Bases are back again!

After a v-e-r-y long hiatus, we’ve managed to get hold of new stock of the hex-base flying stands again. 13000 of the little blighters turned up at the end of last week (proof is in the picture below) to finally replenish our stocks. We’ve put them back on the website (links below), and we’ll update the fleet pack/squadron pack listings as soon as possible so that we can include them again.

Happy Days 🙂

ACC-001 – Clear plastic flying stand (pack of 10) – £2.00
ACC-002 – Black plastic flying stand (pack of 10) – £2.00

Posted in Accessories, Updates and General Waffle | 1 Comment

Roman Repositories

The Small Scale Scenery continues to grow – we’ve now hit product code 200 ! This week we have a pair of Roman releases from the early C.4th, both from Trier (known by the Romans as Augusta Treverorum) in the Rhineland, Germany.

The first is the Basilica of Constantine, also known as the Aula Palatina. A basilica was a general purpose public building used for holding courts, meetings and other public functions. They varied in size and grandeur depending on the size of the town. We already make the massive Basilica Maxentius in Rome, but this one is a slightly smaller offering. The building was later consecrated as the Church of the Redeemer within the Evangelical Church of the Rhineland. The building still stands, although it has been modified and then restored over the centuries – it was also badly damaged during an air raid in 1944 and repaired after the war. So although it’s 1700+ years old, it could be used by Cold War gamers as part of a Germany city in the path of the advancing Warsaw Pact armies.

The second part of the release is this pair of warehouses or horrea. The original examples in Trier no longer exist above ground, the buildings were incorporated into a Benedictine abbey and then a vineyard was cultivated on the site. But remnants still exist in the cellar of a wine merchant later built on top of the foundations. Originally there were two warehouses separated by a courtyard – our pack consists of this model, and we’ve also included a single free-standing warehouse in the pack just because we thought it might be useful. These models would make great objective for a game where both sides are after the grain and other foodstuffs stored inside.

Much of the research for these models came from the chance acquisition of a book of Imperial Roman Architecture, purchased for the princely sum of £2 from a second-hand bookshop in Faversham ! This book has loads of other useful reference information; Trier (also the birthplace of Karl Marx) is particularly fertile ground. So expect our Roman city to keep growing.

SSS-8200 – Basilica of Constantine – £3.50
SSS-8201 – Roman Warehouses – £5.00

Posted in New Releases, Small Scale Scenery | 1 Comment

Armoured Car Parade

To show solidarity with the Czarist government, a squadron of Royal Naval Air Service armoured cars was dispatched to Russia in 1915. Not being entirely sure how best to use their British friends the Russians sent the unit to the Caucasus Front where they saw service against the Turkish army. The squadron was originally equipped with Lanchester armoured cars which soon proved unsuitable in the harsh terrain. To supplement the Lanchesters, a lightweight armoured car was developed using the Ford Model T. This had an armoured cab for the driver and an open back with space for a rear firing Maxim machine gun.

Nine of these were built with at least six seeing service with the RNAS. The cars gave excellent service with their ability to traverse terrain unsuitable for the heavier vehicles. The majority of them were lost by the spring of 1917.

The Jeffery Quad truck had been designed to meet US army requirements in 1913. It was used extensively by the US, British and French armies during WW1. From 1914 a variety of experimental armoured cars were developed using the chassis of the Quad truck. The third of these featured a tall hull with a pair of circular turrets and was known by the US Ordinance Corps as “Armoured Car No 1”. This vehicle was possibly used by the US army on the Mexican border in 1916.

GW28-101 – Model T Armoured Car – £6.50
GW28-204 – Jeffery Armoured Car No 1 – £14.00

Posted in 3D Print, Great War, New Releases | 1 Comment

Making Tracks

We promised to write an article on making track for our new 15mm Monorail cars, and here it is. As you’ll see, it’s a really straightforward process.

