Falluja 2004 – Modern Era MWS Show Game

Game Description

Falluja, Iraq, 2004 is a modern warfare participation game using 20mm scale figures and a simplified version of the Force-on-Force rules from Ambush Alley Games. 

The premise of the game is that a USMC platoon have been tasked with clearing an area of Fallujah, sweeping through buildings to clear them of insurgents. The three participants each control one of the platoon’s squads, and depending on the draw of Fog of War cards may have additional assets to aid them in their mission, for example, helicopters, an M1 Abrams tank, a LAV-25 APC, a sniper team or a Navy Corpsman. Games are intended to last an hour to an hour and fifteen minutes.


Figures are from Elhiem Figures Modern range, civilian vehicles from Matchbox or similar and buildings and terrain were scratch-built by Society member Peter. He started this game as a lock down project, and it took him around 2 years to complete. The game was shown at  Cavalier (February 2023), Salute 50 (April 2023) where it won the award for the best 10mm – 18mm game (scale shrinkage?), and Broadside 2023.

The Salute trophy


Here are a few photos from the game at Salute.

Peter shared the build process on the club blog here