Work in Progress Wednesday

It’s another Wednesday and we start this week with a selection from Marcus. Above we have some smaller miniatures from Marcus’ various spy/undersea games and some 28mm Sci-Fi troopers.

Next up Phil has been making some more trees, we’ll have to see if we can get him to show the process for the trees.

Now we have Andy’s progress on some WWI vehicles, some Celtos Sidhe and the novel idea of having a marble to be used as an objective marker.

And lastly for this week Eric has again been busy putting together some more warbands. This time a Gnoll warband.

And some Chaos Cultists. What we are all waiting for is to see some paint slapped on all these.

We’ll see you next week for more from the members.

Work in Progress Wednesday

It’s Wednesday again and we have some new progress at the society.

First up Eric has been busy building things in preparation for a number of projects in 2024. Above Eric has put together Gothmog from the Lord of the Rings and below are some ruins for Osgiliath.

Eric has also been putting together some cardboard buildings for an upcoming game of Battletech Alpha Strike.

Next up Tony F has painted up a new captain for his Stargrave crew.

And finally for this week Stephen has finished painting up some cardboard packaging, turning it into effective sci-fi terrain.

We’ll see you next week.

Work in Progress Wednesday

We have some cracking stuff this week from the membership.

First up Mark has finished his UH-34 helicopter for Vietnam. And an M113 ACAV.

Next up and Andy has finished his QLD truck.

Andy has also started on some WW1 vehicles from Brigade Models.

Next up and Stephen has started on some cardboard packing pieces soon to be buildings in a sci-fi game most likely.

And lastly for this week and Phil has been playing with his 3D printer, with a piece of terrain.

With that we will see you next Wednesday.

Work in Progress Wednesday

We didn’t have a progress post last week, I think the holidays finally caught up with everyone. But this week we’ve had a strong return to form.

First up and we have Dave P’s expanding forces, this time more Russian Corps troops.

Next up Andy has continued with his Bedford QLD truck build.

Now we more onto Stephen whos has painted up some hooded outlaws.

Last up this week and Eric has a selection on miniatures, first some Romans.

Then a Gutrippa Orc.

And a Savage Orruk.

See you next Wednesday for more work in progress.

Work in Progress Wednesday

We start this week with Andy and the progress to the 1/35 Bedford QLD truck they are building.

Also from Andy some progress on another batch of Sidhe (a bit like elves).

Next up and John La has been painting some fantasy miniatures for a friend.

And last for this week Tony F has painted up another member of their new Stargrave Crew. This is Marshall Klint apparently.

And an Elf hero figure for Lord of the Rings in the form of Gildor Inglorion.

That’s it for this week. See you next time.

Work in Progress Wednesday

We start this week with a sorry tale, above is a new crew captain for Tony F after the last one got killed during a game of Stargrave. They were the only casualty and in the after game roll they didn’t recover.

Moving on to happier stories and David P is getting more miniatures painted for a big game next January. These are the start of some Russian Artillery.

Next up and Felix has been back at the painting table for some more Vietnam era troops. We have some more US Airborne and NVA.

Nice freehand work on the flag.

Stephen has added a bit more scenery this week with some broken/rocky ground.

While Mark J has produced a rather large pyrrhic pike block.

Lastly for this week and we have a new set of Elves for Andy.

See you next week!

Work in Progress Wednesday

Only a small offering this week.

We start with Marcus who is painting up some scenery pieces this week. Above we have a crashed plane that Marcus may end up using as more underwater terrain for various scuba, secret agent, bondesque style games.

Along with the wreckage Marcus also picked up some rock pieces from the local pet shop aquarium range.

Sticking with the aquarium theme Tony F has also been in the pet shop and picked up some little bridges from the aquarium range. These were stripped down and repainted.

And lastly for this week Andy has returned to the painting desk with the staart of their Elf band for an upcoming game.

That’s it for this week.

Work in Progress Wednesday

It’s Wednesday again, it’s bad weather for trying to use spray varnish outside but there’s still beeen progress.

We start with my efforts this week. Above I’ve been painting up some space stations for a coming game of Full Thrust. I got these models off a fellow member, they are apparently from the Dropfleet Commander game. They came as a sprue of parts that you stick together as your mood takes you.

Following that I managed to get my Stargrave crew finished.

Next up and Stephen has managed to finished their scratchbuilt medieval manor.

Now we have Mark J’s progress on their helicopters for Vietnam.

And finally for this week Eric has painted up a band of Elves for a future game tryout of Red King Elf.

So we’ll see you next week.

Work in Progress Wednesday

We start this weeks Work in Progress with a bumper crop from Eric. Above is an Orx Guard for Dreadball, below is a Goblin Jack also for Dreadball.

Eric has also bee painting up some romans.

Next up Peter M has been building some more Martian Cloudships.

These are all scratchbuilt from various other miniatures and kits.

Now we have John La rushing to get a DBA army ready for the Society’s annual competition.

Marcus has continued with paiting up some miniatures for Frostgrave.

And yet more aquatic miniatures.

Stephen has inadvertently (their words not mine) started building a medieval manor house.

And lastly for this week I’ve made some progress on my Stargrave crew.

See you all next Wednesday.

Work in Progress Wednesday

It’s another Wednesday and just a small offering this week.

I’ll start with my efforts this week. Above is the start of a new set of miniatures for that will be my Stargrave Crew. These are all Copplestone miniatures that I’ve done a bit of conversion work on to make some of them a bit more alien like.

Next up Mark J has been putting together some vehicles for a Vietnam game.

Stephen has been busy painting up some more reinforcements for our Wars of the Roses campaign. This time Stephen has painted up some Irish kerns and gallowglaichs.

And lastly this week, Mark H has finished painting up a 1/300th Soviet Guards Battalion.

See you next Wednesday.