Work in Progress Wednesday

We start this week with a great looking truck for Gaslands from Eric. Eric has also painted another Chaos Marauder.

Next up Marcus has somehow acquired yet more fighters, although he claims this selection of 1:200 Spitfires and Me109’s are for his son.

Now we have the start of 15mm British and Canadian forces from the 1980’s.
Mark is painting up the British and Tony the Canadian’s for a future game they are calling ‘Blue on Blue’.

Next up, I’ve been busy replacing the wound/hit dice that I integrated on the bases of my Wars of the Roses units. The tiny grey dice I originally went for has proven to small for the standard wargamer size fingers. Luckily I’ve been able to replace them with a slightly larger dice.

And last for this week, we leave you with an intriguing start from John for his new scratch built radio mast for a planned Zona Alfa building.

That’s it for this week, see you at the next one.

Work in Progress Wednesday

It’s Wednesday and another offering of what members are working on.

I’ll start with me for a change, above I’ve almost finished my Vikings. These are the quickest I’ve painted a group of miniatures for many a year. I need these for a game of Saga and so have put in the time to get them done.

Next up Mark has been painting an assortment of miniatures. The first being a bunch of mutants for judge Dredd.

Next we have an Elf Mage complete with fire spell effect. Apparently the spell effect comes as transparent plastic which Mark has painted with a suitable ink wash to look like fire.

Felix has also been doing a bit of painting with a Halfling Thief.

And lastly for this week Stephen has started a dungeon project. Stephen hasn’t decided what to do with the dungeon but promises there is more of this to come.

That’s it for this Wednesday, see you all next week.

Work in Progress Wednesday

It’s the first Work in Progress Wednesday of 2022 and we start the year with a bumper crop.

Eric has found his painting mojo again, above we have some Games Workshop Chaos Cultists.

Next up from Eric we have a rather snazzy looking dino warrior (apparently a Blacktooth Suppressor from Reaper Miniatures) and Theddra Skullscryer from Games Workshop.

Followed by some Games Workshop Chaos Marauders.

And lastly from Eric another Games Workshop miniature Custodian Guard Shield Captain. Never dared paint a miniature gold myself so kudos to Eric for this one.

Next up are a whole bunch of Vikings from me. These are 16 Viking archers and 16 Bondi warriors from Crusader Miniatures. I’m painting these up for SAGA.

Now we move on to Andy who has made progress on his Poles, in his own words “A little more work on the Poles, muskets, packs and greatcoats and fusilier company pom-poms done”.

Tony managed a last ditch effort to reach his target of 50 Lord of the Rings miniatures painted in a year. Here we have three more dwarves from The Hobbit (Dwalin, Dori and Gloin).

Then 3 orc berserkers, clearly in the middle of a workout down the gym.

And lastly from Tony a great looking Arathorn and a dwarf king.

Last but by no means least for this week, Stephen has added to his Sci-Fi collection with a couple of droids, another space dinosaur (must be all the rage) and a converted dog miniature as a sabre toothed pug.

See you next week …

Work in Progress Wednesday

Welcome to the last work in progress post of 2021.

We start this week with Eric’s progress on his space marines. Above we have Ahriman the Sorcerer of the Thousand Sons, Gregor Felhand of the Space Wolves, and below a whole host of Thousand Sons legionnaires.

Next up Andy has made progress on his Polish troops, the yellow is looking good.

Now we have Mark with some more Dwarves (has he got any left?).

And last but not least Phil has started making progress on a future show game for the society with some new Romans.

That’s it for 2021, we will no doubt have lots more projects for 2022, so see you then.

Work in Progress Wednesday

Welcome to another selection of what some of the society members are working on.

First up Tony has finished painting his Rebels and a few other  characters. In contrast Phil has only managed the undercoat on some Storm Troopers, although you could probably argue they are nearly finished.

Next up Mark and his son have been busy once more.

We start with some more Orcs, trackers this time.

And a better picture of some hated dwarves.

There’s also been some progress from Mark on the Judge Dredd civies.

And last but not least Andy has made progress on his 10mm Polish Napoleonic. Andy is working out the best way to paint the yellow aspects of the uniform.

That’s it for this week, see you next week for the last WIP Wednesday of 2021.


Work in Progress Wednesday

It’s another Wednesday and I think the club are gearing up for all the painting they are going to be doing over the Christmas break 🙂

First up Tony has another addition to his Starwars forces with another toy conversion of a U-Wing from Rogue One.

Next up, probably the most productive club member over the last few months, Mark has some Khazad guards.

And has made a start on some civilians for Judge Dredd.

And lastly this week Andy has something new with some 10mm Polish Napoleonic troops.

See you all next Wednesday.

Work in Progress Wednesday

It’s Wednesday again and we have another offering from members on their current projects.

First up Tony has been putting together another unit for Hammers Slammers. These are apparently the Sincanmo, a sub-saharan Islamic inspired unit equipped with fast attack buggies, heavy armoured cars and mounted infantry on giant lizards. The miniatures and vehicles are all from Brigade Models.

Some of the vehicles still need crews to be added.
The vehicles are a mix of wheeled and half tracks
And some cool looking Lizard riders

Stephen has added yet more characters to his Sci-Fi collection and a drone.

More space bums and ne’er do wells…

And lastly this week, Mark and his son have been painting up more Lord of the Rings miniatures. First up some Mordor Orcs and a Ring Wraith.

And their hated enemy the Dwarves.

We’ll be back next Wednesday with more from the club.

Work in Progress Wednesday

Welcome to another Work in progress Wednesday.

This week we start with the giant Zombie Stephen was working on. He’s kindly added a Zombie from the Celtos range for size comparison.

Next up I’ve made a small amount of progress on my trees. These were bought from the shop ‘The Works’. Nice and cheap but a little threadbare compared to the ones I bought from them last year.

I’ve also managed to undercoat some 15mm Sci-Fi troopers to go with my Dropship conversion. The infantry are Brigade Models PacFed.

Now we have some more Dredd stuff from mark. This time a Judge Cadet and bike. These are from Warlord Games.

And last this week Mark’s son continues to produce some good work. This time some Uruk-Hai soldiers.

I do like those armour tones. Well that’s it for this Wednesday, see you next week!

Work in Progress Wednesday

Welcome to another Work in Progress Wednesday, above we have club member Marks’ son working on a building for Judge Dredd, currently displayed with the City Defence miniatures.

Below is another Judge Dredd building Mark is working on himself.

Next up Stephen has decided his undead army needs something big. This time he has gone for a Giant Zombie. Will be interesting to see how this turns out.

And last up this week Marcus has put some last minute touches to his Biggles show game. First up some yeti monsters.

and some treasure tokens for the game.

See you next week for some more club offerings.

Work in Progress Wednesday

Another Wednesday and another selection of club members hobby efforts.

First up Tony has been adding to his 15mm Star Wars collection. Above is a Action Fleet toys Imperial Shuttle, and below we have a Ronto, a native Tatooine beast. Tony has added a black wash and a few other painted parts to the models.

Next up Mark has moved on from his hundred years war army and painted up yet more Judge Dredd miniatures. A lawmaster and some city defence forces.

Stephen has painted up some more star fighters, I’ve lost track of how many he has painted now.

And last but not least this week John has made more progress on his Pacific war project. This time some Regular Bolivian Infantry and Bolivian Cavalry Husares Del Sur.

That’s it for this week, see you next Wednesday.