Work in Progress Wednesday

Welcome to another work in progress Wednesday post. We start this week with Chairman Mark J’s T55AM2b (yes he was that specific) and some more Volks Grenadiers.

Next up and Marcus is back on an aquatic theme with a converted toy sub miniature.

And some suitable sea dwelling dinosaurs.

After finishing my wars of the roses cavalry I’ve turned my attention back to my 3mm sci-fi forces. These are a selection of the GEV vehicles.

Last for this week we have some more GZG Japanese troops from Andy.

And a winged beastie with an objective marker Andy is calling the Eternal Flame made from a marble. Several members have already commented on what a good idea using a marble is.

That’s it for this week, see you next Wednesday.

Work in Progress Wednesday

Welcome to a new Work in Progress Wednesday post, that’s actually on a Wednesday!

We start this week with Charlotte and some Morris Men and May Queens for a future game of Folked Up that Charlotte will be running. This will be a good addition to the various periods played by members.

Next up and Andy has been busy getting his army ready for Xenos Rampant later this year, his GZG Japanese miniatures are looking good.

And they will be fielding a Warbot for that extra bit of fire power.

Finally for this week Tony F has finished off some more of his Belgian forces.

Should be an impressive force just as soon as he finishes some assorted carriers and the infantry.

See you next Wednesday.

WIP Wednesday 28/08/2024 (on Friday!)

Apologies, we’re a bit late with this weeks WIP Wednesday post, we got a bit side-tracked by the bank holiday weekend.

We’ll start with the honourable chairman Mark’s efforts, a Vietnam era LVTP-5 and a M-50 Ontos (above).

Next up we have a couple of offerings from Charlotte, she’s given her Spanish church a coating of sand, painting is next.

And a couple of characters from a game she’s developing “Folked Up”, the Pirate queen of Hispania: Inés de la Espada and her pet Octavio.

Inés is a Reaper sculpt and Octavio is scratch-built from earplugs.

Stephen’s gone off his painting, but he’s still got his modelling mojo running with this construction, called ‘Stairway To Heaven’. We’ll be seeing that in a Stargrave game at some point.

Regular editor Jeremey has been working on some cavalry, King Richard and his retinue, for the upcoming finale of the War of the Roses campaign, the battle of Bosworth  (that’s him on the far right, with the gold armour, leading the charge from the rear).

Meanwhile Tony has take a break from his WW2 Belgian project to work on some terrain for a planned Lord of the Rings game, the Gates of Bree and the surrounding hedge

And, as something completely different, some 15mm Yenpalo Sci Fi vehicles and crew.

Going up a scale, Andy has been working on some Japanese Corporate Mercenaries, these are 25mm GZG figures that have been in Andy’s pile of shame for over a decade!.

And in case they need a bit of support, he’s also working on a War Bot from Alternative Armies, which would work in 6mm, 15mm or 25/28mm scales.

That’s all for this week, hopefully we’ll be back on time next week.


Work in Progress Wednesday

Well the weather hasn’t stopped the members efforts for this week.

We start with Tony F and his Belgian force of towed guns and armoured cars.

Tony has been researching the correct marking for the vehicles.

Some nice attention to detail.

Next up and Charlotte has been trying out a new building technique with papier mache applied to a simple box building design. Will be interesting o see how the texture looks once painted.
Now we have Peter M who has been making sci-fi scenery out of old Dr Who toy sets. Most come already painted an with the odd addition here or there can be turned into useful scenic pieces.

Moving on and Stephen has managed to get hold of a horses skull to create a welsh mari lwyd banner.

And finally for this week Felix has finished off a T72, BMP-1 and a Chieftain for some cold war action to come.

See you next Wednesday.

Work in Progress Wednesday

I’m back from my holiday so thanks to Andy for holding the fort. Well truth be told I thought he was doing to good a job especially with his little quips on the members efforts.

This week the members have gone a bit tank mad. Above we start with some cold war entries the first from Felix with a Chieftain alongside his finished Brits.

Following that Mark J has made a start on a T72

and has a BMP queuing up.

Now we move on to a lovely conversion of a WW1 tank to something for the Quar to go to war in. Commander Bobble hat makes a welcome return to give directions.

I did say this week was about tanks, well Phil has decided to put together a rare Anime style tank kit known as Bad Guy Tank No.1, I’m assuming this is destined for the Quar as well.

Dropping down a scale and Tony F has been busy painting up some more forces for his Xenos rampant army.

Tony F has also been busy punching out rivets for his Belgian armoured forces. Now there’s dedication for you.

And just to buck this weeks theme Andy has continued working on his Lords of the Rings scenery pieces.

And that’s it for this week, we will catch you next time.

WIP Wednesday 07/08/2024

Andy is back with a round up of the Society’s members painting efforts.

We start with some Norman mounted crossbows from Stephen (above). He’s planning to field these against me in a Norman Conquest mini campaign later in the year.

Eric has been working on another car for Gaslands. Is that The Stig driving, or one of his cousins?

Felix has started work on some BAOR figures.

And Chairman Mark has finished his Vietnam USMC Recon team.

One we missed from last week, Marcus has been working on some Stargrave scenery.

Also on the scenery front, I have been working on a random selection of Lord of the Rings items.

