Suit Up !

Germy’s been busy again – this time, creating a number of new 6mm Power Armour figures for us. These suits are more like small walkers, still one-man individual units but taller than a normal infantryman (they come in at 10mm from toe to top).

This release comes in two flavours – the advanced OSP-77 ‘Osprey’ Power Suit, which is an enlarged version of our existing power models with the ovoid body shell. This has a solid body shell and relies on an enhanced external sensor suite to give the wearer a view of the outside.

The second type is the ATL-12 ‘Atlas’ Combat Suit, a more conventional suit derived from civilian power loaders (the ATL part of its designation – Armoured Transport Loader – refers to this origin). The original plexiglass canopy has been replaced by a toughened synthetic diamond one to give the wearer a direct external field of vision, with the skeleton frame sheathed in composite spaced armour. Both types come with several different weapon loadouts – missiles, rockets, lasers, flamers etc.

Each pack contains 12 models, with four each of three different types in a pack. We’ll have stock of these at Joy of Six on Sunday – hopefully we’ll see some of you there. You’ll find them listed on the website under both Infantry and Mechs, as they sort of fit in both categories.

SF300-5006 – OSP-77 Osprey Power Suit – £5.00
SF300-5007 – ATL-12 Atlas Combat Suit – £5.00

Posted in 6mm SF, New Releases | 2 Comments


First up, a reminder to get your orders for Joy of Six to us as soon as possible to give us a chance to get them cast and packed. If you’re coming to the show, be sure to check out the 6mm Hammer’s Slammers game that will be next to our trade stand. The game is being hosted by John Treadaway, erstwhile co-author of The Crucible ruleset. Although it’s billed as a demonstration game, we’re sure that John will be more than happy to take you through the rules and give you command of a detachment or two.

We’ve had a minor upgrade this week to the website in terms of payment options. As well as PayPal and most major credit cards, you can now pay using either Google Pay or Apple Pay.

Today we have a new addition to our 28mm WWI vehicles range. The A7V was Germany’s only indigenous tank of the war to see service, and just 20 were built. It had a 57mm main armament and a plethora of machine guns, coupled with thick armour – although this was only steel plate rather than face-hardened armour plate, at 30mm thick it was impervious to machine guns. The downsides were its high silhouette and centre of gravity which made it unstable, especially considering the short and narrow tracks. And like all tanks of the era, breakdowns were common – many broke down before ever reaching the front line, and others suffered mechanical failure soon after engaging the enemy so were either lost immediately or destroyed to avoid capture.

GW28-304 – A7V Sturmpanzerwagen – £27.00

Posted in 3D Print, Great War, New Releases | 1 Comment

Shows, Shipping and Structures

We’ll start today with some hot-off-the-press news – due to an issue with the venue, this year’s Hereward wargames show, which should have been on the 8th of September, has unfortunately had to be cancelled. This is a shame for the organisers (and not their fault at all) but hopefully it will be back next year. Coupled with the loss of SELWG, our show calendar for the second half of the year is now looking very thin indeed.

We’ve also been updating our shipping charges, in particular those to the USA. Customers there will now find slightly lower shipping charges, with the added bonus that it’s also now fully tracked (a feature of Royal Mail pricing is that tracked services to the US are now cheaper than untracked – don’t ask us why, we don’t know !). Sorry Rest of the World, this only applies to the USA, everyone else remains unchanged.

Our ever-growing range of 6mm desert buildings gets some more additions this week. There are three new buildings – the Emporium (a high end luxury shop), a Low Tower and the Outpost, plus a very useful short length of wall with walkway to fit our fortified town walls.

B300-127 – Emporium – £1.75
B300-155 – Low Tower – £2.50
B300-811 – Outpost – £3.00
B300-194 – Short Walls with Walkway (x4) – £3.50

If Tony gets a wriggle on, some of these buildings might feature on the Hammer’s Slammers game at Joy of Six in a couple of weeks. If you want to pick up some on the day you can, or even order then in advance from the website (remember to use the ‘Pickup at Show’ shipping option).

Posted in 6mm SF, New Releases, Shipping Stories, Shows | 1 Comment

I’m too Sixy…

Our next show is coming up soon(ish) – the Joy of Six is back again in Sheffield Hallam University on July 14th. A tribute to all things 6mm, it’s hosted by Baccus, one of the foremost names in 6mm miniatures – besides us, of course 😊.

Because it’s a specialist show, we only take a subset of our ranges. Obviously we have all of our 6mm SF ranges including Hammer’s Slammers and the full range of buildings, both individual models and as large a selection of army, detachment and company packs as we can carry. We also bring Squadron Commander, the Small Scale Scenery 2mm range and the 1/700th coastal forts/scenery. And of course, the newly released 2mm WW2 Belgians.

However, since we don’t visit the north very often, we realise it’s a good opportunity for you to pick up things from our other ranges. You can place an order for any of our ranges to be picked up at the show via the website – you can choose to pay in advance or on the day, Remember to use the ‘Pickup at Show’ shipping option so you don’t get charged postage – just let us know that you’ll be collecting at Jo6 in the ‘Order Notes’ box.

