Work in Progress Wednesday

It’s Work in Progress Wednesday again and we start this week with a bumper crop from Eric. Above is a GW Necron flanked by some Harvesters from Wargames Atlantic.

Below are some side hustle objective markers, a monolith and broken robot.

Eric has also been painting up some scenery, this time some GW gothic sci-fi buildings.

Complete with customary skulls.

And lastly from Eric, he has painted up some crates and barrels to act as potential loot.

Now we turn to something from me, I’ve been painting up my 3mm sci-fi miniatures. I’m trying some Vallejo Xpress Color for the first time.
I didn’t paint over a white background but rather a base colour then applied the Vallejo Xpress Color. I’m quite pleased with the results, just need a bit of highlighting.

I’ve also been working on another tree unit for the Open Day, there will be 6 Ents forming the Wild Wood.

And sticking with the Open Day and Tony F has finished some buildings for his upcoming WW2 Open Day game.

See you next week for more from the members.