Jeremey is otherwise engaged this week, so compiling the WIP Wednesday round up falls to Andy.
Mark J has finished another section of WW2 British Infantry (picture above) and is working on a couple of support units and an M10 Tank Destroyer.

And Felix has built a Sherman ‘Easy 8’ he purchased from Cavalier and started work on some civilians and a TV/Film crew for Vietnam games.

Stephen splashed out on some medieval models at Cavalier and has made a start on them.

Eric has been working on some scenery from Battle Of Osgiliarth, and is summoning up the courage/fortitude to attempt the actual figures themselves

Tony F has got back to his 20mm derelict farmyard after a bit of a hiatus. The corner behind the right hand shed will become a small garden with flowers and an apple tree once the glue under the lawn is dry. It needs some sacks and barrels to add a bit of clutter, then he thinks it’ll be there.

David has started work on some Caissons for his Napoleonic collection.

Finally, Marcus continues with his Stargrave and Pulp Alley figures. The larger sandy coloured figure will be a power armoured robot.

That’s all for this week.
Jeremey will be back in charge next week.
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