Work in Progress Wednesday

It’s Wednesday, and Eric is putting us all to shame again. Above and below we have something new with a couple of Aeronefs.

Next up some Chaos Warriors

And lastly from Eric this week an old Grenadier adventurer miniature.

Next up Stephen has been painting up some 20mm Gladiators for an arena game.

Mark has made a little bit of progress on his ancient greeks

and we end this week with Tony having painted up a new space fleet (that recently fought me to a draw!)

and some rather impressive 6mm sci-fi terrain

See you next week.

Work in Progress Wednesday

It’s Wednesday and we have another collection of things the members have been working on.

Above Marcus has painted up some sci-fi creatures. They are apparently a Northstar Stargrave creature (orange) and Lucid Eye Beyond the Savage Core guard “dogs”.

Next up we have a couple of dwarves. Firstly a dwarven wizard from Stephen.
And another dwarf wizard from Andy.
Andy has also painted up a victorian/steampunk figure.
and yet more 10mm Polish infantry.
Next up Felix has painted some napoleonic polish cavalry.

While Mark has made a start on some 15mm Ancient Greeks.

And last but not least Eric has completed a unit of mounted chaos marauders.
That’s it for this week, see you next wekend.

Work in Progress Wednesday

It’s Wednesday and we have another bunch of pictures showing what club members have been up to.
Above Tony has painted up some archers from Blackfoot Vale to add to his Lord of the Rings collection.

Next up Andy is painting more of his Polish Vistula Regiment.
Andy has also started painting up some more vikings and a wizard.
Eric has been busy again on some Games Workshop Marauders and something wonderfully named a Slaughter Priest.
Next up John has painted up some more galleys.

Stephen has been working on some fatigue markers to better match his Saga Crusades games, Stephen has also thrown in a converted miniature as a priest.
And finally for this week Marcus has started on a new project, here is a first attempt at some 15mm sci-fi terrain.
See you next Wednesday.

Work in Progress Wednesday

We start this week with a wonderful piece of work from Eric. This is apparently Wulfric The Wanderer in all his glory.

Another view of Wulfric

Next up John has made progress on his Japanese houses.

Andy is next up having finished some of his 10mm Polish.  There a lot more colourful than I imagined they would be.

Meanwhile Stephen has finished his skeleton cavalry and added a bolt thrower.

A rare treat for me this week, I’ve finally made a start on the last of my trees. These were from a store called ‘The Works’. Every year they have various sized christmas trees available very cheaply.

They come covered in snow and so following recommendations from other club members I sprayed them green.

Tony has also been working on some trees from ‘The Works’, but he still has the snow on his.

But Tony has also painted up a bear miniature to act as Beorn for his Lord of the Rings armies. Here Beorn is with the finished versions of Deorwine we saw in a previous WIP Wednesday.

That’s it for this weekend, see you next time.


Work in Progress Wednesday

Back to Wednesday after a slight hiccup last week.

First up we have an undead dragon from Stephen and below the start of some undead cavalry.

Next up Marcus has started on another toy sub model for his underwater adventures.

Next up Tony has painted yet another Lord of the Rings miniature. This time Déorwine, Chief of the King’s Knights and a sneaky addition of the Brigadier miniature from Brigade Models.

Now we turn to the progress Andy has made on his Polish forces.

And an assortment of Dwarves and Vikings.

Lastly for this week, John has returned to building some more Japanese houses.

That’s it for this week, see you next Wednesday.


Work in Progress Wednesday (on Thursday)

A little later than planned, here’s the week’s roundup of modelling progress. Hopefully back to the normal schedule next week.

First up, John’s started scratch building another Japanese building for his Samurai games.

John’s Japanese house takes shape

Stephen’s been buzzy, some venomous giant bees for Dragon Rampant, these are from North Star’s Rangers of Shadowdeep range

Venomous giant Bees

He is also working on some terrain from scrap packaging, these will be Sci-Fi buildings.

Repurposed packing, Sci Fi buildings n progress.

Eric’s almost completed a roadster for Gaslands. He’s pondering what sort of lunatic weapons to add to it.

Eric’s roadrunner

Mark J’s been working on some 20mm buildings.

Ruined western buildings

While his son has been working on some WW2 Germans, basic colours applied with shading and highlighting to follow.

Mark’s son’s Germans

Finally, Tony’s been working on his cold war Canadians, and some associated scenery.

Cold War Canadians

That’s all for this week.

Work in Progress Wednesday

It’s been a quiet week at the society but we have a couple of things being worked on.

Above we have some more Chaos Marauders from Eric and below an interesting start to what is apparently a Games Workshop Culexis Assassin.

Next up I’ve finally made some more progress on my Napoleonic balloon project. Managed to get the netting onto four more balloons. Only five more to go!

And finally for this week, Marcus has added some foliage for his underwater games with some aquarium plants.

That’s it for this Wednesday, see you next week.


Work in Progress Wednesday

Welcome to another Wednesday and a selection of what the society members have been working on.

First up above Tony has some interesting looking miniatures. They are actually Chaos Screamers from Games Workshop, but we agree with Tony that they make good alien space monsters.

Next up Mark has made a bit more progress on his cold war brits.

While Felix has been busy painting up the figure given out at the last Salute wargames show.

And he’s also been painting up some 6mm dark age picts. Nice use of colour on these.

And lastly this week, Marcus has finished some of his WWII planes. Here we have a selection of Spitfires and ME109’s.

That’s it for this week, see you next Wednesday.

Work in Progress Wednesday

Wellcome to another work in progress Wednesday. Above we start with a close up of Tony’s 1980’s Canadians, Tony said these were “in their 3-colour camo’ scheme (plain olive green for the tanks). The infantry have had a base coat of Army Green – the Canucks had plain green uniforms with US Vietnam-era helmet covers, so relatively easy to paint.”

This is swiftly followed by Mark’s progress on the opposing forces of some Cold War British forming the 7th Armoured brigade. Mark says the paint scheme is “abandoned Berlin camo scheme and have done black disruptive”.

Next up Stephen has added to his sci-fi collection with an interesting miniature he’s named “Captain Selwyn Froggit of the good ship Magic R Morris”

And last but not least this week, Marcus gives us a window into his current work desk and resident projects of planes and various vehicles and terrain for more scuba action.

See you next week for more work in progress.

Work in Progress Wednesday

We start this week with some great paint jobs from Eric. Above we have a Chaos Cultist and below a nice close up (sorry Eric, I thought it deserved it) of his finished Custodian Guard Shield Captain.

Next up Mark has made a bit more progress on his British 1970’s infantry, as well as quite a debate among members over the length of the recoilless rifle.

Mark’s son has also painted some impressive Polish from the Napoleonic era.

And speaking of Polish Andy has made some more progress on his 10mm versions.

And last but by no means least this week Stephen has painted up some mutants, he may have a plan for these but they will work nicely for Stargrave.

We will see you next week for yet more progress from club members.