Wars of the Roses – 1st Battle of St Albans – Battle Report

This is the first battle report in what will be a long standing campaign to re-fight the Wars of the Roses. Details can be found on the campaign page. Stephen takes us through the first battle.

First Battle of St Albans
Well, our first Wars of the Roses battle in a campaign to re-fight all of the major battles – First St Albans.
Jeremey’s plan is that we set up the historical battlefield, but after that it’s up to each commander. So not a true re-fight so much as just sharing the same battlefield, so keep that in mind. There’s positives and negatives to that approach, like there is to any other way of re-fighting a battle, but that is the approach we agreed on so that’s what we are going with.

I had the Duke of Somerset in charge of my army. Since it was going to essentially be an attack and defend scenario (with me defending St Albans) I decided to use my army points prudently and spent a bit on militia archers (as well as retinue troops) to make the points go further. I decided I would keep them static, behind stakes for a bit of extra protection, and use retinue troops for any aggressive tactics. I also gave myself a Scottish contingent (yes, we know there were none present at the actual battle – read above for our take on this) of a pike block (protecting the central road into the town) and some light cavalry lancers who I put on the left flank to annoy Jeremey. Experience of using both troop types in previous games meant I wasn’t expecting much out of them. I had the men at arms in the middle, with Somerset, and on the right and left flanks, on the edges of the town, were the billmen and archers. I had quite a long frontage to my battleline thanks to bringing some cheaper troop types (the local militia archers) to bulk the army out.

In contrast, Jeremey had a smaller army that he deployed in two lines, meaning that he would struggle against my flanks. He also had lots of commanders! He obviously had low expectations of his army to follow orders. It looked like he had the whole of Burke’s Peerage on the table.

For so many commanders he made a slow and ponderous approach. The front line seemed to consist mainly of his archers. Out on my left flank I sent the Scots lancers charging forward. I still wasn’t sure what I was going to do with them. My initial tactic was just to put them somewhere it would annoy Jeremey and he would have to turn troops to face them just in case.

But it turned out I had them in quite an advantageous position, looking straight on to the flank of some of his archers. I rolled a couple of 6s so made the choice to send them in.
This set the ball rolling. First blood went to Somerset’s army – the Scots routed a unit of archers! At that point I decided they’d already paid for themselves. Mind you, not too far away were a unit of his armoured men at arms and it was obvious what was going to happen. In they went and off the table went some lancers.

Like I say, this set the tone. Because what happened is that Jeremey was having trouble keeping his two battle lines going. In the middle he moved his crossbows forward, looking straight at the pike block. I knew what would happen if I stayed there – a steady rain of missile fire and the pikes gone for nothing. So I decided to push them forward as fast as I could, plonking a 6 activation dice on them whenever I could to give them an extra move unit to get in quickly.

I advanced the retinue archers on my extreme left and right flanks to over lap his army, create some oblique fire lanes to keep him in arc as he approached, and see what casualties I could cause before he got to the town.

Jeremey’s lines got more and more separated. Due to both the Scots lancers, the Scots pike block, and the flanking archers, he was taking casualties and his line was breaking up. He was having to use his best activation dice to keep his line in order, turning this way and that to see off a threat as it came. And all this meant his men at arms and billmen at the back just got left behind.

At this point the only troops I had committed to melee were the lancers and pikes, which I ultimately lost, but it also meant I had not sustained any other casualties. By the end of it I had more or less routed all his archers (I think he had one or two units left, but that was about it), one of his commanders was dead (might have been two?), and many other of his units had taken hits. Apart from the pikes and lancers my army was still intact. The two armies had taken similar number of routed units but Jeremey had many more that had taken casualties and were looking weak.

There then followed a lull in the battle. I moved my flanks a bit further forward, sent some billmen to the right flank to give it a bit of backbone against some advancing men at arms, and moved my men at arms units into the centre where the pikes had been.

Meanwhile, Jeremey was ‘re-dressing’ his ranks (moving them to the rear is what he was doing!), sorting out his lines, and getting that rear rank forward.
The final stage of the battle then got underway.

Jeremey, with army now sorted out, continued his advance on St Albans. There was a push on my right flank as his billmen and men at arms came into conflict with my archers. It went his way. Out on the left things were a bit more static – it seems he still hadn’t fully recovered from the lancers. I moved my archers on the left into arrow range and let rip. He then double timed his infantry to close them into combat as soon as he could. There then followed a surprising victory for my archers.