The track itself is made from mini cable trunking – ours came from Screwfix in the UK. It’s 12x8mm trunking (Screwfix product code 73354, made by Tower), sold in 2m lengths for the princely sum of £3.99 at the time we wrote this. You can probably get a similar product in other DiY stores (Wickes certainly sell it) and a quick search of both Amazon and eBay turned up a number of options, although buying it from a mail order supplier is more expensive and it’s generally cut down into shorter lengths for posting.

We can’t help with suppliers overseas, but hopefully a similar product should be available. If anyone finds a reliable source in their country, let us know and we’ll update this page with the information.

So, onto the build. You’ll need a baseboard for the track to keep it upright on the table – we used a piece of 3mm MDF (actually the backing board from a broken picture frame) roughly 70cm long, and cut into ~10cm wide strips, using a jigsaw to make the edges a bit more irregular. In hindsight this was probably a bit too wide, they could have been half the width and would still have been stable. You might want to smooth the edges with some sandpaper, or if you have a small power sander you can go the whole hog and bevel the edges to blend into the table.

Now remove the lid from your trunking (discard this, you won’t need it) and cut it to length. We found it easiest to cut it slightly overlong and trim it down after fitting. Remove the backing from the self-adhesive strip and press it down firmly – make sure that you get this right first time, as it sticks really well and you’re unlikely to be able to peel it off and reposition it.

That’s assembly done – we told you it was easy – so it’s on to painting. We sprayed it with generic silver paint from Poundland, but because the plastic is slightly shiny and flexible we gave it a good coat of Halfords’ grey primer first so that it had a good surface to stick to. After this had dried we gave it a black wash to tone down the chromium-plated, too-clean look. You can use your favourite commercial shade, but since this used quite a lot we mixed some up from cheap black acrylic hobby paint thinned with Johnson’s acrylic floor varnish.

All that’s left is to texture the base (this is the point where we wished we’d made the baseboards narrower!). We used a mix of sand, PVA glue and household emulsion paint – sand for texture, the paint for colour and the PVA helps it stick and also stops it cracking like a dry river bed. Then just finish it off to match your game boards with flock, grass tufts, bushes etc.

And that’s it for your basic track lengths. We’ve yet to try anything complicated like curves – the trunking isn’t really very flexible and tends to twist, but it might be possible to use an industrial heat gun to soften and bend it. The next step will be coming up with pillars for an elevated monorail, and figuring out the design for a station.

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Buzzard Off !

With the Salute releases all safely on the website, we have something brand new this week. Small but perfectly formed, these are Neo-Soviet Kanyuk (buzzard) class Strikeboats. We’ve gone for a mid-green colour scheme inspired by some of the early Soyuz spacecraft. In A Billions Suns terms they would be classed as Gunboats.

While we were updating the Neo-Soviet page, we’ve added two new fleet packs, imaginatively named Fleet Pack #2 and Fleet Pack #3. The first, led by a Gagarin dreadnought, is one we’ve been taking to shows for a while but for some reason it’s never made it onto the website. It also contains three Slava cruisers, four Yerevan destroyers and three Burun missile corvettes. The second has a Zhukov battleship, a Lazarev battlecruiser plus escorts (including a pack of the new Kanyuks).

SFS-1262 – Kanyuk Strikeboat (x12) – £2.00
SFSP-1203 – Neo-Soviet Fleet Pack #2 – £23.00
SFSP-1204 – Neo-Soviet Fleet Pack #3 – £23.00

Now’s a good time to remind you about our next show – Broadside in Gillingham, Kent on June 10th. Advance orders are always welcome, you can place them on the website using the Collect in Person option, or simply email us and pay on the day.

Posted in New Releases, Spaceships | 1 Comment

La Flotte Française d’Outre-mer

Our second overseas territories fleet is the Gallic force based in French Guiana. Composed again of older second-line vessels (fewer turrets, more barbettes), the craft patrol the environs of the Guianese territory for pirates and smugglers, and occasional incursions by the British if they decide it’s time to test out the French defences.

The Océan class dreadnoughts, despite their venerability, are still large and formidable opponents; the rest of the vessels are showing their age and are noticeably slower than more recent additions to the French fleet.

