Pastures New

(Brigadier’s log, show date S-7)

It’s not often that we launch a completely new range – the last one was probably Small Scale Scenery, which itself only started as an add-on set of terrain accessories for Land Ironclads.

But today, here’s something completely new and utterly unconnected to anything else we make – and it’s a historical range as well. The two of us first started gaming together in the mid-80s playing WW2 actions in 20mm. Phil had a reasonably large collection of late war German and US forces, while Tony concentrated on the early stages of the conflict with German, French, British and, possibly his favourites, a small contingent of Belgians. We’ve both still got them, probably 1000+ 20mm vehicles between us.

At our club, Maidstone Wargames Society, there are some 6mm WW2 gamers, so Tony wanted to recreate his Belgian force in that scale, but found a shortage of options. However, one of the best things about running a miniatures company is that you can make whatever you want so, just like Phil did when he created our WW1 Belgians, we decided to make our own. We commissioned Martin Baker, who created most of our 6mm sci-fi figures, to sculpt a set of infantry figures while Tony designed digital masters for the vehicles. As you can see from the photos below, Martin has done a magnificent job – just look at the expression on the squad leader’s face as he urges his men forwards. The figures are slightly smaller than our 6mm sci-fi figures, as we’ve designed them to fit in with the 1/300th WW2 ranges made by other popular UK manufacturers. The basic infantry pack has enough for a single rifle platoon – Belgian infantry platoons were relatively large at ~50 men. The exact composition of a rifle platoon does seem to be up for debate, we’ve found at least four different organisations so they may have differed between regiments. All being well, we should also have packs of Maxim heavy machine guns and DBT light mortars (there’s an HMG in the photo below).

The initial vehicle range starts out with the core of a Belgian armoured force – the T-15 light tank, early and late versions of the T-13 tank destroyer, plus the two versions of the Vickers Utility Tractor (infantry and cavalry). T-13s were organic to the infantry divisions, with a company per division, and they were also fielded by cavalry units. T-15s were restricted to cavalry units, plus a small number with the Chasseur Ardennais. The Vickers Utility Tractor comes in two versions, infantry and cavalry, also known as Type A and Type B (although which was which isn’t always clear – we’ve seen both designs referred to as Type B, with one website mixing the two up on the same page !). The vehicles are designed as best we can at 1/300th using scale plans and drawings, plus references to photos that Phil took at the Antwerp war museum,

Assuming these sell well, we will follow up later with more including some towed ordnance – artillery, heavy mortars, anti-tank guns – and maybe even the famous Chasseur Ardennais on their bicycles.

Posted in 6mm WW2, Previews, Salute 51 (2024) | 2 Comments

More Action and Even More Adventure(r)s

(Brigadier’s log, show date S-8)

The next batch of 15mm sci-fi adventurers is painted and ready to show off – here they are, another six rogues and scoundrels ready for Excitement, Adventure and Really Wild Things!

SF14-019 – Adventurers Pack #3 – £3.50

Urban cloth by Tiny Wargames; backdrops by Jon Hodgson.

Posted in 15mm SF, Previews, Salute 51 (2024) | 1 Comment

Scandinavian Defenders

(Brigadier’s log, show date S-9 – less than a week and a half to go)

Our Salute previews should ramp up into overdrive over the next few days, pretty much as fast as we can photograph and post things.

Today’s offering is a redesigned Scandinavian Union fleet for Imperial Skies. These ten new models replace the seven models in the existing fleet, plus some new designs for good measure. The two capital ships now have resin hulls, and they all have brand new turrets – and the first impression of them is that there are a lot of turrets!

VAN-2301 – Oscar II class Battleship – £8.00
VAN-2302 – Lillehammer class Battlecruiser – £8.00
VAN-2304 – Frederiksborg class Heavy Cruiser – £4.00
VAN-2305 – Varg class Pursuit Cruiser – £3.25
VAN-2306 – Tapperheten class Light Cruiser – £2.50
VAN-2307 – Udbye class Destroyer – £2.00
VAN-2308 – Ringkobing class Frigate – £1.50
VAN-2309 – Scheele class Corvette – £1.00
VAN-2310 – Vanern class Torpedo Nef – £1.50
VAN-2311 – Glomma class Patrol Nef – £1.50

Posted in Aeronef, Imperial Skies, Previews, Salute 51 (2024) | 4 Comments

The Adventure(r)s Continue!

(Brigadier’s log, show date S-13)

Today’s Salute preview is the second pack of our new 15mm sci-fi adventurers. This next batch of human and alien ne’er-do-wells can be found in a seedy bar, spaceport loading bay or simply roaming the galaxy in a third-hand tramp freighter full of stolen chocolate eggs.

SF15-018 – Adventurers Pack #2 – £3.50

Mat by Geek Villain; backdrops by Jon Hodgson; road by Early War Miniatures.

Posted in 15mm SF, Previews, Salute 51 (2024) | Comments Off on The Adventure(r)s Continue!

The Firedrake

(Brigadier’s log, show date S-16)

Many science-fiction fans will by now be aware of the passing of David Drake, author of the Hammer’s Slammers stories amongst many others, in December last year. We wanted to do something to commemorate David and his work, and Salute seems the ideal time to do it, since that was the show that the original rules were launched at 20 years ago.

The last Hammer’s Slammers story written by David was ‘Save What You Can’, which appears in the ‘Onward, Drake’ collection (which also includes the only Slammers story by another author, Larry Correia’s ‘The Losing Side’).

This story features a huge, 12-wheeled tank destroyer which turns up to throw chaos into a unit of Slammers combat cars. It has some interesting technology involving a massive flywheel for energy storage – we have no idea how feasible this really is, but it makes for a good read ! We’ve combined with John Treadaway, co-author of The Crucible rulebook to create this monster, initially in 15mm (6mm is to come). The model comes in seven resin and three metal parts, with a secondary turret, opening hatches and the optional rear track unit (for extra grip on rough terrain) can be assembled raised or lowered.

