Merry Christmas ! Since it’s Christmas Day we thought we’d give you a run-down of our favourite WIP Wednesday items from the year, one from each month. So grab your eggnog and mince pies and join us for a trawl through the society’s makes and paints for 2024.
We started off the year with a few of us tackling some old Games Workshop figures for a retro painting challenge. We wanted these efforts to be worthwhile, so we submitted them to the charity table at Salute in April where they were sold off for a good cause. Taking part were Stephen, Eric, Jeremey, Marcus and Tony F who each painted two figures, most of which came from a big box of classic old GW figures that Tony was given many years ago. These were in a bit of a state, so we all had to clean them up, strip the original paint jobs and in some case do a bit of repair work before painting could start.
In February our new 2024 show game made its debut at Cavalier in Tonbridge. Phil as always left things until the last minute, so we saw several work in progress posts of his splendid 2mm scale terrain when he had time to drag himself away from the painting table.
In March John La went all nautical on us with a selection of ships for a WW2 convoy game, both commercial models and scratchbuilds.
April is Salute time, and Pete M showed off some 1/300th Victorian SF cloudships that he would be using on a game he was running with a number of gaming friends from another club. I’m not sure how we handle this downright treachery, but they’re too nice not to show.
In May Charlotte began working towards her game for the club Open Day, a Project Z game – this month she gave us a selection of terrain items.
We’re past the halfway point of the year, and Chairman Mark J has been plugging away at his 28mm Vietnam kit for the past few months, so it’s high time we gave it an outing. All Hail the Chairman !!
In July, Tony F set out on a project that would take until December to complete (so everyone else was pretty bored of it by then…). It was a unit of 20mm late WW2 Belgians (yes, that’s right late war Belgians). So essentially all British kit, mostly motorised infantry with a heavy selection of support units. Just look at that weathering…
Stephen was prolific throughout the year so it was hard to pick just one item from him, but a standout was this magnificent conversion of a WWI Airfix tank into the Soup Dragon for his 28mm Quar.
In September Jeremey resumed work on some 3mm sci-fi models that he’d been sporadically painting earlier in the year. Later on he also repurposed some 6mm models and even a 15mm tank as dropships to carry his tiny troops.
Andy lost his painting mojo at some point in the year, but he found it again in October. Besides lots of scenery, he painted up some GZG 25mm Japanese Corporate Mercenaries for Xenos Rampant.
In November Sean gave us this rather marvellous 2mm mini layout based around a Ziggurat – he named it the Hanging Gardens of Cranbrook !
Marcus rounded off the year with some vintage 6mm sci-fi tanks from the past.