The End of an Era

First up – we’re back into the swing of things after the holiday break, and working through the orders that came in while we were away. Everything up to September 12th has been finished and shipped out, and we’re making further inroads into the backlog.

Now to a story (we know you like those). The Brigade website has quite a long history. Initially we operated from a bit of free webspace that one of us had as part of their ISP package, and neither of us can remember the address of that ! It was initially written by the mysterious, now-departed Third Brigadier who had a habit of writing everything in capitals – the website did seem to be SHOUTING AT YOU after a while. Sadly we can’t find any record of this first site, but if we do we’ll be sure to let you see it.

According to Nominet we registered the URL in August 2000 and started operating from there soon after. The oldest entry in the Wayback Machine is for February 2001 – at that point we’d just started taking credit cards via PayPal, but there was no integrated shopping cart (orders still had to be sent by post or email) and things looked rather different:

The shopping cart came in early 2003; we’d just forked out for a rather expensive eCommerce package when Tony realised that he could integrate the PayPal shopping cart into the website with a bit of bespoke code – for free. His software read lists of products from text and CSV files and spat out finished HTML pages (effectively it ran an offline database that was manually uploaded each time an update was needed). And this home-made website has run quite happily for 20-odd years without too many hitches, handling tens of thousands of orders. It’s looking a bit dated now – it still relies on frames, which are rather old-hat as far as web technology goes. When it was written, everyone looked at websites on desktop machines with 640×400 screens (800×600 if you were lucky), so there was no real need to handle different screen resolutions or aspect ratios. Nowadays over 50% of our orders are placed on mobile devices (phones and tablets) with smaller screens of varying resolution and shape (which can change depending on which way up the device is held), none of which our website handles.

So it’s time for a change. PayPal have been gently nagging us to move to their new checkout system, which means we had to make some alterations anyway, and the easiest option was to start from scratch. So we have a brand new, WooCommerce-powered webstore which should work much better on mobile devices and is also more secure (you may have noticed the change to an https:// site a while back). The site also allows you to create an account so that you can track your orders, and is also friendlier in terms of generating order acknowledgements and shipping notifications. It’s all just so much … better.

We’ve also been able to tweak our shipping charges. On the old system, small UK orders were sometimes undercharged while larger ones were overcharged; now we have just two flat rates for large letter and small parcel orders, plus the option for adding a signed-for service. For overseas orders (apart from EU ones, which haven’t changed apart from tweaking some individual country rates) we’re able to more accurately calculate shipping costs using the weight of each item (that was fun, weighing and entering over 3000 products…). Some orders will end up costing more, some less than the old method, but it’ll reflect the actual cost of shipping rather than being a best estimate.

We’ll shortly add redirects from the old website to the new one – otherwise all the links from the blog to products and ranges would instantly be broken ! However, this may not cover every single page so there might still be some missing links. We’re also planning to keep working on the look of the new site over the coming months, and restoring some of the older content that we haven’t yet had time to transfer over.

This is all rather scary – 90% of our income come through the website, so even though the new site has been tested, tweaked, tested again, fixed, tested yet again, it’s still a daunting prospect to switch the old site off and move to a new one. Yes, we’ve taken a backup !! There may be some teething problems (no; make that – there will be some teething problems …) so you may have to bear with us while it all beds in.

So where can you find this spiffy new site ? It’s here…

Wish us luck…

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Under Maintenance

The website is having a bit of work done on it so it’ll be down for a little while.

Hopefully we won’t end up breaking it all…

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A Holiday Gift

We’re still on a holiday break, but we’ve left behind these new models for you while we’re away. There’s one new model in the Desert Buildings range, and two in the Desert Outlands range (which you probably all mix and match anyway – they’re slightly different styles but perfectly compatible).

That’s it – a brief post, but straight to the point. We’re on holiday after all !

B300-153 – Low Tower with Stairs – £3.00
B300-809 – Corner Building – £2.50
B300-810 – Building with Bay Front – £2.50

Posted in 6mm SF, New Releases | 1 Comment

Base-ick Instinct

Yes, that’s probably a terrible headline…

But today we have several new types of resin bases aimed at 15mm models.

The first is a set of flying stands for grav vehicles and VTOLs. There are five different bases, pre-textured with rocks and dirt and with a hole in the middle. They are supplied with a ~200mm length of acrylic rod which you can cut to suit your requirements (it made more sense to us to supply this uncut rather than dictate how high your vehicles would be hovering).

We also have three new types of resin figure base. These all have slots for five figures, so will suit games such as Osprey’s recent release Xenos Rampant. There’s a base with regular spacing for normal troops, one with slightly more irregular spacing for creatures or hordes, and a compact variant for smaller figures. All slots are for figures on 16mm round bases – Euro 1-cent coins are perfect if you can get them, or our M8 washers are the same size. The two larger resin bases have holes for magnets (not supplied). The bases are supplied unpainted and untextured – the photos below show what they look like once painted.

SF15-946 – 5-figure Regular Base – £0.60
SF15-946a – 5-figure Irregular Base – £0.60
SF15-947 – 5-figure Compact Base – £0.40
SF15-948 – Grav Vehicle Bases (x5) – £3.00

Posted in 15mm SF, New Releases | 1 Comment

Killer Whale

First a reminder – it’s Colours tomorrow, hopefully we’ll see some of you there.

And another reminder – we’re on holiday next week, the website will remain open for orders but nothing will get dealt with until we return on Monday 18th. This covers orders from the 7th of September onwards – unfortunately restocking and loading for the show yesterday meant that we weren’t able to tackle a couple of orders that came in during the day.