They were charged by his plate-armoured men at arms, they drew their hatchets and blades and prepared for the inevitable. However, against the odds (and thanks to some demon dice rolling) the archers prevailed and routed the men at arms (who had been weakened due to bow fire).

In the middle Somerset ordered his men at arms forward, down the road, to meet the enemy in combat. That was very much the endgame. My men at arms, fresh and ready for battle, charged into what remained of Jeremey’s archers and billmen, taking them out of the game.

With that, it was the end – Jeremey’s army had reached its rout morale level and it was game over. A victory for Somerset!

Yorkist Loses
6 Units of Longbows (18 points)
1 Unit of Crossbows (3 points)
1 Unit of Welsh Spearmen (3 points)
2 Units of Billmen (8 points)
Total loses 32 points (Army break point 30)

Lancastrian Loses
6 Units of Longbows (18 points)
2 Units of Northern Boarder House (6 points)
1 Unit of Scottish Pikemen (6 points)
Total loses 30 points (Army break point 37)

Lancastrian Victory

Work in Progress Wednesday

Welcome to another Work in Progress Wednesday. Above we start with Tony and his freshly painted Knights of Rivendell.

Tony has also been making some 6mm roads.

Next up Felix has made some good progress on his Polish army.

Eric has been as busy as usual, first up a standard bearer for his Chaos Warriors.

Then we have something Eric calls a Hellbrute.

And finally from Eric something slghtly different with some Viking archers.

See you next Wednesday.


Society Meeting 9th April

April kicked off with a fairly quiet meeting. Three games were being played.
ALAN put on a WW2 game using the ruleset ‘Nuts!’. The meeting was actually the anniversary of an action involving Germany and Denmark in 1940.

Jeremey and Stephen finally managed to start their Wars of the Roses campaign.

Sword and Spear was the ruleset being used, in this first battle of St Albans with an historical twist seeing the house of Lancaster win the day.

The third game was another opportunity to test a future show game from Pete of Fallujah in 2004 using 20mm miniatures and Force on Force rules.

Don’t forget if you fancy coming to a meeting to see the society in action, check out the diary page and pick a day that interests you the most.

Work in Progress Wednesday

It’s often feast or famine with the members projects and progress. Just a few offerings this week.

Above Eric has finished his Chaos Warriors.

Next up Andy has started a new project with some WW2 Brits.

Felix has continued his impressive run of putting paint on miniatures with some polish lancers.

And last for this week, I’ve finally returned to my balloon project. I’ve added more netting to some ballooons and finished the baskets. Next I have to start the assembly process.

That’s it for this week.

Moon 22 – A Full Thrust Battle Report

Everyone loves a bit of space opera and so several members jumped at the chance of a game of Full Thrust. Jeremey takes us through the battle of Moon 22.

Rather than have a straight up fight I thought I’d create a scenario to add a bit of flavour. We had two players per side Marcus joined me against Tony and Stephen. As we didn’t have an umpire I created four different scenarios centered around two damaged freighters and the collapsed Moon 22, each scenario had a different objective and each team would draw one at random. The remaining two were not revealed so that neither team could guess what mission the enemy had.

Tony’s fleet were all from Brigade Models, while my fleet was one I’d scratchbuilt. This was in fact their first action. Tony and Stephen’s mission was to get alongside the damaged freighters and then escape with the cargo. The mission facing myself and Marcus was to destroy as many of the enemy fleet as possible while trying not to lose any ships.

At the start of the battle each player ended up splitting up effectively creating four battle groups. Both groups made straight for eachother apart from Tony who kept some ships back and headed for the freighters.

Having exchanged a bit of fire Marcus and Stephen’s ships got very close. We were using the slightly harder vector rules from the Full Thrust Fleet Book 1 which led to a miscalculation for Marcus’ ships where they stopped short and turned their backs to the enemy. In the meantime Stephen also turned some ships round in anticipation the enemy would fly past.

On the other side of the battle I engaged Tony’s ships in a fierce fire fight. I got lucky with the re-rolls on one attack causing significant damage.

Meanwhile Marcus and Stephen were still engaging eachother. Marcus was concentrating on the smaller ships in order to score more points towards the objective but at the expense of leaving Stephen’s bigger ships including their bigger guns.

It became obvious what mission Tony and Stephen had when Tony managed to get some ships close to the freighters. Seeing this I quickly moved some ships in order to get Tony’s  ships in line of sight.