VAN-405 – French Overseas Fleet – £23.00

VAN-422 – Océan class Dreadnought – £8.50
VAN-423 – Arquebuse class Cruiser – £2.75
VAN-424 – Bisson class Destroyer – £2.25
VAN-425 – Laperouse class Frigate – £1.00
VAN-426 – Colonial Patrol Boats (x3) – £2.00

Posted in Imperial Skies, New Releases | 1 Comment

A New Life Awaits You in the Overseas Colonies

“A chance to begin again in a golden land of opportunity and adventure.”

As part of our South American project, as well as the ten independent states we wanted to do something to cover the three European colonies on the mainland. We worked on the idea of the fleets stationed in the Overseas territories being composed of older, second-line vessels. No longer up to service against the latest enemy craft, but with enough miles left in their hulls to perform a valuable role patrolling the borders of far-flung provinces.

The first of these, the British Overseas Fleet, is responsible for the settlement in British Guyana, as well as the Falkland Islands. There are six craft altogether – a battleship and battle cruiser, three escort vessels and a redesigned Rawalpindi class cruiser. Of course, given how much of the world map was pink at that time, these vessels could be found in many other places all over the world.

VAN-108 – British Overseas Fleet – £23.00

VAN-131 – Colony class Battleship – £8.00
VAN-132 – Commonwealth class Battlecruiser – £8.00
VAN-104 – Rawalpindi Class Colonial Cruiser – £3.00
VAN-133 – Cairo class Destroyer – £2.25
VAN-134 – Tribal class Frigate – £1.00
VAN-135 – Natal class Corvette – £0.75

Posted in Imperial Skies, New Releases | 1 Comment

Johnny’s Big Brother

One of our last minute additions to the Salute line-up was the 15mm Monorail set. We spent a long time looking for an affordable method to make the track for a 15mm monorail (figuring that resin-cast pieces would be expensive in the quantities needed to cross the average gaming table). The solution that we’ve settled on makes cunning use of 1/2″ cable trunking from a DIY store, which works out at <£5 for a 2 metre length and is therefore the very definition of affordable ! Each carriage has fittings on the underside designed to clip into the body of the trunking, which is flexible enough to grip the carriage and stop it wobbling or falling off the track if the table is nudged. We’ll do a full write-up of how we made our track in the near future.

Each carriage is a solid resin casting (they could be used as a melee weapon in an emergency) with separate metal turrets on the Scout Car.

B15-1130 – Monorail Engine – £10.00
B15-1131 – Passenger Carriage – £10.00
B15-1133 – Flat Car – £9.00
B15-1137 – Scout Car – £12.00

Posted in 15mm SF, New Releases | 2 Comments

Moonbase Beta

New on the website is the latest batch of buildings in our 6mm Moonbase set. There are three new buildings plus a radar installation, and a pack containing all of these plus the Moonbase Medical Centre.

BP300-602 – Moonbase Pack #2 – £15.00
B300-607 – Hydroponics Centre – £4.00
B300-608 – Nuclear Waste Silo – £2.00
B300-609 – Reactor Building – £1.50
B300-610 – Radar Dish – £1.25

Posted in 6mm SF, New Releases | 1 Comment

On Your Trike !

Adding the Salute releases to the website resumes today with the next batch of 15mm Han Chinese. This includes the trikes from the Hammer’s Slammers story The Warrior, plus the new Huolóng missile APC. We’ve also released the trailer for the MV-701 8-wheeler truck which creates a huge cargo vehicle.

In answer to the inevitable questions – 6mm versions of the trucks are already in hand, and we have a bunch of tiny trikes ready to send off to have riders sculpted on them. We’ll also add detachment packs for the recently updated Han lists soon.

HS15-502a – ZSL-95A Huolóng Missile APC – £8.00
HS15-504 – MV-701 truck plus Trailer – £10.00
HS15-504b – Trailer Only – £3.00
HS15-560 – Trikes plus Crew (x4) – £6.00
HS15-560a – Command Trike – £1.50

Posted in 15mm SF, Hammer's Slammers, New Releases | 1 Comment