And now – something new for the Antipodeans; the Orca class Battlecruiser sets off for distant stars, bolstering the PacFed spacefleet.

A two-piece metal kit, it boasts four engines (more engines = more speed, of course !) and photon torpedo tubes in the main hull.

We’ll have some in stock on Saturday at Colours, and any mail orders will be dealt with when we return from holiday.

SFS-702 – Orca class Battlecruiser – £4.50

Posted in New Releases, Spaceships | 1 Comment

Time for a Short Break

After last Sunday’s return to the Hereward show for the first time in four years, we’re gearing up and restocking for Colours on Saturday.

After this, it’s holiday time again – Tony is off to the south coast with the Brigadieress and the hound for a few days R and R. Unlike last year, when illness had left us badly behind, this year we’re in a much better state and pretty much up to date with orders. So we’ll leave the website open, with the obvious caveat that any new orders won’t be dealt with until we reopen the workshop on the 18th.

Hopefully we’ll be able to cram in another new release before then, there should be enough time before setting off for Newbury on Friday afternoon.

Posted in Updates and General Waffle | 2 Comments

Man the Walls !

We’ve created some new versions of our 6mm sci-fi Town Walls with walkways on the inside (well, we assume you’ll put them on the inside !) so that guards and defenders can keep a lookout for any attackers. We have straight walls, some with stairs from ground level, along with corner pieces.

In addition, we have a second type of entrance – our original version was open, whereas this one has small towers either side of a two-piece metal gate.

All of the new pieces have the same end connections as our existing walls and can be interchanged. We’ll have some stock of these at Hereward on Sunday.

B300-189 – Gateway with Towers – £2.50
B300-190 – Walls with Walkway (x4) – £6.00
B300-191 – Corners with Walkway (x4) – £6.00

Posted in 6mm SF, New Releases | 1 Comment

The Autumn Season

After a couple of months off, we return to the show circuit for the three autumn shows – Hereward next weekend, Colours the weekend after and SELWG in October.

As always we welcome orders to be collected at the shows, either paid in advance or on the day. We need these sooner rather than later – this is especially true for Hereward, since that’s rather crept up on us (we had to bump another blog post today to get this one in !) and there’s an inconvenient bank holiday due on Monday which reduces our spare time this week. But any Colours orders will be welcomed as soon as possible, since there are only a few days between the shows so any spare casting time that week will likely be taken up by restocking. Obviously you have a bit longer as far as SELWG is concerned.

You can either send us an email with your order and pay on the day, or alternatively you can place an order via the website (using the Collect in Person shipping option to avoid shipping charges) and pay in advance. As usual we’ll be taking cash and credit cards on the day.

Click on any of the show logos below to go to their pages.

Posted in Shows | 1 Comment

Leader of the Pack

Pack animals have been used by military forces throughout history, supporting special forces and insurgents into the 21st century. So we persuaded Jeremey ‘Germy’ Claridge to convert our Shomix Herd Animals into sci-fi equivalents. There are two models carrying a collection of assorted baggage which would be perfect for special ops scenarios.

They could also be teamed up with our SAC or PacFed mounted infantry to create fully mounted special forces teams.

Shomix pack animals accompany a strike team through the jungles of Nozama Prime.

SF15-015 – Shomix Pack Animals (x2) – £1.50

Posted in 15mm SF, New Releases | 1 Comment

Hit the North

The República de Colombia is the northern-most South American country, and occupies a unique position with significant coastlines on both the East and West of the continent, either side of the border with Panama. Because of this, it has developed a large force of long-range fixed-wing aircraft to patrol the regions of the Caribbean Sea and Pacific Ocean off its shores.

The tandem-winged Libélula (Dragonfly) long range patrol craft are capable of staying in the air for days at a time, refuelled in-flight by Nodriza class support vessels. Replenishment is a tricky operation that involves the aircraft flying alongside and slightly below the mothership, matching course and speed. Cranes are used to lower supplies and fuel lines into a large dorsal hatch where they are gathered by the crew. This involves considerable skill on the part of the pilot, and a not-insignificant amount of bravery on the part of the handlers on top of the plane. Each Nodriza can handle two aircraft at a time, and carries food, fuel and spare parts to keep a whole squadron in action for several weeks.

The Fuerza Aeroespacial Colombiana also operates several wings of Albatros gunships; these have bombs for attacking surface targets, and light, rapid-fire guns for aerial targets.

Colombian aircraft in close formation with a Nodriza mothership.

The FAC also has a small force of conventional aéronef, based around the aging Cundinamarca class light battleships, built locally but armed with British-supplied weapons. These are backed up by several smaller classes of vessel.

Colombian patrol group

VANFP-3101 – Colombian Fleet Pack – £24.00
VANFP-3111 – Colombian Air Squadron – £16.50
VAN-3101 – Cundinamarca class Light Battleship – £7.00
VAN-3102 – Marroquin class Light Cruiser – £2.50
VAN-3103 – Almirante Tono class Destroyer – £1.50
VAN-3104 – Defensora class Patrol Vessel (x2) – £1.50
VAN-3105 – Nodriza class Support Vessel – £6.50
VAN-3106 – Libélula Patrol Aircraft (x3) – £4.50
VAN-3107 – Albatros Gunship (x3) – £4.00

Posted in Aeronef, Imperial Skies, New Releases | 1 Comment