Work in Progress Wednesday

Back for another Wednesday and again. We start this week with Eric and some GW miniature painted up as Robots for an upcoming Stargrave game.

Eric has also painted up some more nasty creatures for the game.

And some loot tokens and a pilot to join the crew.

Next up Stephen has finished his Hot Wheels van conversions into two 15mm grav vehicles and added some infantry.

Continuing with his Quar forces and Stephen has painted up an officer figure and did a conversion on the helmet to turn in into a bobble hat.

He has also finished painting up the hard going terrain piece he was working on.

Moving on and Andy has started working on some medieval slingers.

And lastly for this week, Marcus has turned his attention back to some aircraft miniatures with a pair of SU27’s.

And with that we will see you next week.

Work in Progress Wednesday

It’s Wednesday again and the members are keeping up a steady pace on their projects.
We start with Felix and a US 57mm AT gun fighting in the snow.
Sticking with WW2 and Tony F has started on some 20mm Belgium’s.
I’ll let Tony explain what they are: “I’ve made a slightly random start – two S-Model Dingos for the recce troop and a Plastic Soldier Company (PSC) 25pdr and limber. I haven’t made any PSC kits before and was very impressed with these – they fit together perfectly and I had both built in 15 minutes.”

Change of scene now and Stephen has scratched an itch he’s had for a while to paint up some Quar.And Stephen has started on some terrain he is calling ‘Bad going’.

Marcus continues to add to his Stargrave miniatures, the first two adventurers.

A rather tooled up alien.

And finally a robot and potential hacker with data pad.

Next up we have Andy’s long running (no pun intended) Arab cavalry.

And finally for this week I’ve continued painting up some more of my 3mm sci-fi miniatures. This time some medium grave tanks.

That’s it for this week, see you next Wednesday.

Wars of the Roses – Battle of Tewkesbury – Battle Report

As we near the end of our Wars of the Roses campaign we find ourselves at the Battle of Tewkesbury. As with the other games in the campaign we looked for anything of historical note. For Tewkesbury we decided the Lancastrian player would set up the terrain to represent the fact that the ground was of their choosing.
This was a standard 800 point battle with Stephen commanding the Lancastrians left with Charlotte acting as second in command on the right. Assisting me with the Yorkists, Tony F made a return to the field facing Charlottes forces while I took the field opposite Stephen.

This was the battlefield as setup by the Lancastrians. They formed their battles between two sets of walled fields with some marshland just in front to further impede movement. Their right was made up of a mix of archers and billmen, but on the left Stephen had formed up no less than four units of mounted men at arms, and two units of dismounted men at arms in the centre.

The Lancastrian right flank was protected by some archers, while on the left were two units of hand gunners using the walls as a fortified position.
Seeing the Lancastrian deployment, I took some bold choices with how the Yorkists would deploy.

I placed my mounted men at arms in the middle of the field since no Lancastrian flank was on offer. I also felt there was no point trying to face the mass mounted Lancastrian units. I was convinced Stephen had placed those there to perform a mass charge against my forces. I wanted to provoke the Lancastrians into moving rather than wait until my Yorkist forces had advanced between the two walled areas.

Fearing the Lancastrian mounted units I was determined not to leave my infantry behind the advancing archers. So used my commanders to keep the units moving. Although I had some men at arms and retinue billmen, the second line should it be needed were only militia billmen.

But the Lancastrian cavalry didn’t move and it was clear that they were waiting for the Yorkists to advance past the hand gunners in their protected position or to spend time trying to dislodge them.

Trying again to goad the Lancastrians out of position I advanced my mounted men at arms to within charge range, and suggested to Tony he should do the same out on our left flank.

Still no reaction from the Lancastrians cavalry, so I had no choice but to advance my archers and use a few bonus dice to get a speculative flight of arrows in against the mounted units.

And in a result that shocked everyone the archers volley managed to destroy the flower of Lancastrian nobility!

That got the Lancastrians moving but only piecemeal. Stephen sent a lone unit against some advancing men at arms, who managed to blunt the charge and hold up the cavalry.

