WIP Wednesday 17/07/2024

Jeremey’s otherwise engaged for the next couple of weeks, so compiling the WIP Wednesday roundup falls to Andy.

After helping Phil with basing figures for the WW2 game he and Tony put on at the Open Day, Phil’s youngest son decided he wanted to do some painting.

So as a start from him we have a GW wolf (above). He is now moving onto some Space Marines.

Marcus has been continuing work on a variety of projects, this week he has completed a couple of Pulp Figures.

Does the one on the left remind you of a character from a certain “motherly” film franchise?

Eric has started a new project, a 15mm force for Xenos Rampant, he’s assembled them, but no paint has been applied yet

I’ll finish off with some of my own work.

I’ve been experimenting with a home made wet palette (a Chinese takeaway container, thick kitchen towel and some greaseproof paper) and a vortex mixer.

The wet palette certainly keeps paint useable for a couple of days, and the vortex mixer seems to work well. We tried it out on some “problem” paints at the open day.

On to the figures, I’m nearing the end of the Arab Light Horse, just some washing and varnishing to do. And the shields. When I find them! Here are four of the twelve.

I’ve also been working on some Footsore slingers while I’ve been painting the Arab horse.

That’s all for this week, we’ll be back next Wednesday.

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