Unity is Strength

The latest version of Majestic 12 Game’s excellent Starmada ruleset is the Unity edition. We’ve just taken delivery of stock of the rulebook and very good it looks too.

Starmada has always been a game with simple mechanisms that layer together to produce a detailed game that nevertheless doesn’t get bogged down – to quote the website ‘Simple, but not simplistic, is the guiding principle’.

You can buy it now from our website.

STAR-005 – Starmada Unity – £22.00

Posted in New Releases, Spaceships | 1 Comment

Fleet Upgrade

This week’s main attraction is the website release of the new EuroFed spaceship models. There are seven all-new digitally-sculpted ships along with two fighter types. Most of the models retain a similar outline to their predecessors, but are much changed in detail. The two largest vessels, the Milano and Umberto, have resin hulls while the rest are metal castings.

The remainder of the ships will be replaced with new versions in one or two further waves later this year, when we also hope to add one or two new classes as well. The other two fleet packs (401 and 403) will return when we have the ships to fill them again.

SFSP-402 – EuroFed Fleet Pack #2 – £22.00
SFS-401 – Milano Dreadnought – £7.00
SFS-414 – Umberto Battle Carrier – £7.00
SFS-421 – Tigre Cruiser – £2.25
SFS-423 – Abruzzi Heavy Cruiser – £3.00
SFS-430 – Surcouf Destroyer – £1.50
SFS-431 – Insidioso Destroyer – £1.50
SFS-440 – Le Malin Escort Frigate – £1.00
SFS-461 – Météore Attack Fighter (x12) – £1.50
SFS-464 – Folgore Fighter (x12) – £1.50
SFS-7053 – EuroFed Gun Turrets (x12) – £1.50

Posted in New Releases, Spaceships | 1 Comment

The Return of the Hound of Hades

As mentioned just before Salute, Phil has remoulded his Kerberos spacestation model which has been out of production for a while. I’ve painted one of the new castings and it’s finally made it way back onto the website again.

The Kerberos model is a one-piece resin model of a three-spoked ring station. In its basic form it is unarmed, but there are plenty of places to position turrets from one of our accessory packs should you wish to give it a defence capability.

SFS-6003 – Kerberos Space Station – £12.00

Posted in Spaceships | 1 Comment

New Squadron Commander

Earlier today we added the new Squadron Commander fighters to the website – four new models, two British and two Neo-Soviet. They’re available singly or in flights of four models, and we’ve also created a starter pack containing four of each model plus dice.

As well as being usable in starfighter games, the models are also perfect for air support duties with our 6mm range since they’re the same scale.

The Squadron Commander rules are available for free from our website, although they have yet to be updated with stats for the newest craft. In fact, there are several sets of rules for which we need to provide new stats to cover our latest releases, so I feel a rules blitz coming on soon…

SCR-004 – British-Neo-Soviet Starter Pack – £30.00
SCR-101 – Kestrel Interceptor – £2.50
SCR-102 – Mosquito Fighter/Bomber – £3.00
SCP-101 – Kestrel Flight – £9.00
SCP-102 – Mosquito Flight – £11.00
SCR-1201 – Sokol Interceptor – £2.50
SCR-1202 – Grif Heavy Attack Fighter – £3.00
SCP-1201 – Sokol Flight- £9.00
SCP-1202 – Grif Flight – £11.00

Posted in New Releases, Squadron Commander | 3 Comments

Terminator Freed

The most popular of our new releases at Salute were the 15mm tanks – the Neo-Soviet Terminator (and the Vombat and Bars, both released not long before) and the Yenpalo Xarledi grav tank (I think the Terminator outsold the Xarledi by one model – there was very little left of the big pile of hulls I’d cast up before the show). The Yenpalo went onto the website a couple of weeks ago, and today it’s the turn of the Neo-Soviet assault tank.

The Terminator is a heavy assault vehicle armed with two tri-barrel gatlings and four missile tubes. It also has a compartment in the rear for four Guards infantry, allowing it to transport them right up to the front line under cover.

The model has a three-part resin body (hull plus tracks) with metal turret and hatches.

SF15-1211a – Vombat Terminator – £9.00

Posted in 15mm SF, New Releases | 1 Comment

2mm Wonders

One of the best things about selling our models is seeing what people do with them, the way they’re painted and used in either games or modelling projects. We’ve recently been sent some photos of two diverse scenic models made using our Small Scale Scenery range and we thought it would be great to show them off.

The first is a Roman town by Pas Capetta in Australia. He’s used a combination of our Roman buildings (metal and resin) and the Hadrian’s Wall and Roman Fort packs to create a superb walled town. They’ve been coloured using artists paint markers rather than conventional brush paints, and some of the trees are rather cleverly made from offcuts of an artificial Christmas tree.

