Summer of 77 show game coming to Salute 51

Show game at Cavalier 2024

The Maidstone Wargames Society is pleased to announce our show game for 2024.

The Luftwaffe approach the south coast of Britain and their first set of targets, the radar stations.

We present the Summer of 77, a world war two Battle of Britain participation game. Why 1977? I hear you cry. Our show game is based on a simple game that appeared in the 1977 summer edition of Warlord magazine and is the brainchild of society member Phil who has turned it into a full scale 3D landscape.

Fully detailed landscape of the English countryside, towns and villages. Not to mention those all important airfields and radar stations!

The game has already made a successful appearance at this years Cavalier show in Tonbridge and will make its next appearance at Salute 51 on the 13th April, we are table GJ05 on the show plan. If you’re at the show come and try your hand at thwarting the Luftwaffe. You can also find out all about the game including how it was constructed on our show game page Summer of 77.

Spitfires prepare to scramble to meet the incoming German fighters and bombers.