Society Meeting March 25th 2023

We had a very good turn out at the last meeting, 5 games in progress with over 20 members present.

First up, John and Alex were play testing John’s Border Reivers game.

All quiet at the Bastle house, for now.
Action at the ford.

Mark ran another Dungeons and Dragons session, taking his adventurers to sea and then deep into the dungeon depths.

The dungeon master looks on as the adventurers ponder their next action.
Action at the Quayside
Dungeon delving
Who let the dogs out?

Paul ran a 6mm FoG Ancients game, Late Bulgarians vs Ottomans.

Light cavalry on the right somewhat outnumbered
The centre of the battle seems a bit empty
Clash of cavalry

Stephen and Jeremey continued their refight of the War of the Roses, using Sword and Spear rules, this time recreating the Second Battle of St Albans. There will be a write up of this game shortly.

The Yorkist camp, artillery and cavalry await the approaching Lancastrian vanguard.
The artillery has fallen to Lancastrian archery, but the first Yorkist reinforcements are now approaching the camp
A Lancastrian pike block about to dispose of some Yorkist archers, but Yorkist Men at Arms are waiting behind the archers.
Towards the end of the battle, the Yorkists have pushed the Lancastrians back from the camp
On the Yorkist left flank there are few Lancastrians left.

Finally, Mark H ran a War of the Spanish Succession game, using his own fast play rules.

Cavalry advance
More Cavalry
The armies line up
Cavalry wings clash
The infantry engage