And I’ve finished a couple of 3D prints from Brigade Models, a Ford Model T Armoured Car and a British 13pdr gun. The Ford is available from their website, but the 13pdr is a pre-production model so hasn’t quite made the website yet.

Tony has been making progress on his WW2 Belgians, first up, a Daimler Armoured Car. This is an IBG kit (the only plastic 1/72nd Daimler he could find) and it’s definitely not a quick build wargames model – it’s more like a miniature Tamiya kit with loads of tiny details. It has a fully detailed interior, although some of the parts once fitted would be impossible to see from any angle even with the hatches open, so all of that got left off.

And he’s also working on the 25pdr guns and tractors. And all the wheels!

Finally Peter M has been working on some 28mm Sci FI AFVs for the Hammer’s Slammers universe.

ASU-57 Striker
FV402 Sampson Engineer Vehicle.

WIP Wednesday 31/07/2024

Another week and another roundup of MWS member’s efforts on the modelling and painting front.

First off we’ll take a look at a couple of offerings from Tony. Above we have a 6mm Hammer’s Slammers detachment – the Heliodorus Regiment who carry flamethrowers (not that they can be seen in this image) and ride around in big wheeled vehicles, with a few more bases of 6mm desert scenery. These are Brigade Models products, no surprise there!

Also from  Tony we have progress on his late WW2 Belgians, a couple of 25 pdr guns, limbers and tractors, some 15cwt trucks for the motor rifle platoon, and a couple of scout cars. Tony says the green base coat looks nowhere near so pale in real life.

Next up some of Chairman Mark’s work, a Vietnam era USMC Recon Team.

Our main theme for this week is some Stargrave (other SF rules are available) markers, mostly for the Side Hustle option.

Marcus has built a Pylon from odds and ends.

A damaged robot/drone mainly for underwater games:

And finally from Marcus some Coral style scenery pieces.

Eric has built a pit marker, scratch built apart from the doors which are old 40k Rhino top hatches.

And some loot markers:

And I’ve also been working on some Side Hustle markers, although mine are commercial models rather than being scratch built. The Pylon and Pit are from Blotz, and the Robot from Alternative Armies.

I’ve also finished off a repair bot (Crooked Dice) and some sand worm type beasts, not sure where I got those.

Hopefully Jeremey will be back in charge next week.

WIP Wednesday 24/07/2024

Andy curates this week’s roundup of members painting and modelling activities.

We’ll start off with some offerings from Tony F this week, above we have the start on some Brigade Models 15mm Yenpalo infantry for Xenos Rampant. They comprise two units each of heavy infantry and light infantry/scouts, plus mortar and railgun teams. The scouts are on open order bases to reflect their Hard to Target rule, with the heavies in closer order. The weapons teams are based with two man crews, while the additional command figure allows the removal of single casualties.

Also from Tony are some 25 lbr guns for his 20mm WW2 Belgian project.

Next up we have some of Eric’s work, an Alien Bounty Hunter inspired by the recent Dead or Alive supplement for Stargrave. This is a Kroot Carnivore figure.

Continuing the Stargrave theme we have some Necrons:

And some Baby Bugs:

Finally we come to my meagre offerings. Firstly some simple markers for Lion Rampant, “Wall of Spears” and “Shieldwall”. Printed labels, PVA glue and some surplus cavalry “pill” bases.

I’ve finished off some Arab Light Cavalry (apart from their shields, which I can’t find!)

And a few peasant slingers.

That’s all, we’ll be back next week.

WIP Wednesday 17/07/2024

Jeremey’s otherwise engaged for the next couple of weeks, so compiling the WIP Wednesday roundup falls to Andy.

After helping Phil with basing figures for the WW2 game he and Tony put on at the Open Day, Phil’s youngest son decided he wanted to do some painting.

So as a start from him we have a GW wolf (above). He is now moving onto some Space Marines.

Marcus has been continuing work on a variety of projects, this week he has completed a couple of Pulp Figures.

Does the one on the left remind you of a character from a certain “motherly” film franchise?

Eric has started a new project, a 15mm force for Xenos Rampant, he’s assembled them, but no paint has been applied yet

I’ll finish off with some of my own work.

I’ve been experimenting with a home made wet palette (a Chinese takeaway container, thick kitchen towel and some greaseproof paper) and a vortex mixer.

The wet palette certainly keeps paint useable for a couple of days, and the vortex mixer seems to work well. We tried it out on some “problem” paints at the open day.

On to the figures, I’m nearing the end of the Arab Light Horse, just some washing and varnishing to do. And the shields. When I find them! Here are four of the twelve.

I’ve also been working on some Footsore slingers while I’ve been painting the Arab horse.

That’s all for this week, we’ll be back next Wednesday.

Work in Progress Wednesday

Back for another Wednesday and again. We start this week with Eric and some GW miniature painted up as Robots for an upcoming Stargrave game.

Eric has also painted up some more nasty creatures for the game.

And some loot tokens and a pilot to join the crew.

Next up Stephen has finished his Hot Wheels van conversions into two 15mm grav vehicles and added some infantry.

Continuing with his Quar forces and Stephen has painted up an officer figure and did a conversion on the helmet to turn in into a bobble hat.

He has also finished painting up the hard going terrain piece he was working on.

Moving on and Andy has started working on some medieval slingers.

And lastly for this week, Marcus has turned his attention back to some aircraft miniatures with a pair of SU27’s.

And with that we will see you next week.