WIP Wednesday May 1st

Jeremey is a bit under the weather this week, so WIP round up duties fall to me.

It’s been a fairly active week for Society members.

First up we have club chairman Mark’s continuing work on his 28mm Vietnam project. Above we have a Riverine Patrol Boat, still WIP, and below a finished ACAV and SEAL boat.

28mm Vietnam

For the opposition, Mark’s son has painted up some “Charlie”.


Staying in Vietnam, but going down to 15mm, we have some of Stephen’s work.

15mm ACAVs and M114

For a bit of relaxation after the rigours of salute, Tony took a stone elemental that Jeremey sculpted, he did a simple basecoat-wash-drybrush-drybrush again job on it then filled in the etched runes.

Stone Elemental

Charlotte has been working on some terrain bits (and models) for Project Z and other games. A couple of billboards

Entertainment in the Zombie Age
Your Country Needs You!

And some modular road sections (complete with dodgy council line painting and potholes).

Modular road (complete with dodgy council line painting and potholes).

Peter has been kit-bashing some more Victorian Sci Fi Martian Cloudships, first up the Long Range Assault Carrier, H.M.S. Whirlwind, intended to deploy Royal Marine and Redcoat landing parties.

HMS Whirlwind readies mixed Royal Marine and Redcoat landing parties

Also recently launched from the Martian shipyards are the smaller  ‘V’ Class of Cloudship, the Martian Torpedo Boat (or MTB):

‘V’ Class  Martian Torpedo Boat (or MTB) HMS Valiant, Victor and Vulcan

Andy has finally got some painting mojo back, and has been working on a Salute purchase, some more figures for his Mexican Adventure forces.

Additions to Andy’s Mexican forces. Purchased and painted in less than 2 weeks!

Finally Marcus has been working on some air support for his Mant (ant-man) Army for Xenos Rampant (or other Sci Fi games)

Marcus’ VTOL

That’s all for this week, hopefully Jeremey will be back in charge next week.

Work in Progress Wednesday

Just a few offerings this week, but we start with Mark J and progress on his Vietnam game which is due at the club in a few meetings time.

Above we have a small building ready for painting, a Loach helicopter and a Seal Team boat. While below Mark has made some elephant grass from artificial grass cuttings.

Stephen is up next with a glimpse of the Castle he is building for one of our open day games this year (more on that soon).

And finally for this week Eric has made more progress on his 15mm forces for a game of Xenos Rampant at the next meeting.

See you next week.

Work in Progress Wednesday

How is it already April? Although the weather doesn’t feel like spring the members have been busy again.

We start with Peter M and soaring above us is another Space: 1889 cloudship, this one is the Imperial German LuftSchiffe the ‘Valkyrie’, recently seen at the Salute 51 wargames show.

Speaking of shows Phil had a very small addition to the society show game Summer of 77, in the form of a freshly printer bridge for the railway station. We’ll have to see if someone got a picture of the finished one on the game.

Next up and I’ve been doing some work on my Wars of the Roses army. I realised my spearmen units were more often fielded as the heavy infantry version so I rebased them to fit with my other heavy infantry units.

And I’ve started on a command base to represent Richard III as our campaign is just one more battle away from Bosworth. The king and retinue are from Peter Pig.

Returning to Vietnam and Stephen has painted up a US Marine company before moving on to the Viet Cong troops.

And last but not least for this week Marcus has made some more progress on his sci-fi terrain pieces.

That’s it for this week, we’ll see you next Wednesday.

Work in Progress Wednesday

It’s Wednesday again and some of the members are getting into their stride when it comes to progress on their projects.

We start above with some 3D printed terrain from Marcus. These pieces will be making their way to a game of Stargrave soon.

Next up and Peter M has been busy again scratchbuilding some more Space: 1889 cloudships.

These are US warships ‘Wasp’ and ‘Hornet’.

While here we have the Austro-Hungarian ‘Radetsky’ from a few angles.

Word on the street says these any many other cloudships are heading for the Salute wargaming show this Saturday (13th April).

Next up and we have more Vietnam stuff from Mark J and Felix. Firstly some US Marines.

An M113.