It’s not named in the book, so we’ve designated it the M-22FW Firedrake. It seems appropriate to name the last vehicle David created after him.

For each model sold, we’re going to donate £1 to the charity nominated on his website, the Blackhorse Scholarship Fund.

HS15-5001 – M-22FW Firedrake – £12.00

Posted in 15mm SF, Hammer's Slammers, Previews, Salute 51 (2024) | 1 Comment

Oh no, not again !

We’d hoped to give you some more previews today, but … Tony has been laid low by Covid (again). There’s something about Salute that brings out all manner of diseases and disasters at Brigade HQ in the weeks leading up to the show.

We do however have this quick snap taken last week. We will have a complete new fleet of spaceships at the show (all being well, and no other mishaps tripping us up along the way).

What we have done is added some new features to the website specifically for the show. UK customers can already select ‘Pickup at Show’ as a shipping option, which means they can place an order on the website for a show collection and not pay any postage charges. We’ve extended this so that customers overseas can also benefit – so far we’ve added France, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Spain, the USA and all countries in World Zone 1 (this is to accommodate a particular customer coming from Brazil !). If you’re coming from a country not on this list, let us know and we’ll add it for you. Or you can also just email us a list of what you would like and we can either send you an invoice, or you can pay on the day. Needless to say, we’d prefer orders for the show as soon as possible to allow us to get them ready.

Posted in Previews, Salute 51 (2024), Spaceships | 2 Comments

Return of an Ancient Threat

(Brigadier’s log, show date S – 22)

Next on this year’s Salute line-up are some classic models from the archives. We’ve dug Germy’s 15mm Cimexian bugs out of storage, revamped the masters (the formerly two part hulls are now one piece), made some new moulds and one of the galaxy’s slimier races has slithered back into view.

So far we’ve refurbished seven of the masters, with three tanks, an APC-equivalent, an artillery bug, a walker bug and finally a brain bug to control all of the others (the Lygan is the one missing from the photo). More photos as and when we finish painting these.

BUG15-001 – Ixod Heavy Tank – £9.00
BUG15-002 – Coccid Medium Tank – £8.00
BUG15-003 – Isop Light Tank – £6.00
BUG15-004 – Prion APC – £7.00
BUG15-005 – Homon Brain Bug – £5.00
BUG15-006 – Apis Walker – 8.00
BUG15-009 – Lygan Artillery Bug – £10.00

Posted in 15mm SF, Previews, Salute 51 (2024) | 1 Comment

Action and Adventure

(Brigadier’s log, show date S-25)

Every year we try to come up with a lineup of new releases for Salute, and it’s time to start our previews of this year’s offerings.

Much of our 15mm sci-fi output in recent years has been concentrated on Hammer’s Slammers, but our first Salute release this year is anything but. Jeremey ‘Germy’ Claridge has created a new range of 15mm civilian adventurer figures for us, ideal for rulesets such as Stargrave, 5 Parsecs From Home and (of course) Traveller.

We have four packs of six figures, a mix of humans and various aliens. These include several Tolero who have obviously escaped Eta Odin IV and made their way in the big bad universe, plus a Yenpalo warrior alongside a number of others. As well as civilian adventurers, the figures would also work as ragtag mercenaries, insurgents or rebels.

This is pack one – we’ll be previewing the other packs as soon as we get them painted.

SF15-017 – Adventurers Pack #1 – £3.50

Desert cloth by Tiny Wargames; backdrops by Jon Hodgson; adobe building by Blotz (with added bits by us).

Posted in 15mm SF, Previews, Salute 51 (2024) | 1 Comment

Going to the Chapel

Salute is rapidly approaching (for us it’s no longer March 15th, it’s now S-29) and as always we hope to have a bumper bunch of releases at the show. To allow us to concentrate on getting all of these ready, this will be our last Friday release until we hit ExCel on April 13th.

As our final offering we have three more additions to our Agricultural Colony 6mm buildings. The first is another dwelling on a raised platform, the imaginatively named Homestead 5.

The next building is a warehouse/industrial building, with two units with large doors side-by-side.

The third is a small, non-denominational religious building – we’ve called it a Chapel for want of a better name. The design is based on a small wooden church that you might see in the US countryside, but styled to match the other buildings in the range. The small tower has a blank space at the front where you can paint the religious symbol of your choice (or just a clock if you want to leave your options open).

B300-1307 – Homestead-5 – £2.50
B300-1309 – Warehouses – £3.50
B300-1312 – Chapel – £3.50

Next week we’ll begin previews of our new releases (and, all being well, the return of some old favourites).

Posted in 6mm SF, New Releases | 1 Comment

Fortified Walls

We have two more additions to our 6mm Town Walls range today. Following on from the release of the versions with walkways at the back end of last year, we have a wall piece with a projecting bastion (for sticking a gun or infantry heavy weapon on), plus a formidable fortified gateway.

The gateway has the option of an enclosed bunker or open walkway over the gate, and two gun turrets sit either side of the approach to the doors. The doors can be assembled either open or closed (sorry, we couldn’t manage a working hinge mechanism in 6mm scale !).

We also have a new Fortified Walls set which has ten pieces and a 160 x 240mm footprint.

BP300-109 – Fortified Encampment – £16.00
B300-192 – Fortified Gateway – £4.00
B300-193 – Wall with Bastion (x2) – £3.50

Backdrop by Jon Hodgson Backdrops; desert mat by Tiny Wargames.

Posted in 6mm SF, New Releases | 1 Comment