But the Yorkists didn’t have it all their own way. Tony’s mounted men at arms suffered at the hands of the Lancastrian archers placed behind the marshland. Tony decided the best counter to the loss of the knights was to advance his archers and billmen and take the fight to the enemy, but took some early casualties from the Lancastrian archers.

With my cavalry in the middle of the field still threatening to charge, Stephen decided to advance both his units of dismounted knights. The activation dice where in my favour and although Stephen had stacked the bonus dice onto his men at arms, it was my cavalry unit that got to charge first, however they failed to destroy the men at arms and got bogged down into melee.

Having managed to destroy the first mounted unit sent against the Yorkist right flank, Stephen sent another into the fight, this time he also managed to get off a volley from the hand gunners but to no effect.

The clash in the centre of the field reached a climax with the destruction of the Yorkist cavalry but not before managing to take one of the Lancastrians dismounted men at arms with them.

Over on the Yorkist left flank, despite the Lancastrian archers favourable position behind the marsh, the rest of the Lancastrian line was starting to take casualties with Tony’s archers punching holes in their ranks.

On came the last of the Lancastrian mounted men at arms, but despite giving his cavalry a bonus dice the Yorkist men at arms again refused to budge and the two sides were locked in battle.

At this point the loses for the Lancastrians pushed them over their first morale check. The test saw a number of key Lancastrian units quit the field adding to their misery.
Over on the Lancastrian right flank Tony was still on the offensive. Having dispatched most of the enemy archers he was advancing his men at arms into the fray.

With one last desperate charge Stephen sent his billmen in against my archers. These were actually my Militia archers and I gave them all the dice I could spare for the fight. The militia took the most damage but it wasn’t quite enough to destroy either of the units.

The final stroke came when my men at arms finally got the better of the last Lancastrian cavalry which pushed them over their break point and handed victory to the Yorkists.

The Lancastrians were left scratching their heads at the end of the battle, asking for clues as to what went wrong. The difference in losses suggested a rout, despite their forces having started in a defensive position.

Maybe the Lancastrians can take heart while marching towards the Yorkists greatest defeat on the fields of Bosworth.

Yorkist Loses
2 Units of Mounted Men at Arms (8 points)
2 Units of Longbows (6 points)
1 Unit of Spearmen (4 points)
Total loses 18 points (Army break point 46)

Lancastrian Loses
2 Units of Dismounted Men at Arms (8 points)
6 Units of Longbows (18 points)
4 Units of Mounted Men at Arms (16 points)
Total loses 42 points (Army break point 40)

Yorkist Victory

Work in Progress Wednesday

This Wednesday has unsurprisingly been dominated by preparation made for the Open Day.

We start with Charlotte and some Project Z scenery. Nice graffiti of Jane MacDonald!

Here we see some shop fronts.

Art detail for the tattoo parlour.

And a group shot of the various survivors.

Next up and Tony F has been busy getting more terrain ready for a WW2 game. Apparently this type of monument is called a Calvary.

And some scratchbuilt hedges from sponge pads.

Followed by a nice walled garden.

and a little picturesque cottage.

Also for the WW2 game Phil has been put in charge of painting the armies while Tony F does the terrain. We start with the German infantry.

Followed by a touch of paint on the Cromwells.

And Bren carriers.

A change of genre now and I’ve continued painting up my 3mm sci-fi units, this time some grav tanks, dropships and a walker.

Staying with Sci-fi, Marcus has been busy painting up miniatures for a Stargrave crew.

And some more rather dramatic poses.

See you next Wednesday …

Work in Progress Wednesday

It’s Wednesday and we have a bumper crop of progress this week. Much of it because of our Open Day this Saturday.

First up Tony F has been painting up more scenery for the WW2 game he is running at the Open Day. Above we have an impressive looking statue and below a walled church.

Next up and Phil has been busy painting up the British opposition for the WW2 game. Here we have a batch of Cromwells to be painted.

And some Humber armoured cars.

A switch of genres now and Stephen has done some conversion work on a Hot Wheels truck to turn it into a hover vehicle. I believe this is for a future game of Xenos Rampant.

On more familiar grounds he has also painted up a certain Castilian hero of old.

Moving back to WW2 and Felix has been painting up a Sherman and Greyhound.

And in answer Mark J has painted up some Volksgrenadier’s.

