Work in Progress Wednesday

Just a few things for this week, I wonder if the improved weather is having an impact on production …

First up Stephen has finished a unit of Romano-British cavalry they are calling King Arthur’s knights.

Next up Phil has decided to paint more orcsĀ  for the upcoming battle in the first age Lord of the Rings game for the Open Day.

Let’s hope we also see the big beast in the game as well.

Now we move onto Paul L who’s been putting together some 3mm paper buildings.

Hat’s off to Paul here, 3mm paper models can be quite the fiddly challenge.

And last for this week, I’ve been painting up the supporting rods for my Balloon game for the Open Day.

I’m trying to get them to blend in a bit by dry brushing a sky blue colour with white. Might need some more work.

See you next Wedneday.

Work in Progress Wednesday

We star this week with Tony F and more Elves for the coming Lord of the Rings battle of the first age at this years society Open Day.

Next up and Andy has continued work on the pilgrims and Salute 50 miniature.

Good to see Andy also uses a grey primer the same as me. I never mastered painting with a black primer.

Next up and I’ve made some progress with my Napoleonic Balloon game, also for this years Open Day.

The French balloon crews are all done and I’ve added flags and a name to all of the balloons. I also decided to sculpt some sand bags to hang on the baskets.

And lastly for this week, Marcus has done another miniature for the growing Frostgrave collection.

That’s it for this week, see you at the next one.

Open Day of the Maidstone Wargames Society 2023

Our Open Day will be on the 24th June this year. We’re open to the public from 11am – 4pm on the day.

This is a great day to come and see the society in action and maybe throw some dice at one of the various games we will have on the day.

This year we have a nice selection of periods and scales on offer, which might just be the incentive you need to either get back into the hobby or to find a new home for your own armies and games.

Name Scale Period
Strength & Honour 2mm Ancients
Field of Glory 15mm ECW
Lord of the Rings First Age 28mm Fantasy
Road to Damascus 28mm Medieval/Crusades
Napoleonic Balloons 10mm Napoleonic – Alternative History
The Battle of Spicheren 6mm Franco-Prussian

Pictures of the games will be appearing on our blog as we get them.

Details of where the club meets and location of the Open Day can be found here:


Work in Progress Wednesday

It’s another Wednesday and despite the bank holiday the membership have made some progress on their various projects.

First up Mark J has some more Vietnam era US soldiers.

I’m not entirely sure how many squads are in the pipeline on this project.

Next up and Stephen has created a spaceship from a toy on a magazine. Getting Stingray vibes from this one.

Now we have Eric turning from the usual chaos thugs of some kind to a bit of terrain. This time with some rocky outcrops.

And last for this week, Andy picked up some medieval pilgrims from Salute so these are next in line for some paint along with the Salute freebie Viking Warlord figure.

See you next Wednesday.

Work in Progress Wednesday

It’s Wednesday and we have a couple of things this week. Above is the progress I’ve made on the Napoleonic French crews for my balloon game.

Next up Marcus has been painting up some terrain for a game of Frostgrave.

And some miniatures for the game as well.

And last but not least for this week, David P has made more progress on some 1806 Saxons.

Dave’s set himself a big task, this is just a selection of the miniatures on the work desk.

See you next weekend for some more progress.

Wars of the Roses – 2nd Battle of St Albans – Battle Report

We went for something different for the sixth battle of our Wars of the Roses campaign. Stephen was a bit more clued up on how the 2nd Battle of St Albans was fought and suggested a true representation of the battle would be to have both sides slowly making their way to the battlefield, in a piece meal fashion. You can see the depolyment rules we used for this game on the campaign page.Ā  For the battle I took command of the Yorkist Left under the Duke of York with Andy once again acting as Lord Ferrers my second in command. On the Lancastrian side Stephen had the Duke of Somerset with Lord Roos and Lord Codnor as captains. Tony F joined the Lancastrians in an attempt to salvage his reputation from Mortimers Cross by taking charge of the Duke of Exeter with Lord Clifford as captain. Both sides had 750 points for the Battle and as throughout the campaign we usedĀ  Sword & Spear 2nd edition.

