Work in Progress Wednesday

Let’s get straight into this weeks eclectic mix. First up we have Mark J’s WW2 Brits ready for action.

They are followed by Phil’s collection of tiny 1/1000th buildings from Brigade Models. My guess is these are for next years society show game!

Now we move onto David P and the start of some Russian Cuirassiers.

Now we move on to, well I’m not entirely sure so I’ll let Marcus describe it in his own words “conversion of an old GZG recon pod with underslung cannon (a GZG Phalon starship) on an organic, retractable mount”

Tony F continues to assemble his Stargrave crew, apparently these are numbers 8 and 9, so just one more to go.

And lastly for this week Peter M has another of his expanding fleet of scratch built cloud ships. Just a few more crew to add to this one.

See you next week for more work in progress.

Work in Progress Wednesday

This Wednesday we see two members doing the heavy lifting for this week.

We start with Tony F and some new 6mm Sci-Fi scenery. Next up Tony has also painted another member for his Stargrave Crew.

And now we have some terrain pieces for a Lord of the Rings game Tony is putting on in the new year.

Buckleberry Ferry and a house for farmer Maggots dogs, these are both scratchbuilt from coffee stirrers.

And some resin sign posts no doubt to be seen in Hobbiton.

And now we move onto Mark H who has finished painting his Korean war jets. Firstly some Sabres.

And some Migs. The aircraft are from Tumbling dice I believe.

And a nice close up of some of the the F86 Sabres.

See you next week.

Work in Progress Wednesday

It’s a rather autumnal Wednesday here so a good reason to stay in and get painting. We start this week with Eric and a whole load of Mechs being painted up for a game in next month.

Next up and Stephen has painted his frost giant.

Following that and Marcus has been painting up some Explorer Corps troopers from Star Schlock

And last but by no means least this week Peter M has created another scratchbuilt cloudship.

See you next Wednesday.

Work in Progress Wednesday

We start this week with another impressive scratchbuilt Cloudship of Mars from Peter M. Some of you will have been lucky enough to see this in action at the recent SELWG wargames show.

Next up and Tim has been frantically painting up some Dane Axes for a Saga game at the society.

He’s also been working on some ‘juggernauts with exalted champions’ whatever they are supposed to be.

Stephen on the other hand ha started on some fantasy monsters, outrageously mounted on Hex bases which he claims are coming back into fashion.

Now we turn to the Korean War and Mark H has been working on some jets.

And last but by no means least Tony F has been putting the finishing touches to some 6mm scenery for an upcoming game of Battletech.

That’s it for this week but I know there are more Cloudships and Mechs coming for next week.

Work in Progress Wednesday

Welcome to Work in Progress Wednesday. This week we start with Mark J and some WWII Brits. Felix has also been painting up some British infantry.

Next up Phil has been working on yet more trees.

After lots of questions from the membership Phil provided more details on the trees which are scaled down 3D prints that he has flocked.

Next up Tony F has painted up another Die Hard miniature for his Stargrave Crew.

Now we have Stephen scratching an itch by painting up some ECW units. We’re not sure if this is leading to a full army at this stage.

And finally for this week Eric has assembled some more gangs, this time some savages.

See you next week.

Work in Progress Wednesday

It’s another Wednesday and we start this week with a selection from Marcus. Above we have some smaller miniatures from Marcus’ various spy/undersea games and some 28mm Sci-Fi troopers.

Next up Phil has been making some more trees, we’ll have to see if we can get him to show the process for the trees.

Now we have Andy’s progress on some WWI vehicles, some Celtos Sidhe and the novel idea of having a marble to be used as an objective marker.

And lastly for this week Eric has again been busy putting together some more warbands. This time a Gnoll warband.

And some Chaos Cultists. What we are all waiting for is to see some paint slapped on all these.

We’ll see you next week for more from the members.

Work in Progress Wednesday

It’s Wednesday again and we have some new progress at the society.

First up Eric has been busy building things in preparation for a number of projects in 2024. Above Eric has put together Gothmog from the Lord of the Rings and below are some ruins for Osgiliath.

Eric has also been putting together some cardboard buildings for an upcoming game of Battletech Alpha Strike.

Next up Tony F has painted up a new captain for his Stargrave crew.

And finally for this week Stephen has finished painting up some cardboard packaging, turning it into effective sci-fi terrain.

We’ll see you next week.

Work in Progress Wednesday

We have some cracking stuff this week from the membership.

First up Mark has finished his UH-34 helicopter for Vietnam. And an M113 ACAV.

Next up and Andy has finished his QLD truck.

Andy has also started on some WW1 vehicles from Brigade Models.

Next up and Stephen has started on some cardboard packing pieces soon to be buildings in a sci-fi game most likely.

And lastly for this week and Phil has been playing with his 3D printer, with a piece of terrain.

With that we will see you next Wednesday.

Work in Progress Wednesday

We didn’t have a progress post last week, I think the holidays finally caught up with everyone. But this week we’ve had a strong return to form.

First up and we have Dave P’s expanding forces, this time more Russian Corps troops.

Next up Andy has continued with his Bedford QLD truck build.

Now we more onto Stephen whos has painted up some hooded outlaws.

Last up this week and Eric has a selection on miniatures, first some Romans.

Then a Gutrippa Orc.

And a Savage Orruk.

See you next Wednesday for more work in progress.

Work in Progress Wednesday

We start this week with Andy and the progress to the 1/35 Bedford QLD truck they are building.

Also from Andy some progress on another batch of Sidhe (a bit like elves).

Next up and John La has been painting some fantasy miniatures for a friend.

And last for this week Tony F has painted up another member of their new Stargrave Crew. This is Marshall Klint apparently.

And an Elf hero figure for Lord of the Rings in the form of Gildor Inglorion.

That’s it for this week. See you next time.