Work in Progress Wednesday

The sunny weather hasn’t kicked in yet to slow the members down.

We start with some markers for Stargrave from Stephen. Followed by the finished Pilgrims from Andy.

Andy has also made progress on the Salute Viking figure.

Now we have some large boulders from John L.

Moving on and it must get boring soon for Tony F having to paint yet more elves. First up a captain and magic user.

and some more rank and file elven warriors

Mark J has proven they don’t just paint 28mm vietnam miniatures with some 6mm Tiger tanks.

Sticking with the 6mm theme Mark H has started painting Soviet Infantry

And lastly for this week, Eric has been painting up a fantasy tree.

Close up of the base of the tree

So we’ll see you next week for some more work in progress.


Work in Progress Wednesday

It’s a bumper crop this week. We start off with a big beast from Phil to give the forces on Angband a helping hand. And Phil has made progress on the orc horde.

Next up John La has finished part of a new river set.

Moving on Mark J has made more progress on their Vietnam project.

Now we move on to Marcus with some more miniatures for Frostgrave.

And some unexpected heroes for another future project.

Andy has almost finished the Pilgrims.

And last for this week Stephen is getting ready to paint some more 15mm Wars of the Roses miniatures and also a cardinal Hugh DeVious coming to a crusade soon.

See you next week.

Work in Progress Wednesday

This week has been mainly dominated by progress on games for our Open Day this June. We start with the most picturesque which was Tony F’s Elves for a Lord of the Rings battle in the First Age.

Staying with this theme, Phill has put a bit more paint on some more Orcs. Apparently a lot of orcs will be required.

Next up I’ve finished all of the individual rods for my Napoleonic Balloon game.

Lastly for this week Andy has made some more progress on their pilgrims.

See you next Wednesday.

Work in Progress Wednesday

We start this week with Eric and some Romans, apparently Eric only has 18 of these to paint, but does have 40 celts as opponents to go!

Next up Andy has made more progress on some Pilgrims and the Salute Viking.

John L has made a start on a new river section, there’s been a bit of debate about how to make good river sections, will be interesting to see how these turn out.

And lastly for this week Marcus has been busy with some more Frostgrave terrain, this time some interesting magical circles.

See you next Wednesday.

Work in Progress Wednesday

Just a few things for this week, I wonder if the improved weather is having an impact on production …

First up Stephen has finished a unit of Romano-British cavalry they are calling King Arthur’s knights.

Next up Phil has decided to paint more orcs  for the upcoming battle in the first age Lord of the Rings game for the Open Day.

Let’s hope we also see the big beast in the game as well.

Now we move onto Paul L who’s been putting together some 3mm paper buildings.

Hat’s off to Paul here, 3mm paper models can be quite the fiddly challenge.

And last for this week, I’ve been painting up the supporting rods for my Balloon game for the Open Day.

I’m trying to get them to blend in a bit by dry brushing a sky blue colour with white. Might need some more work.

See you next Wedneday.

Work in Progress Wednesday

We star this week with Tony F and more Elves for the coming Lord of the Rings battle of the first age at this years society Open Day.

Next up and Andy has continued work on the pilgrims and Salute 50 miniature.

Good to see Andy also uses a grey primer the same as me. I never mastered painting with a black primer.

Next up and I’ve made some progress with my Napoleonic Balloon game, also for this years Open Day.

The French balloon crews are all done and I’ve added flags and a name to all of the balloons. I also decided to sculpt some sand bags to hang on the baskets.

And lastly for this week, Marcus has done another miniature for the growing Frostgrave collection.

That’s it for this week, see you at the next one.

Work in Progress Wednesday

It’s another Wednesday and despite the bank holiday the membership have made some progress on their various projects.

First up Mark J has some more Vietnam era US soldiers.

I’m not entirely sure how many squads are in the pipeline on this project.

Next up and Stephen has created a spaceship from a toy on a magazine. Getting Stingray vibes from this one.

Now we have Eric turning from the usual chaos thugs of some kind to a bit of terrain. This time with some rocky outcrops.

And last for this week, Andy picked up some medieval pilgrims from Salute so these are next in line for some paint along with the Salute freebie Viking Warlord figure.

See you next Wednesday.

Work in Progress Wednesday

It’s Wednesday and we have a couple of things this week. Above is the progress I’ve made on the Napoleonic French crews for my balloon game.

Next up Marcus has been painting up some terrain for a game of Frostgrave.

And some miniatures for the game as well.

And last but not least for this week, David P has made more progress on some 1806 Saxons.

Dave’s set himself a big task, this is just a selection of the miniatures on the work desk.

See you next weekend for some more progress.

Work in Progress Wednesday

Just a few items for this week, I’ll start with my efforts for a change. Somewhat appropriately, above I have made progress on my Napoleonic balloon game. The British crews are done, just need to do the French next.

I’ve also managed to finish my Wars of the Roses pikemen unit.

Next up Tony F continues to be busy adding more elves. This time some Elvish Knights.

And lastly for this week Stephen has based and repainted some plastic toy dinosuars for an up coming game of Stargrave.

I think the crews could be in trouble for that one. See you next Wednesday.

Work in Progress Wednesday

It’s Wednesday again and even though we’ve had the Easter break there has been plenty of activity.

We start with Stephen having painted up a Romano-British Warlord.
But we also have Booger the robot.
And the continuation of a Goblin unit.
Next up I’ve been busy on my Balloon project. Fist I’ve started on the French and British crews.
And had a test of the Balloon base to make sure it won’t fall over.
Finally from me some more progress on my Wars of the Roses pikemen.
We finish up this week, with some finishing from Andy. First up some Boers.
And then lots of scenery for various games
That’s it for another week, see you at the next one.