2nd Battle of St Albans
I wasn’t sure if our depolyments rules would work for this game, some foot units are very slow in Sword & Spear so there was a danger it would take ages to get an entire army onto the battlefield. At the start I had deployed my guns (facing the wrong way as per the deployment!), a camp, a unit of Currours and Mounted Men at Arms. The Lancastrians under Stephen deployed two units of longbows and two of hand gunners.

I didn’t want to just go charging in with my cavalry, I needed the activation dice to get more units on the battlefield and so just concentrated on turning the guns round and using those to hassle the Lancastrian longbows. From this very early stage I was very concerned at how vulnerable the Yorkist camp was.

I managed to turn my guns round as the Lancastrian longbows moved into range. The guns fired but caused no damage. With the help of some activation dice Andy managed to get some longbows marching down the road in support.

The Lancastrian longbows managed to take out the Yorkist guns with their first volley and I once again started to fear for the camp. I thought given the lost of the camp causing a discipline test for all units would be a prize worth pursuing, but as would become evident throughout the battle, the Lancastrians just didn’t seem that interested in taking it.

With the Lancastrians being cautious the Yorkists decided to ignore their cavalry and concentrate on getting as many units on the battlefield as possible. Using the extra movement gained from the road we risked creating a jam and advanced in column down the road as fast as we could.

The Lancastrians followed suit and had most of their units on the battlefield by the end of the third turn. Tony’s forces out on the Lancastrians right front advanced their longbows well ahead of the rest of their forces but without the advantage of the road.

As the Lancastrians continued to advance, Andy quickened his pace and got a unit of Longbows up to the camp. Again the Lancastrian longbows did not advance but instead waited for their men at arms and pikemen to catch up.

Andy was all for engaging in an archery duel with the Lancastrians but I insisted he push passed the camp to block the enemy. Andy took the best of both worlds by advancing and taking a hasty shot which managed to damage the Lancastrian archers. Return fire from the Lancastrians caused some damage but the way to the camp was blocked.

Things were starting to heat up in the centre, the Yorkist longbows managed to destroy their Lancastrian counterparts. With this success I decided to charge the Currours against the other unit of longbows in the centre. To my great surprise this proved decisive and destroyed the longbows.

Letting the success go to my head I gave the Currours a bouns dice and charged the men at arms. The Lancastrian heavy infantry withstood the charge and both sides took casualties, but neither side gained the upper hand. I was willing to sacrifice the Currours to delay the Lancastrian advance so the damaged caused was a welcome bonus.

While the fighting in the centre continued both sides looked towards the rest of their armies to continue the advance. I gathered up my longbows and with the generals help marched them towards the Lancastrian archers being formed up opposite by Tony. At this point I also moved my as yet uncommitted mounted men at arms out on the Yorkist flank. This was to threaten the Lancastrian left. Stephen reacted as I hoped he would by moving some longbows to hassle the cavalry.

The centre then took an odd turn with the damaged Lancastrian men at arms losing to the Yorkist archers. With the Yorkist’s having managed to get some billmen and their own men at arms up in support, the centre would now be decided by the Lancastrian pikemen.

Out on the Lancastrian right flank Tony’s archers began engaing the Yorkist longbows. Making up for the poor showing at Mortimers Cross Tony’s archers started to inflict more wounds than they suffered. Given this poor showing from the Yorkist archers I decided to move my spearmen and other infantry units in support in case the archers were wiped out.

The centre battle saw the poor Yorkist archers easily overcome by the Lancastrian pikemen, but with the number of Yorkist heavy infantry now present I felt confident of stopping the pikemen. Having lost the archers in the centre Stephen brought up some billmen to try and dislodge Andy’s longbows who had taken up a commanding firing position.

Seeing the danger I moved some men at arms to support the archers. The Lancastrian billmen almost destroyed the Yorkist archers despite Andy giving them a bonus dice for the melee. The retaliation from my men at arms managed to destroy the billmen. At the same time the Lancastrian pikemen in the centre succumbed to an onslaught of men at arms and billmen effectively winning the centre for the Yorkists.

