I’m back from my holiday so thanks to Andy for holding the fort. Well truth be told I thought he was doing to good a job especially with his little quips on the members efforts.
This week the members have gone a bit tank mad. Above we start with some cold war entries the first from Felix with a Chieftain alongside his finished Brits.
Following that Mark J has made a start on a T72
and has a BMP queuing up.
Now we move on to a lovely conversion of a WW1 tank to something for the Quar to go to war in. Commander Bobble hat makes a welcome return to give directions.
I did say this week was about tanks, well Phil has decided to put together a rare Anime style tank kit known as Bad Guy Tank No.1, I’m assuming this is destined for the Quar as well.
Dropping down a scale and Tony F has been busy painting up some more forces for his Xenos rampant army.
Tony F has also been busy punching out rivets for his Belgian armoured forces. Now there’s dedication for you.
And just to buck this weeks theme Andy has continued working on his Lords of the Rings scenery pieces.
And that’s it for this week, we will catch you next time.
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