Work in Progress Wednesday

It’s Wednesday again, although I think for this week we should call it Work in Progress Andy week.

But we’ll start with Stephen having finished the tree of Odin and having added to it a Grain store and Dovecote.

But now we get onto Andy’s output for this week.

First up the strangely named experimental axeman, we’re not sure why it’s experimental.

Next up the finished haystacks and camp pieces.

Then on to a finished 10mm Napoleonic Polish battalion, and a mounted officer. The artillery and cavalry are next.

Now we have a selection of 28mm 20th century scenery pieces, no details of what this project will be.

And finally I realised I’d previously missed some shotgun toting land girls from WW2.

That’s it for this week, we might even have things from the rest of the membership next week!