Meanwhile out on the Lancastrian right, Tony’s longbows proved themselves superior, and as feared he had also managed to advance his infantry through the gap. Tony’s men at arms charged my spearmen making short work of them. But with a unit of billmen in support I was able to counter charge them in the flank and destroy them. That last act managed to break the Lancastrians and give the field once again to the Yorskists.

This was a very interesting battle, the staggered deployment meant players had to decide on the type of battle they would fight. With the Yorkist camp in the centre of the battlefield I decided to concentrate my units there. And to get them moving as quickly as possible. I thought the battle would be a race to the camp, but it never turned out that way. Stephen and Tony deployed as if it was a normal battle with both sides facing off against eachother. This was the second battle in this campaign where I thought the objective was obvious but where my opponent didn’t capitalise on it. Although things could have gone differently had the Lancastrians held out longer in the centre. Tony won the better part of the right flank and could have been a real threat had he been able to turn towards the centre in support.

Although the casualty lists seem to show an overwhelming Yorkist victory. The last turn of the battle did have the Yorkists reach their first morale point, but this was too late for the Lancastrians. With the campaign six battles in the score stands at 4 wins to 1 for the Yorkists. The bloodbath of Towton is next, will the Lancastrians finally be able to turn the tide?

Yorkist Loses
5 Units of Longbows (15 points)
2 Units of Militia Longbows (6 points)
1 Unit of Spearmen (3 points)
1 Unit of Currours (4 points)
1 Unit of Guns (2 points)
Total loses 30 points (Army break point 44)

Lancastrian Loses
2 Units of Men at Arms (8 points)
2 Units of Hand Gunners (4 points)
2 Units of Billmen (8 points)
7 Units of Longbows (21 points)
1 Unit of Pikemen (6 points)
Total loses 47 points (Army break point 40)

Yorkist Victory

Work in Progress Wednesday

Just a few items for this week, I’ll start with my efforts for a change. Somewhat appropriately, above I have made progress on my Napoleonic balloon game. The British crews are done, just need to do the French next.

I’ve also managed to finish my Wars of the Roses pikemen unit.

Next up Tony F continues to be busy adding more elves. This time some Elvish Knights.

And lastly for this week Stephen has based and repainted some plastic toy dinosuars for an up coming game of Stargrave.

I think the crews could be in trouble for that one. See you next Wednesday.

Work in Progress Wednesday

It’s Wednesday again and even though we’ve had the Easter break there has been plenty of activity.

We start with Stephen having painted up a Romano-British Warlord.
But we also have Booger the robot.
And the continuation of a Goblin unit.
Next up I’ve been busy on my Balloon project. Fist I’ve started on the French and British crews.
And had a test of the Balloon base to make sure it won’t fall over.
Finally from me some more progress on my Wars of the Roses pikemen.
We finish up this week, with some finishing from Andy. First up some Boers.
And then lots of scenery for various games
That’s it for another week, see you at the next one.

Work in Progress Wednesday

We start today with Felix and some more VC infantry.Followed swiftly by the early assembly of a H34 Helicopter from Mark J

Next up John L has been painting up some Russian pre Dreadnoughts.

Now we move on to some 1940’s French Berliet CBA trucks from Tony F. These ones were 3D printed to be 20mm scale.

A rare one from me for a change. These French and British napoleonic 10mm miniatures from Pendraken are going to act as balloon crew for a game I’m creating (you’ve seen the balloons in other WIP posts.

Moving on and lastly for this week Andy has continued to make progress on some 28mm scenery.

That’s it for this week, we’ve had a steady stream of progress from the members over the last few months, hopefully this will turn into some good games later in the year.

Work in Progress Wednesday

It’s Wednesday again and we start with Mark J’s Mega Block. Painted a suitable 1970’s green. Below is the unpainted building in glorious MDF.

Staying with Mark J where they are lining up some more Judge Dredd miniatures.

Next up Felix has been busy painting up more VC.

Now we have Stephen changing direction slightly with some Romano-British or potential Arthurian army for Saga. Apparently cavarly will be added soon.

Moving on and this time Mark H has been painting up a 1943 Soviet Tank Brigade in 1/300th scale.

And finally for this week Andy has continued work on his 28mm scenery.

That’s it for this week, see you next time.