Base Over Apex

Next off the 15mm conveyor belt are three new wheeled vehicles – the Odyssey, Catapult and Broadsword. The primary users of the first two are the Apex Dragoons, while the Broadsword is much more widely used, being fielded by the Han Black Banner Brigade and the Hindi Army amongst others.

The Odyssey is a medium-sized 6×6 personnel carrier, generally lightly armed with a pintel weapon or a small remote mount.

The Catapult is essentially the same vehicle as the Odyssey but with a rear turret ring allowing to carry a heavier armament, albeit at the expense of troop carrying capacity.

The Broadsword is a much larger multipurpose 8-wheeler – big enough to act as a tank when fitted with the right armament. Tank destroyer, multiple rocket launcher and artillery versions all exist along with more lightly armed infantry carrier variants.

HS15-2111 – Broadsword Tank Destroyer – £9.00
HS15-2112 – Odyssey 6×6 APC – £7.50
HS15-2113 – Catapult 6×6 AFV – £7.50

Posted in 15mm SF, Hammer's Slammers, New Releases | 1 Comment

Struck by Lightning

A couple of weeks’ ago I had the good fortune to play a game of Hammer’s Slammers:The Crucible against author John Treadaway. I fielded two detachments of the Lightning Division (infantry and tank platoons) from the updated list, while John had a Zaporoskiye Heavy Assault detachment, both with some slight tweaks. After turn one it was all going so well, but that turned out to be the high water mark of my attack and it fizzled out in a storm of Kestrel and Brumbar missiles…

You can enjoy one or two pictures that I took below, and read John’s far better illustrated write-up here.

My LD models weren’t quite finished for this game – I had a varnish disaster (every wargamer knows what it’s like to watch your carefully painted models slowly turning white…) so they were fielded as best they could be after some panicked remedial work. They’ve since had a more comprehensive repair job, so I’ll write that up as a blog post in the near future along with some more photos.

Posted in 15mm SF, Hammer's Slammers | 1 Comment

New Tracks

I’ve recently been painting a couple of 15mm Lightning Division detachments for Hammer’s Slammers:The Crucible; these are both upgraded units after the division re-equipped with blower tanks. Some LD units still field the older tracked vehicles, and we’ve now released vehicle options that will allow you to field a pre-upgrade LD force (with a bit of tweaking of the detachment lists).

At the heavier end of things is the Kraus tank. This is a modification of the Neo-Soviet Bars tank hull with a Bizon turret and the gun and gatling turret from the Kurt blower. You will need to do a little bit of filing to make the gun fit the turret and attach the gatling, so please be prepared for that. Also available at the same time is the Zaporoskiye version, called the Barzon, which retains the Neo-Soviet tribarrel secondary turret and Bizon gun.

Smaller than the Krauss is the Falchion light tank, which is armed with a 6cm railgun. It shares a chassis with the Fauchard light APC, equipped with a light railgun turret. The latter also comes with a twin-barrelled mortar turret option which is still in service in re-equipped LD units.

The Falchion and Fauchard are also used by other units in The Crucible – the Nonesuch National Guard and Guardforce O’Higgins use both, while the Prosperity Rebels only field the tank in several variants. These units have other variants such as a light artillery tank and other APC weapon options. From the website you can choose different weapon options (for example, the Fauchard mortar carrier has single and twin turret options), but if you’d like to swap in a different turret from our range that isn’t listed, contact us and we’ll see what we can do to help out.

HS15-1713 – Kraus Heavy Tank – £9.00
HS15-1714 – Falchion Light Tank – £7.50
HS15-1714a – Falchion Light Artillery – £7.50
HS15-1714b – Falchion Calliope – £7.50
HS15-1715 – Fauchard Light APC – £7.00
HS15-1715a – Fauchard Mortar Carrier – £7.50

SF15-1213a – Barzon Heavy Tank – £9.00

Posted in 15mm SF, Hammer's Slammers, New Releases | 1 Comment

Recce Thunderbolt

Today sees the start of a minor deluge of new 15mm Hammer’s Slammers releases, spread out over the next couple of weeks.

First off the production line is the Br64/68 Viking half-track, used by both the Thunderbolt Division and the Wolverines mercenary units. The Thunderbolts use the Br64 Viking armed with a heavy support weapon in recce units and also to tow the Varningr trailer fitting with a multiple rocket launcher system. The Wolverines use both the Br64 and the missile-armed Br68, either to carrying single infantry teams or as a tractor for a towed powergun model (you’ll have to wait a little longer for that one, but it’s in the works).

The Varningr trailer comes in three variants – the afore-mentioned MRLS system, a plain cargo trailer and a towed calliope. The latter is used by Hampton’s Legion. The cargo trailer is just a handy, general purpose bit of kit with multiple uses.

