Work in Progress Wednesday

We are into June and with no sign of hobby defeating weather the members have been busy on projects.

I’m running a game using my scratchbuilt Ents at this years Open Day, but thought I needed to expand their ranks so went a little off script with the Entaur (that’s what I’m calling it) above.

And an Ent as a Forest Spider below, both need a bit more lichen added to their canopies, I’m hoping to pick some up at this Saturday’s Broadside Wargames Show.

I’ve also made some progress on the 2mm sci-fi town.

Next up and Stephen has been painting more Vietnam units, this time some VC forces.

Moving on and Tony F has been creating some scenery for his WW2 Open Day game. Starting with some fences.

And some smaller out buildings.

I’m assuming this is some sort of petrol station and garage buildings? I’ll have to ask.

And after painting up so many Vietnam figures Mark J has moved on to some German volksgrenadier’s.

That’s it for this week, see you at the next one.