Work in Progress Wednesday

This Wednesday has unsurprisingly been dominated by preparation made for the Open Day.

We start with Charlotte and some Project Z scenery. Nice graffiti of Jane MacDonald!

Here we see some shop fronts.

Art detail for the tattoo parlour.

And a group shot of the various survivors.

Next up and Tony F has been busy getting more terrain ready for a WW2 game. Apparently this type of monument is called a Calvary.

And some scratchbuilt hedges from sponge pads.

Followed by a nice walled garden.

and a little picturesque cottage.

Also for the WW2 game Phil has been put in charge of painting the armies while Tony F does the terrain. We start with the German infantry.

Followed by a touch of paint on the Cromwells.

And Bren carriers.

A change of genre now and I’ve continued painting up my 3mm sci-fi units, this time some grav tanks, dropships and a walker.

Staying with Sci-fi, Marcus has been busy painting up miniatures for a Stargrave crew.

And some more rather dramatic poses.

See you next Wednesday …

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