-206a – Oldmann with ATGW Turret – £0.60

IC-202 – AmRep Cavalry Squadron – £36.00
IC-214 – AmRep Infantry Company – £8.00

Posted in 6mm SF, New Releases | 2 Comments

The Joy of Six, 2018

Coming up in the next month is our next show, the Joy of Six in Sheffield on Sunday July 15th. Run by Baccus Miniatures, the event (as its name suggests) is a 6mm scale-specific event covering all eras and genres from ancients to Sci-Fi.

We’ll be there with a cut-down trade stand, carrying our full range of 6mm SF miniatures, army packs, rules, buildings and figures. We’ll bring along the full Squadron Commander range of starfighters (since they’re also 6mm), our selection of 3D printed scenic items and the full Small Scale Scenery range.

As always, we’re happy to take orders (for any of our ranges, not just the ones mentioned above) either paid for on the day or in advance. We can take orders up until the Wednesday before the show (the 11th) although obviously sooner is better.

We’re aiming to have a decent selection of new 6mm items for the day – all the new Slammers vehicles ought to be ready by then, assuming we don’t have any more irritating delays 😕.

As well as those we should have some redesigned models from the ‘normal’ 6mm range, a selection of new buildings, hopefully some new infantry figures and maybe even something big, stompy and two-legged. News and previews of all of these over the next few weeks.

One further minor piece of housekeeping – I’m off for a short break, back again on Monday. I’m aiming to get all outstanding orders cleared today but any new orders will be delayed until the start of next week.

Posted in 6mm SF, 6mm WW2, Hammer's Slammers, Shows, Updates and General Waffle | 10 Comments

Polish Support

New out of the factory this week are a trio of support half-tracks for our 15mm Polish forces. The Wilk (Wolf) chassis carries either a pair of tri-barrel AA gatlings, a quad anti-tank missile system or a 12-barreled multiple rocket artillery system.

The Wolf is derived from the Suwalska half-track family, but with a flat-bed rear replacing the former’s passenger compartment. The turrets are of Soviet origin, bought in and retro-fitted with indigenous electronics and sensors.

The models can also see service in the Cecach Federal Army, a force from the Forlorn Hope novel and part of the Hammer’s Slammers universe.

SF300-1305 – Wilk AA Half Track – £8.00
SF300-1305a – Wilk with ATGW Launcher – £8.00
SF300-1305b – Wilk Rocket Launcher – £8.00

Posted in 15mm SF, Hammer's Slammers, New Releases | 4 Comments