As an added incentive to visit the show (as if you needed any more), John Treadaway, keeper of all things Hammer’s Slammers, will be in attendance running a 6mm Slammers game featuring the terrain we put together a couple of years ago.

Posted in 6mm SF, 6mm WW2, Shows | 1 Comment

Flying Bugs

We’ve finished the moulds for the last two of the original 15mm Cimexian bugs – the Thysan flyer and Orthron VTOL. These give the Cimexians an aerial capability, spitting plasma death (and other unspeakable substances) from above.

BUG-007 – Thysan Flyer – £6.00
BUG-008 – Orthron VTOL – £5.00

Posted in 15mm SF, New Releases | 1 Comment

Maidstone Wargames Society Open Day

It’s time for a quick shoutout for our club’s Open Day which is this coming Saturday, June 22nd.

Each year, Maidstone Wargames Society opens its doors and invites everyone in to find out what the club is all about and see the types of games we play. This year we have half-a-dozen various games including medieval, ancients, the Soviet-Afghan war, fantasy and post-apocalyptic. We’ll be there (although not in Brigade guise this time) with a 20mm WW2 game set in Normandy. Anyone is welcome to pop in for a look round and maybe join in a game or two – and hopefully some will be tempted to join the club.

Posted in Shows, WW2 | Leave a comment

What Big Teeth You Have There, Grandma !

Here’s a slight oddity – it’s the original design prototype that we created when developing the Agricultural Colony range of 6mm buildings. It’s a perfectly good building and looked fine on screen when we designed the 3D model. But when printed out, it just looked a bit too much like a Swiss mountain chalet, or even Granny’s cottage in the woods from Little Red Riding Hood. So we scrapped that design style and started from scratch, which fortuitously resulted in the colourful range of pre-fabs that are currently outselling all of our other building ranges.

However, we’d made the model and a mould, so why not release it anyway ? Someone might like one or two. And it can use up the rather inauspicious product code -1313 while we’re at it. So here it is – the Cottage in the Woods.

B300-1313 – Cottage in the Woods – £1.50

Posted in 6mm SF, New Releases | 1 Comment

Creature Feature

We have some creepy, crawly and slimy things in our 15mm Sci-fi range today.

Definitely in the crawly category are a pack of giant beetles on 40mm bases. These are one piece resin castings, and you get two different bases per pack.

More on the slimy side we have a pack of giant slugs. These are metal castings and come in packs of nine, three each of three sculpts. You may not think that they’re all that scary – well, read ‘Cibola Burn’ in the Expanse series…

Finally, and a bit less slimy and somewhat more feathery, is a pack of Thaeyax, giant flightless birds. These are native to Eta Odin IV, home of the Tolero, who domesticate the creatures and use them as riding mounts and general beasts of burden. Classified as Titanus Etanodinia by xeno-biologists, many wild sub-species still roam the planet and these can be dangerous to unprepared travellers.

Don’t forget that we’re at our local show, Broadside in Gillingham tomorrow. Run by the Milton Hundred Wargames Club, it’s the perfect example of a well run smaller show. Find us on stand T16, where we can sell you these and many other goodies.

SF15-022 – Giant Beetles (x2) – £2.50
SF15-023 – Giant Slugs (x9) – £2.50
SF15-055 – Thaeyax (x8) – £3.00

Mat by Geek Villain; backdrop by Jon Hodgson.

Posted in 15mm SF, New Releases | 1 Comment

1/700 Middle East Houses

We’ve just added a set of Middle Eastern houses to our 1/700th scenery range, these have been something that we’ve been asked for a few times. The set contains twenty resin buildings of varying sizes from small hovels to larger dwellings.

B700-019 – Middle Eastern Houses (x20) – £10.00

Background image by Jonny Hodgson Art, desert mat by Tiny Wargames

Posted in 1-700th Coastal Forts, New Releases | 1 Comment

Baffin Bonuses

This week’s offering consists of several new vehicles for the recently released Baffin’s Legion mercenary unit.

Below we have the GD-719 Light tank, GD-815 Ambulance (based on the GD-814 command vehicle) and GD-834 logistics vehicle. The ambulance also becomes part of our Surgeon General range, raising money for Macmillan Cancer Care.

There is also a mortar variant of the GD-516 jeep, the GD-517M. And for good measure, the GD-517 without the mortar becomes a small load carrier.

With these additional vehicles filling the one or two remaining gaps in the detachment list, it allows us to add Baffin’s detachment packs to the website, of which there are four.

HSD15-4501 – Baffin’s Legion Armoured Detachment – £47.00
HSD15-4502 – Baffin’s Legion Mechanised Infantry Detachment – £41.00
HSD15-4503 – Baffin’s Legion Infantry Support Detachment – £24.00
HSD15-4504 – Baffin’s Legion Fire Support Detachment – £48.00

HS15-4502 – GD-719 Light Tank – £8.00
HS15-4503d – GD-815 Ambulance – £8.00
HS15-4506a – GD-517M Mortar Jeep – £3.00
HS15-4506b – GD-517 Jeep Cargo Carrier – £2.75
HS15-4508 – GD-834 Logistics – £8.00

Posted in 15mm SF, Hammer's Slammers, New Releases | 1 Comment