And a film crew ready to report on events, or possibly needing to be rescued!

And last for this week Eric has started on some 15mm Brigade infantry for our first look at Xenos Rampant.

See you next Wednesday.

Work in Progress Wednesday

It’s Wednesday again and we have another selection from the membership.

We start this week with some Necrons from Charlotte, and some Catachan troops.

Next up and Tony F who’s been painting up some tracks for a WWII game.

And he has also converted part of a toy gun as a piece of sci-fi scenery.

Now we move to the high seas and John La has painted up the SS Rochester Castle.

And here we have some more ships, destroyers and corvettes from the game John La is putting on.

And lastly for this week, I’ve painted up one of my 15mm bug miniatures. I was trying out a new colour scheme.

See you all next week.


Work in Progress Wednesday

We start this Wednesday with a gathering horde. Eric has been busy painting up some Morannon orcs.

Next up and Stephen is attempting two projects at one. First up a gang for Frostgrave.

And for contrast the jungle is coming along for a Vietnam game (seems to be all the rage at the moment).

And lastly for this week Tony F has completed his alien pylon as a bit of Stargrave scenery.

See you next week.

Work in Progress Wednesday

It’s Wednesday and we start this week with John La and a magic user, and for a complete contrast John has started on a tanker for a naval convoy game.

Next up and Stephen has finished painting his Trebuchet.

And a lord of the manor with Sir Tom dArcher

We move on to Andy next with a little more progress on his Arab light horse.

And Andy has added a drone for his Stargrave crew captain.

Lastly for this week and Phil is about to embark on a new project involving some 28mm Quar miniatures.

See you next week.

WIP Wednesday 6th March 2024

Jeremey is otherwise engaged this week, so compiling the WIP Wednesday round up falls to Andy.

Mark J has finished another section of WW2 British Infantry (picture above) and is working on a couple of support units and an M10 Tank Destroyer.

Mark’s British Support and M10

And Felix has built a Sherman ‘Easy 8’ he purchased from Cavalier and started work on some civilians and a TV/Film crew for Vietnam games.

Felix’s Sherman M4A3E8
Felix’s Vietnamese civilians, livestock and a film crew

Stephen splashed out on some medieval models at Cavalier and has made a start on them.

Stephen’s Tent and Trebuchet

Eric has been working on some scenery from Battle Of Osgiliarth, and is summoning up the courage/fortitude to attempt the actual figures themselves

Eric’s Ruins of Osgiliath
Eric’s Ruins of Osgiliath

Tony F has got back to his 20mm derelict farmyard after a bit of a hiatus. The corner behind the right hand shed will become a small garden with flowers and an apple tree once the glue under the lawn is dry. It needs some sacks and barrels to add a bit of clutter, then he thinks it’ll be there.

Tonys Farm
Tony’s Farm close up

David has started work on some Caissons for his Napoleonic collection.

David’s Napoleonic Caissons

Finally, Marcus continues with his Stargrave and Pulp Alley figures. The larger sandy coloured figure will be a power armoured robot.

Marcus’ Stargrave and Pulp Alley figures

That’s all for this week.

Jeremey will be back in charge next week.

Work in Progress Wednesday

Well we skipped a week as the membership seemed somewhat busy but they are back with a bumper crop this week.

We start this week with Phil and more progress on the Battle of Britain show game he’s creating.

Next up and Stephen has decided his new project will be Vietnam (quite a bit of that going on with members at the moment). He’s started with a Phantom and Cobra.

Moving on and more Brits from Mark J and Felix. Mark did the infantry and Felix put the M10 together.

Also from Felix we have a T55

And last for this week Andy has made a little bit of progress on his Arab horse.

See you all next week.

Work in Progress Wednesday

This weeks been a bit of a quiet one (my fault for suggesting the members were starting strong for 2024!).

But we start with Tony F and some scenery pieces. Above is a nice looking fountain. Rather than stick this in only fantasy games Tony has painted it so it will fit in games like Stargrave. On that theme Tony has also painted a 3D printed tower.

Next up and Felix has been painting up more WW2 German troops.

And last but not least for this week Marcus has painted up some more Star Schlock miniatures.

See you next week.