HS15-1816 – Br64 Viking Recce – £7.50
HS15-1817 – Br68 Viking Missile – £7.50
HS15-1818 – Varningr Cargo Trailer – £3.00
HS15-1818a – Varningr MRLS Trailer – £4.00
HS15-1818b – Varningr Calliope Trailer – £4.50

Posted in 15mm SF, Hammer's Slammers, New Releases | 1 Comment

Salute Video

Robin Fitton of Rottenlead Publishing (Imperial Skies/Gruntz) fame had a chat with me a Salute recently and has put up a 6-minute video (mercifully I’m only waffling over the start of it, the rest is him panning over most of the stand showing many of our models). Click below to see the video.

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Die Luftschiffflotte

The German Aeronef Fleet is the latest one to be updated, with the existing battleship and battlecruiser models replaced with new designs. In addition, there are two new models, the Derfflinger class Battlecruiser and Weser class Carrier.

All of the new models are digital sculpts featuring resin hulls with metal fittings. Turrets are now separate parts along with metal tails, masts and other parts.

The existing fleet packs have been updated with the new models (VANFP-301, 302 and 304, which now contains one Moltke and one Derfflinger) as has the Grand Fleet Pack, and there’s a new carrier pack.

VAN-301 – Blücher class Battleship – £8.00
VAN-307 – Markgraf class Battleship – £8.00
VAN-312 – Moltke class Battlecruiser – £7.00
VAN-323 – Derfflinger class Battlecruiser – £7.00
VAN-324 – Weser class Carrier – £9.00

VANFP-023 – German Grand Fleet Pack – £48.00
VANFP-301 – German Fleet Pack #1 – £22.00
VANFP-302 – German Fleet Pack #2 – £22.00
VANFP-304 – German Fleet Pack #3 – £22.00
VANFP-306 – German Carrier Pack – £22.00

This now just leaves us the two Pacific powers, USA and Japan, to be updated, which will be completed by the end of the year.

Posted in Aeronef, Imperial Skies, New Releases | 2 Comments

Furious Joins the Fleet

Having replaced all of the British Aeronef capital ships earlier this year, it’s now time for the carrier aviation side of the fleet to get a makeover. Joining the fleet today is the Furious class aircraft carrier, a long, slender vessel with a full length flight deck. The ends of the hangar deck are open so aircraft can also be flown off the short lower flight deck forward. The Furious is armed with a battery of six anti-aircraft turrets to ward off attackers.

The Furious carries eighteen fighters of new design. The usual mix is twelve single-seat scout fighters, and six larger two-seater fighter-bombers. The latest aircraft to enter service, both specifically designed for the Furious, are the Fitton Scout and the Thornton 2-seater.

A rather more unusual vessel is the Ark Royal class airship tender. This has a huge hangar amidships with space for two fully inflated dirigibles, or as many as six gondolas can be carried with their gasbags deflated – the ship also carries enough liquified helium to inflate them. Converted from merchant vessels, they’re heavily armed with two cruiser turrets for’d and anti-aircraft turrets on top of the hangar.

VAN-122 – SE-32 Fitton Scout (x6) – £1.25
VAN-123 – Thornton TA-7 2-seat Fighter (x6) – £1.50
VAN-124 – Furious Class Fighter Carrier – £8.50
VAN-125 – Ark Royal class Airship Tender – £8.00
VANFP-105 – British Carrier Pack – £22.00

The Furious replaces the older Albion carrier model which is being withdrawn and will also be replaced by a new model later in the year. We’ve updated the contents of the British Carrier Pack with the Furious and new fighters as well.

Posted in Aeronef, Imperial Skies, New Releases | 1 Comment

Medieval Metropolis

Australian customer Pas recently sent us some great photos of his two 2mm scale projects recently. The first is his Roman walled town which we featured yesterday, and the second is a European walled town. Over to Pas…

Attached is my new town using only your models : Roman fort with left over sections from Hadrian’s Wall, 2 packs of English village houses, English town shops, English detached houses, English civic buildings, Normandy village (except for 4 houses which I added to my Roman town) and Normandy Churches.

I made the trees from a pack of 4 3” trees purchased from a Hobby store and cut up to make small trees.

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City of the Caesars

A while back we featured pictures of a superb 2mm Roman town by Australian customer Pas Capetta. He’s recently sent us updated photos including some of our new items such as the Roman Arches and Obelisks, so without further ado, here they are…

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Merchants and Traders

Next from the Brigade production line are the small merchant ships which came out at Salute, and I suspect we sold more of those than any of the other new releases on the day in terms of numbers of individual models sold.

There are five in all of different design, none more than an inch long. There’s also a new Merchant Convoy pack which combines these with the larger merchant ships released in 2016.

SFS-5015 – Ixion – £1.00
SFS-5016 – Starlight Envoy – £1.00
SFS-5017 – Random Quasar – £1.00
SFS-5018 – Celestial Rose – £1.00
SFS-5019 – Solar Mariner – £1.00
SFSP-5002 – Merchant Convoy #2 – £22.00

Posted in New Releases, Spaceships | 2 Comments