The club is definitely slowing down production as we approach the Christmas Holidays. And quite right given this year, although I suspect a few hobby related presents might see a resurgence in the new year.
First up Mark has made more progress with his Panzers.

And out of the blue mark also mentioned starting to slap some paint on a hundred years war project.

Steve shared this picture of a dwarven force on the painting table, but there was no mention of last weeks 6mm sci-fi force. After saying he had nothing to paint it seems Steve is queuing the projects up.

Steve got these Dwarves from Conqueror Models.
Meanwhile I’ve been busy using some old rock style clay I had for rubble piles. After using the hot glue gun to stick them together I coated the whole thing with PVA glue.

I’ve also resurrected my old 10mm dungeon to finally finish the project.

Slightly embarrassing that this project was started 17 years ago! Still made some progress at last.
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