Lastly for this week we have Marcus and some more scratchbuilt sci-fi terrain.

That’s it for this week, see you on the next Wednesday.

Work in Progress Wednesday

It’s Work in Progress Wednesday again and we start this week with a bumper crop from Eric. Above is a GW Necron flanked by some Harvesters from Wargames Atlantic.

Below are some side hustle objective markers, a monolith and broken robot.

Eric has also been painting up some scenery, this time some GW gothic sci-fi buildings.

Complete with customary skulls.

And lastly from Eric, he has painted up some crates and barrels to act as potential loot.

Now we turn to something from me, I’ve been painting up my 3mm sci-fi miniatures. I’m trying some Vallejo Xpress Color for the first time.
I didn’t paint over a white background but rather a base colour then applied the Vallejo Xpress Color. I’m quite pleased with the results, just need a bit of highlighting.

I’ve also been working on another tree unit for the Open Day, there will be 6 Ents forming the Wild Wood.

And sticking with the Open Day and Tony F has finished some buildings for his upcoming WW2 Open Day game.

See you next week for more from the members.

Work in Progress Wednesday

We are into June and with no sign of hobby defeating weather the members have been busy on projects.

I’m running a game using my scratchbuilt Ents at this years Open Day, but thought I needed to expand their ranks so went a little off script with the Entaur (that’s what I’m calling it) above.

And an Ent as a Forest Spider below, both need a bit more lichen added to their canopies, I’m hoping to pick some up at this Saturday’s Broadside Wargames Show.

I’ve also made some progress on the 2mm sci-fi town.

Next up and Stephen has been painting more Vietnam units, this time some VC forces.

Moving on and Tony F has been creating some scenery for his WW2 Open Day game. Starting with some fences.

And some smaller out buildings.

I’m assuming this is some sort of petrol station and garage buildings? I’ll have to ask.

And after painting up so many Vietnam figures Mark J has moved on to some German volksgrenadier’s.

That’s it for this week, see you at the next one.

Work in Progress Wednesday

Wednesday seems to have come around quickly, and for a rare moment let’s start with what I have on the painting table. Above are the mounted men at arms I’m painting up for the upcoming battle of Bosworth, you can even spot Richard getting ready for battle.

Next up I’ve started to paint up the 3mm sci-fi miniatures I sculpted. I’m revamping them so will be experimenting with new paint schemes, but I have lots of miniatures to do!

Lastly from me I have a set of Brigade Models Desert Sci-fi buildings, I’ll probably make some terrain diorama’s with these.

Now we move onto Phil who has dug out some old miniatures, this time his WW2 troops for a game at our open day. He is rebasing them and tidying up the original paint jobs.

Now we move onto Felix who has finished painting up a downed US crew and some NVA to hunt them down.

And lastly for this week Mark J has finished up another US Marine unit for a big Vietnam game.

And that’s it for this week, see you next Wednesday for some more miniature progress.

Work in Progress Wednesday

Here we are for another Wednesday and we start with Phil and a Quar force he has been assembling.

We follow that with Tony F and some loot tokens for Stargrave.

Next up and Charlotte has been busy putting together a building for an upcoming Project Z game.

This is going to represent the local supermarket.

And last for this week Marcus has been running more tests of his adaptation of the rules What a Tanker to a Sci-Fi setting.

See you next week.

Open Day 2024

Our 2024 Open Day is just over a month away and there has been lots of  progress on this years games. The Open Day is on the 22th June this year. We’re open to the public from 11am – 4pm on the day.

This is a great day to come and see the society in action and maybe throw some dice at one of the various games we will have on the day.

This year we have a good selection of games, which might just be the incentive you need to either get back into the hobby or to find a new home for your own armies and games.

We will have a game of Barons War complete with scratchbuilt castle.

There will be a game of Project Z for some post-apocalypse fun!

The Elephants will be on the rampage in a battle between Romans and Carthaginians

The Soviet/Afghan war will also be covered this year

Along with a big World War 2 battle somewhere in Europe

And last but not least the magical treefolk will be fighting their ancient enemy the rock warriors in an entirely scratchbuilt fantasy game.

Details of where the club meets and location of the Open Day can be found on our About the Society page.