Work in Progress Wednesday

After what seems like a very long break I’m back with the Work in Progress Wednesday post.

This week we start with Tony F who has been working on a crew for Stargrave. Above he has started on a Security detail, all from the Stargrave troops set.

Next up a Medic and hacker from the plastic Stargrave crew set .

Any finally First mate, captain, faithful robo-hound and robot navigator. The captain and dog are metal Diehard Miniatures, the other two are 3D prints.

Now we have some 6mm French from Mark H. It’s been a while for Mark to get some paint onto miniatures but we are pleased to see some progress.

Although given the size of his 6mm Napoleonic armies to date, I do wonder why Mark needs yet more!

And to prove a point this was a show game Mark put on way back in 2009!

That’s it for this week. See you at the next one.

Work in Progress Wednesday

It’s Wednesday and out of the blue we have a bumper crop from the members. Above we have a strange hover/truck/craft of some sort from Blotz  called a Luftblitzwagen.

Next up Mark J has painted more 2mm legions.

Mark’s also added to his Saxon ranks.

John L’s been busy getting his miniatures ready for the Society Open Day, first some mortar units.

And he has also been creating more buildings for the game.

Next up following the theme of getting ready for the Open Day John R has been painting some 6mm Hammers Slammers tanks, quite a few tanks in fact.

Tony F has also been working on his Hammers Slammers units to take John on.

Tony has also been putting together some scenery. Nice to see a bit of multiple levels.

That’s it for this week, see you next time.


Work in Progress Wednesday

We’re back with another work in progress Wednesday. First up this week we have a first look at the miniatures I’ve choosen as a Stargrave crew. They are all from Copplestone Castings, I loved the old Grenadier miniatures marines Mark Copplestone sculpted. I’m going to convert them with different weapons and some alien bits.

Next up Mark and Felix have been busy with a Saxon Brigade and more Polish Lancers.

And last for this week Eric’s Game’s Workshop pile is (possibly) getting smaller. This time we have a Primaris Space Marine and Chaos Cultist.

And a Primaris Intercessor Sergeant.

See you next week.

Work in Progress Wednesday

After a short break for Star Wars day we are back with another work in progress Wednesday.

We start this week with some 15mm Wars of the Roses artilery from Stephen. Stephen has also been modifying the bases on the rest of his WOTR army to add a hit/strength dice frame.

Next up Marcus has started on some Brigade and Dark Star 15mm models  for 5 Parsecs From Home solo gaming.

Tony has been working across genres with some 6mm sci-fi terrain to start with.

Followed by some Gondor Citadel Guard archers.

That’s it for this week, see you again next Wednesday.

Work in Progress Wednesday

Just a short work in progress this week. Above Tony has managed to finish the last dwarves to complete the company from the Hobbit.

Next up Andy has made some more progress on his WW2 Brits.

And last for this week, Eric has painted up an additional four Viking archers on top of last week’s efforts.

That’s it for this week, we’ll be taking a break next Wednesday from the WIP posts with something else but will be back the week after.

Work in Progress Wednesday

Welcome to another Work in Progress Wednesday. Above we start with Tony and his freshly painted Knights of Rivendell.

Tony has also been making some 6mm roads.

Next up Felix has made some good progress on his Polish army.

Eric has been as busy as usual, first up a standard bearer for his Chaos Warriors.

Then we have something Eric calls a Hellbrute.

And finally from Eric something slghtly different with some Viking archers.

See you next Wednesday.


Work in Progress Wednesday

It’s often feast or famine with the members projects and progress. Just a few offerings this week.

Above Eric has finished his Chaos Warriors.

Next up Andy has started a new project with some WW2 Brits.

Felix has continued his impressive run of putting paint on miniatures with some polish lancers.

And last for this week, I’ve finally returned to my balloon project. I’ve added more netting to some ballooons and finished the baskets. Next I have to start the assembly process.

That’s it for this week.

Work in Progress Wednesday

It’s Wednesday, and Eric is putting us all to shame again. Above and below we have something new with a couple of Aeronefs.

Next up some Chaos Warriors

And lastly from Eric this week an old Grenadier adventurer miniature.

Next up Stephen has been painting up some 20mm Gladiators for an arena game.

Mark has made a little bit of progress on his ancient greeks

and we end this week with Tony having painted up a new space fleet (that recently fought me to a draw!)

and some rather impressive 6mm sci-fi terrain

See you next week.

Work in Progress Wednesday

It’s Wednesday and we have another collection of things the members have been working on.

Above Marcus has painted up some sci-fi creatures. They are apparently a Northstar Stargrave creature (orange) and Lucid Eye Beyond the Savage Core guard “dogs”.

Next up we have a couple of dwarves. Firstly a dwarven wizard from Stephen.
And another dwarf wizard from Andy.
Andy has also painted up a victorian/steampunk figure.
and yet more 10mm Polish infantry.
Next up Felix has painted some napoleonic polish cavalry.

While Mark has made a start on some 15mm Ancient Greeks.

And last but not least Eric has completed a unit of mounted chaos marauders.
That’s it for this week, see you next wekend.

Work in Progress Wednesday

It’s Wednesday and we have another bunch of pictures showing what club members have been up to.
Above Tony has painted up some archers from Blackfoot Vale to add to his Lord of the Rings collection.

Next up Andy is painting more of his Polish Vistula Regiment.
Andy has also started painting up some more vikings and a wizard.
Eric has been busy again on some Games Workshop Marauders and something wonderfully named a Slaughter Priest.
Next up John has painted up some more galleys.

Stephen has been working on some fatigue markers to better match his Saga Crusades games, Stephen has also thrown in a converted miniature as a priest.
And finally for this week Marcus has started on a new project, here is a first attempt at some 15mm sci-fi terrain.
See you next Wednesday.