Ian Maun on the other hand is putting together a large English coastal diorama, starting with the town of Market Hampton, which will sit slightly inland from the harbour. The whole piece is being made in sections which should all eventually fit together to form a single large terrain area. In case anyone was wondering, the castle isn’t ours – it’s from Langton Miniatures.

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Dockyard Extension

As mentioned before Salute, I’ve been working on extending the number of buildings available in our upcoming Dockyard building set. Mostly based on Chatham dockyard with one or two extras, I have a few 3D previews of the additions here. The buildings (Smithery, Pump house and Galvanising Shed) are all Chatham ones:

While this is a dry dock with caisson (it’s modelled as a waterline piece, eg full of water) which is based on the dimensions of the Chatham ones but with some slightly differing detail:

Finally, my favourite; this is a Titan Crane, one of the giant cantilever cranes which can still be seen in places such as Glasgow and Clydebank. It will be released as a 3D print as making it in resin or metal would be tricky to say the least! It stands an impressive (for 2mm) 46mm tall:

Expect a release hopefully in early June.

Posted in Previews, Small Scale Scenery | 4 Comments

Spanish Fly

Today it’s the turn of our new Spanish Aeronef to hit the website. This is our first completely new fleet in quite a while, and the first to be digitally sculpted from the start. The original designs are based on a prototype that Phil made many, many years ago that we attempted to cast but didn’t survive the mould-making process. We resurrected the design and extended the fleet to a total of nine vessels from battleship down to a tiny patrol nef. The ships have a broadside layout with most of the firepower concentrated in turrets with little or no forward or aft arcs of fire. The two capital ships have resin hulls with metal superstructures and everything from destroyer up has separate turrets (tip – paint the turrets separately, it makes it so much easier to define the line between turret and deck).

Two fleet packs are available along with a torpedo flotilla. Most of the turrets are existing designs but the huge triple turrets on the España are new, and all are available in separate accessory packs.

VANFP-1701 – Spanish Fleet Pack #1 – £22.00
VANFP-1702 – Spanish Fleet Pack #2 – £22.00
VANFP-1711 – Spanish Torpedo Flotilla – £5.00
VAN-1701 – España class Battleship – £8.00
VAN-1702 – Aragon class Battlecruiser – £7.00
VAN-1703 – Pimienta class Heavy Cruiser – £4.50
VAN-1704 – La Coruña class Light Cruiser – £3.00
VAN-1705 – Pluton class Destroyer – £1.75
VAN-1706 – Maó class Frigate – £1.25
VAN-1707 – Numancia class Torpedo FF – £1.25
VAN-1708 – Atalaya class Patrol Nef – £0.50
VAN-1709 – Galerna class Torpedo Nef – £0.50
VAN-7015 – Triple Heavy Turrets (x10) – £1.50

Posted in Aeronef, New Releases | 4 Comments

6mm Yenpalo

Following on from the 15mm Yenpalo tank and support weapons released on Friday, today it’s the turn of their 6mm equivalents.

We have a set of Yenpalo infantry, expertly scaled down by the original sculptor Martin Baker, along with a small scale version of the Xarledi grav tank. The pack contains 24 figures making up four 6-man (or 6-alien ?) fireteams, each of a squad leader, three riflemen (riflealiens ?), a support weapon and a missile launcher.

There is also a company pack available with six tanks and 36 infantry (six 6-man teams) – there’s a bit of a sixy theme going on here…

SF300-1101 – Xarledi Grav Tank – £1.25
SF300-1170 – Yenpalo Infantry (x24) – £2.75
IC-1101 – Yenpalo Company Pack – £12.00

Posted in 6mm SF, New Releases | 2 Comments

Alien Fire Support

Today sees the first of our Salute releases hit the website. The new 15mm Yenpalo Xarledi grav tank is now available, along with the support railgun and mortar teams.

The Xarledi is a very alien-looking heavy grav tank with remote mass-driver turret and two twin railgun mounts on either side. It has a resin turret and one-piece hull with metal guns and other fittings.

The support weapons come in packs of two teams, each with a 2-man crew and 2-piece weapon.

SF15-1101 – Xarledi Grav Tank – £9.00
SF15-1164 – Railgun Teams (x2) – £3.00
SF15-1165 – Mortar Teams (x2) – £3.00

We’ll be rolling out the rest of the Salute releases over the next 3-4 weeks – you can see the releases dates of all of them on the Salute page.

Posted in 15mm SF, New Releases | 3 Comments