Work in Progress Wednesday

It’s another Wednesday and we start with Marcus and some progress on his Pulp miniatures.

We follow that with Felix and some WW2 Germans.

Mark J has continued painting up some more Legion Imperialis miniatures.

And last for this week Andy has been painting his Arab light horse. We were impressed with the yellow Andy manged to paint on these, I believe the secret was a pink undercoat.

And that’s it for this week, see you next time.

Work in Progress Wednesday

Another Wednesday and the members are getting the year off to a good start.

First up Mark J has been painting up some of the new models for Legion Imperialis.

Next up Marcus has primed some pulp miniatures for an up coming adventure.

Now we have Andy who has progressed his Arab light horse.

And had to do a repair job on a Mexican infantryman who took a damaging tumble off the table.

And lastly for this week I managed to put together a homemade turn counter for my Sci-Fi games using a few round bases and a bit of scenery for the top.

See you again next Wednesday.

Retro-Work in Progress Wednesday

We have a slight change to our Work in Progress post this week, but we thought we’d do a review of the retro painting challenge society members have been engaged in.

The idea was to paint up some old Games Workshop miniatures in that classic 1990’s style. We will be auctioning off these miniatures at a later date for charity.

First up we have Stephen’s effort with a chaos thug and a classic plastic Space Marine.

Next Pete went for anotherĀ  Space Marine and also a mean looking Minotaur.

Now we have Eric who’s played a lot of Warhammer 40K in his time. Eric went for a Space Ork and a Chaos Thug.

For my miniatures I ended up with what I thought were two Chaos Warriors but they turned out to be Evil Fighters from the GW D&D range.

We had a late entry from Tony F (that’s why they didn’t make the group shot)., Tony went for an ogre looking warrior (no idea on that one) and what I believe is a miniature from the Paranoia range GW produced.

This was a fun challenge and a wonderful nostalgia trip for us all.

We’ll post news of the charity auction once we’ve worked out how to run it.



Work in Progress Wednesday

It’s 2024 and our first Work in Progress Wednesday of the year.

We start this week with some Arab light horse from Andy. These plastic kits take a bit of assembly and we can see below Andy is building a fair number.

Next up and Phil continues on the construction of this years show game with a splendid manor house. The grid layout is apparently going to be part of the game.

We move on to David P with some additions to the growing corps of Russian and French troops.

Moving on and I’ve put the finishing touches to my miniatures for the retro paint challenge we are currently running. We will be putting up a separate page of the miniatures painted soon.

Sticking with the retro challenge and Tony F presents his work so far.

He has also been busy on some scenery projects, we have a small garden

and a farmhouse building with courtyard.

Finally for this week Tony F has also started work on some fantasy scenery pieces with the fountain.

That’s it for our first work in progress post of 2024, let’s hope it’s a productive year!

Work in Progress Wednesday

This is our last Work in Progress post for 2023 and we start with Phil who’s been working on some 3D printed Spitfires for the next game he has been working on.

Next up and Stephen has finished his Retro painting miniatures.

I’m still working on mine (still not sure about the purple).

And Tony F has barely started his.

But to be fair Tony F has been working on some other things. First up a 20mm farmhouse for a future WW2 game.

And some more scenery for the Lord of the Rings, I suspect this just needs a Farmer Maggot figure for those cabbages.

And lastly for 2023, John La has gone back to some more South American troops.

We’ll see you for more progress in 2024!

Work in Progress Wednesday

It’s another Wednesday and the members have been busy painting up miniatures for upcoming games.

First up we have Tony F with some Lord of the Rings figures. First Arwen with Frodo, followed by Gandalf the White.

Next up Mark J and Felix are almost finished with their Judge Dredd figures.
We start with the Pat Wagon.

Followed by a heavy spit gun.

And some Oldsters.

And another Mega Block.

Finally this week Eric has painted up a cultist.

That’s it for this week see you next time for our final Work in Progress Wednesday.

Work in Progress Wednesday

Only three more Wednesdays before Christmas and we have another eclectic mix.

We start with some more contenders in our Retro painting challenge. Above are the miniatures I got in the challenge, some chaos warriors getting ready for some very bright colours and an imperial guard heavy weapon.

Marcus also has an old GW miniature to paint in the form of an Eldar Wraithlord.

And sticking with the theme Stephen has made progress on his Space Marine and Chaos thug.

Now we move onto Mark J and some more Judge Dredd miniatures, this time some more judges.

And the start of a Pat Wagon.

Looking forward to seeing that painted up. We’ll see you next week.

Work in Progress Wednesday

It’s Wednesday again and we have a rather colourful collection.

We start with Mark J and some Megacity One Rioters followed by some Robots and Citi Def.

Keeping with the splash of colour Tony F has painted the last member of his Stargrave crew.

Next up Stephen has made a start on the GW retro challenge we are currently running (more on that in a later post).

And lastly for this week Phil has painted up even more buildings, practically a towns worth!

See you next week.

Work in Progress Wednesday

We start this week with some WW2 miniatures from Felix. Above we have some British SAS, while below some Germans out on patrol.

Next up and we have two more Mechs from Eric.

Now we move on to Mark J and the start of some more miniatures destined for Megacity 1 and an up coming Judge Dredd game. Just love those bright colours.

Phil’s been adding to his building collection. We’re expecting a sizable urban spread at this rate.

And last but not least this week Tony F has almost finished his Stargrave crew with another. Nice use of yellow for the armour on this one.

That’s it for this week.

Work in Progress Wednesday

We start this week with a trio of miniatures from Stephen. Above we have a bunch of Droids. Stephen has long been after some non combat droids.

Next up he has painted up Tom, Dick and Harry the mountain trolls.

And to round off some dire wolves.

Now we move onto Marcus who has also been painting up some droids as well.

Meanwhile Phil has continued painting his small scale buildings.

Next up John L has painted up some knights, just the bases to do on these.

And last for this week Eric has made progress on his Mechs, I think there are at least eight more to go.

Quite a lot of progress this week and it looks like more to come.