Work in Progress Wednesday

We start this week with some hover vehicles with a nice paintjob from Marcus, I believe these are Old Crow vehicles.

Next up and Dave P has started on a new project with some WW2 Soviet troops.

And tanks of course, you must have tanks.

Moving on and we have a Ziggurat complex from Sean made out of various small scale scenery bits from Brigade Models.

Now we have a Vietnam village from Stephen, it’s a nice aerial shot but a bit of a teaser as to how good the buildings look. Hopefully we’ll get more shots of this.

And last for this week I’ve started work on another Dropship conversion. I’m going to turn this 15mm grav vehicle from Brigade Models into a bulky dropship for my 3mm forces. Not sure how I’m going to convert it yet. I might put legs on it, haven’t decided.

And with that we will see you next Wednesday.

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