Work in Progress Wednesday

It’s Wednesday again and again only a couple of offerings this week.

Marcus has been busy painting up some spaceships. Above we have the Blue Fleet and below the Red Fleet. These are apparently for the wargame Red Alert.

And also this week, Tony has made more progress on his Elves for a future Lord of the Rings game.

See you next Wednesday.

Work in Progress Wednesday

It’s another Wednesday but only slim pickings this week.

First up Mark J has been working on some more D&D miniatures.

Next up I’ve been painting up some more Wars of the Roses units. This time some Militia Billmen and Longbows for the up coming Battle of Mortimers Cross.

Any finally for this week, a rather unique piece of scenery fom Tony F. A horse (possibly dead?) and cart.

See you next Wednesday.



Work in Progress Wednesday

It’s suddenly got a bit cold again, but that’s not stopped the liberal application of paint to miniatures.

Above we have some Lord of the Rings Elves from Tony F.

Next up Stephen has painted up some goblin archers.

A naval unit for a change with John L having started painting a pre-dreadnought vessel.

Now we have some more miniatures for Mark J’s D&D game.

And last but not least for this week, Eric has painted up a Culexis Assassin.

That’s it for this week, see you next Wednesday.


Work in Progress Wednesday

Bit late for this one, but it’s still technically Wednesday.

I’ll start with what I’ve been up to for a change, with some 15mm PacFed infantry from Brigade Models. I did these as a colour test for a much larger force.

Next up Eric has been creating some scratchbuilt scenery with some round houses.

And some scatter terrain in the form of crates and barrels.

And lastly this week Stephen has been building some scenery for an up coming Stargrave game our of foam board.

That’s it for this week, next week will hopefully be on time …

Work in Progress Wednesday

Happy new year! We ended up taking a little break from posting over the holiday season.

We start with an old Grenadier Ogre from Eric and below also a vintage Citadel Green Dragon.

Next up Phil has made a start on a new WH40k vehicle, most likely to be used in Stargrave.

And a 3D printed Orc beast to compliment Phil’s Lord of the Rings army.

Lastly for this week Tony is still on a WW2 theme since the Christmas game of What a Tanker!

Apparently these are  two SOMUA MCG-1 half-tracks, two Laffley W15TCC tank destroyers (basically lightly armoured trucks with a 47mm AT gun in the rear bed) and two SOMUA S-35 fast tanks.

Means nothing to me, see you next Wednesday.

Work in Progress Wednesday

Well I think it’s safe to say this weeks work in progress post could be renamed Romans and tanks.

First up Eric has finished his Roman cavalry unit, they look very nice especially with a good background.

Next up Marcus has been busy getting more tanks ready for this years Christmas club game of What a Tanker!

Marcus has concentrated on the mid to late war tanks where as Tony F has gone for the early tanks with somePanzer35’s

See you next Wednesday.

Work in Progress Wednesday

A couple of offerings for this week. First up Eric has painted up a Rogue for an up and comming D&D session at the club.

And Eric has painted another character for Stargrave.

Next up Mark J has started on some Cultists and Skeletons.

And I’m sure it’s just a coincidence that Mark J is the Dungeon Master for the coming D&D game …

And last for this week Tony has made some progress on his tanks and buildings for the clubs Christmas game which is What a Tanker this year.

See you next Wednesday.

Society Meeting 26th November 2022

A photo round up of a lively Society meeting- November 26th

First up we have Mark J’s rather impressive Judge Dredd game.

The bright 1980’s colour palette worked very well for the game.

The game consisted of a Block Gang, a group of Mutants, the Citi Defence and some Judges. Highlights of the game were apparently the Citi Def taking out most of the Mutants with their rocket launcher and Mean Angel turning up and headbutting Judge Death!

Next up Jeremey and Tony F had a Full Thrust battle.

To spice up the game up we used some house rules that meant each turn players would have a random number of their ships turn up from a random side of the table.

The battle went all Jeremey’s way at the start but Tony F fought back to make it a very close defeat.

There was also the regular FoG game, a more relaxed affair after the previous meetings FoG competition.

Some brightly coloured knights are about to make an impression.

And the last game on the day was an ACW game put on by Stephen.

Using the Fire and Fury rules John L, John R and Pete M took command of the Union with Tony G and James the Confederates.

There were some notable actions in the game including a wild charge by James’s Confederate cavalry but it was not enough to stop the Union carrying the day.

Work in Progress Wednesday

Just a few things for this week.

We start with Eric’s progress on his Roman Cavalry.

Next up John L is making progress on his Italian Condotta Infantry.

And last but not least this week, I’ve started on the bases for my balloons. The base is weighted with washers as the final balloon will be four times the height shown.

See you next week.

Work in Progress Wednesday

It’s Wednesday again and we have a varied selection for this week.

Above Tony F has dug out some old building models, they are apparently by French model railway manufacturer MKD. I think the plan is to paint them up for some 20mm WW2 action.

Next up John L has made a bit more progess on his Norse Gael Warlord.

Next up Marcus has been painting more planes, this time some ME110’s

And lastly this week, Eric has painted up some Roman Cavalry horses.

and some British Aeronef Destroyers.

See you for next weeks progress.