I manged to destroy one of the ships but the others began to escape. Marcus had taken quite a beating from Stephens ships and decided to jump out rather than allow his ships to be destroyed.

With Marcus’ fleet leaving I made a run to catch up to Tony’s escaping ships. However I still had two big ships bearing down on me and so left a ship to cover my fleet.

Little did I know how severe the damge to Tony’s ships was, fire from my rear guard ship took out Tony’s flagship.

Tony’s ships were accelerating fast leaving only one chance to stop them. Unfortunately the dice were not with me and I manage to destroy only one of the fleeing ships.

With Tony having got only one of the two ships away and the loses suffered by mine and Marcus’ fleets the game ended in a draw.

It was good to get a game of Full Thrust in and for a chance to use my scratch built fleet. Also the moon used in the battle was an old sponge ball I found and the space mat was actually a table cloth.

Work in Progress Wednesday

It’s Wednesday, and Eric is putting us all to shame again. Above and below we have something new with a couple of Aeronefs.

Next up some Chaos Warriors

And lastly from Eric this week an old Grenadier adventurer miniature.

Next up Stephen has been painting up some 20mm Gladiators for an arena game.

Mark has made a little bit of progress on his ancient greeks

and we end this week with Tony having painted up a new space fleet (that recently fought me to a draw!)

and some rather impressive 6mm sci-fi terrain

See you next week.

Society Meeting 26 March 2022

A quick round up of last weekend’s games…

First up above we have a game of Sails of Glory. This game uses pre-painted ships that are 1/1000 scale I believe.

There was a FoG game with hundred years war English vs a force of Catalans mercenaries.

Now we move into space with a game of Full Thrust. This saw the players having to complete a mission involving capture or destruction of some ships caught up next to a moon that’s collapsed. One of the fleets used was entirely scratchbuilt.

It seemed to be a day with ships of one sort or another. Other club members were trying out Galley and Galleons rules for a forthcoming campaign set in the Mediterranean in the 15th century using 1/2400 scale ships either metal or 3D printed.

The forces being represented in the campaign are Genoa, Venice, Knights of St John, Ottoman, Barbary States and the Mamluk Sultanate.


Work in Progress Wednesday

It’s Wednesday and we have another collection of things the members have been working on.

Above Marcus has painted up some sci-fi creatures. They are apparently a Northstar Stargrave creature (orange) and Lucid Eye Beyond the Savage Core guard “dogs”.

Next up we have a couple of dwarves. Firstly a dwarven wizard from Stephen.
And another dwarf wizard from Andy.
Andy has also painted up a victorian/steampunk figure.
and yet more 10mm Polish infantry.
Next up Felix has painted some napoleonic polish cavalry.

While Mark has made a start on some 15mm Ancient Greeks.

And last but not least Eric has completed a unit of mounted chaos marauders.
That’s it for this week, see you next wekend.

Work in Progress Wednesday

It’s Wednesday and we have another bunch of pictures showing what club members have been up to.
Above Tony has painted up some archers from Blackfoot Vale to add to his Lord of the Rings collection.

Next up Andy is painting more of his Polish Vistula Regiment.
Andy has also started painting up some more vikings and a wizard.
Eric has been busy again on some Games Workshop Marauders and something wonderfully named a Slaughter Priest.
Next up John has painted up some more galleys.

Stephen has been working on some fatigue markers to better match his Saga Crusades games, Stephen has also thrown in a converted miniature as a priest.
And finally for this week Marcus has started on a new project, here is a first attempt at some 15mm sci-fi terrain.
See you next Wednesday.

Work in Progress Wednesday

We start this week with a wonderful piece of work from Eric. This is apparently Wulfric The Wanderer in all his glory.

Another view of Wulfric

Next up John has made progress on his Japanese houses.

Andy is next up having finished some of his 10mm Polish.  There a lot more colourful than I imagined they would be.

Meanwhile Stephen has finished his skeleton cavalry and added a bolt thrower.

A rare treat for me this week, I’ve finally made a start on the last of my trees. These were from a store called ‘The Works’. Every year they have various sized christmas trees available very cheaply.

They come covered in snow and so following recommendations from other club members I sprayed them green.

Tony has also been working on some trees from ‘The Works’, but he still has the snow on his.

But Tony has also painted up a bear miniature to act as Beorn for his Lord of the Rings armies. Here Beorn is with the finished versions of Deorwine we saw in a previous WIP Wednesday.

That’s it for this weekend, see you next time.