Work in Progress Wednesday

We start this weeks Work in Progress with a bumper crop from Eric. Above is an Orx Guard for Dreadball, below is a Goblin Jack also for Dreadball.

Eric has also bee painting up some romans.

Next up Peter M has been building some more Martian Cloudships.

These are all scratchbuilt from various other miniatures and kits.

Now we have John La rushing to get a DBA army ready for the Society’s annual competition.

Marcus has continued with paiting up some miniatures for Frostgrave.

And yet more aquatic miniatures.

Stephen has inadvertently (their words not mine) started building a medieval manor house.

And lastly for this week I’ve made some progress on my Stargrave crew.

See you all next Wednesday.

Work in Progress Wednesday

It’s another Wednesday and just a small offering this week.

I’ll start with my efforts this week. Above is the start of a new set of miniatures for that will be my Stargrave Crew. These are all Copplestone miniatures that I’ve done a bit of conversion work on to make some of them a bit more alien like.

Next up Mark J has been putting together some vehicles for a Vietnam game.

Stephen has been busy painting up some more reinforcements for our Wars of the Roses campaign. This time Stephen has painted up some Irish kerns and gallowglaichs.

And lastly this week, Mark H has finished painting up a 1/300th Soviet Guards Battalion.

See you next Wednesday.

Work in Progress Wednesday

This week it looks like the members have been doing a spot of gardening.

We start with some rather impresive trees from Eric.

And a close up of the tree base.

However I believe Phil has gone the scratchbuilt route with these trees.

Now back to miniatures and Mark J has finished painting a US Seal Team for Vietnam.

And finally for this week Andy has been experimenting with some Army Painter speed paints.

To paint up some plastic Orcs, I think these are the old Grenadier ones now produced by Em4 Miniatures.

I’ve yet to try speed paints, feel like I’m playing catch up on that front.

See you next Wednesday.

Review of 2023 Open Day

As a break from our regular Wednesday posts we present this week a look back at our Open Day.

We had six games on the day covering a wide selection of periods and scales. One of the selling points of the Maidstone Wargames Society is if you’re into it we probably play it.

We start with Stephen’s Road to Damascus Saga game. Saga has proven very popular at the club mainly the Age of Vikings, but Stephen presented a Crusades game for the open day.

The game boasted some new scenery in the form of an Arab Manor house.
The Arabs were victorious on the day.

We now move to the English Civil War. We have a number of members who regularly play Field of Glory, between them they have many armies of different periods and scales.

For the open day they put on an 15mm ECW game for a change.

I don’t know who won on the day but their were many excited exclaimations that can only mean some fortuitous dice rolling!

A new game to the club has been Strengh and Honour, this has been played as a 2mm Ancients game to give a sense of scale.

Here we have Roman Legions taking on the Celtic hordes.

For the open day I finally got my Naploleonic Balloon game up and running. But then failed to take any pictures of it as I was busy running the game.

A phot was taken of all 10 balloons on the battlefield, the game needs a little bit of tweaking but much fun was had in being blown around by the wind all day. Hopefully this might make it to be a show game one day.

Moving to the Franco-Prussian war and the Battle of Spicheren, this was a pet project of member Tony G who thought they’d try a new period for the open day. Tony did this in 6mm and wanted to represent the terrain dominated battlefield.

I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a more hilly, wooded landscape to have a battle.

Tony also made the towns and villages using paper models for the buildings. Quite a challenge at this scale.

And onto the last game of the day, Tony F and Phil decided they had been neglecting the first age of middle earth for their Lord of the Rings games.

This gave Phil the excuse to paint up some real big beasties, much to worry of Tony F, but luckily there were enough Elven heroes knocking around at that time to meet the challenge.

I’m assuming this is Elrond going toe to toe with a Balrog? Phil definitely went big with Balrogs, Beasts and Trolls in abundance.

I do feel however that this picture should be part of a caption competition!
As to the game I think it was declared a no score draw at the end of the day.

Thanks to all the members who put on games, and to those who visited us on the day.

If you are interested in joining the Society please feel free to visit us on any of our regular meetings. The club Diary can be found here. Any further details about the club can be found on our website.


Work in Progress Wednesday

A little bit of progress was made by members this week, we can offer up some 15mm German WW2 infantry from Stephen.

While Phil has continued with some bigger miniatures in the form of a beast and balrog for Lord of the Rings.

And last but not least this week Mark J has started painting up some WW2 Stuka’s.

See you next Wednesday.


Work in Progress Wednesday

I thought the weather might slow the members down a bit. This week we start with Phil and some Lord of the Rings Goblin archers.

Next up and Mark H has made more progress on their WW2 Soviets, clearly 6mm froa bit of a distance!

We move onto John La who has decided to create some new trees. Here we have the wire armatures. Home made trees is not something I’ve ever tried.

I’m keen to see the end result.

And lastly for this week Marcus has some worms. The least said the better.

Let’s see what next week brings.

Open Day Games for 2023

There’s been plenty of progress with our games for our Open Day that’s on the 24th June this year. We’re open to the public from 11am – 4pm on the day.

This is a great day to come and see the society in action and maybe throw some dice at one of the various games we will have on the day.

This year we have a nice selection of periods and scales on offer, which might just be the incentive you need to either get back into the hobby or to find a new home for your own armies and games.

We will have a game of Strength & Honour in 2mm

A Lord of the Rings Battle from the First Age, 28mm Elves vs Orcs will fight it out

A crusade game Road to Damascus complete with scratchbuilt 28mm Arab Manor House

A whole host of 10mm Napoleonic Balloons will take flight

The Battle of Spicheren will be fought in 6mm

And if that’s not enough there will also be a 15mm Field of Glory game of the English Civil War

Details of where the club meets and location of the Open Day can be found here:


Work in Progress Wednesday

The sunny weather hasn’t kicked in yet to slow the members down.

We start with some markers for Stargrave from Stephen. Followed by the finished Pilgrims from Andy.

Andy has also made progress on the Salute Viking figure.

Now we have some large boulders from John L.

Moving on and it must get boring soon for Tony F having to paint yet more elves. First up a captain and magic user.

and some more rank and file elven warriors

Mark J has proven they don’t just paint 28mm vietnam miniatures with some 6mm Tiger tanks.

Sticking with the 6mm theme Mark H has started painting Soviet Infantry

And lastly for this week, Eric has been painting up a fantasy tree.

Close up of the base of the tree

So we’ll see you next week for some more work in progress.


Judge Dredd Battle Report – Attack the Block!

Club chairman Mark J reports:

On Saturday the 13th May meeting Mark H, Tim, Eric and I played Warlord Games Judge Dredd skirmish, we used 28mm figures and terrain depicting Mega City 1, including the famous Rowdy Yates block.

The infamous Rowdy Yates Block

The aim of the game was to take Rowdy Yates, there were four teams:

      • Justice, including Dredd (no creep messes with my home!)
      • Muties
      • City Def
      • Block Gang ‘Reasonable Approach’ (Albert Einstein Block)

City Def are located at Rowdy Yates, they are well armed with a sniper and rocket launcher, ready to take out anyone trying to take their block. The muties move in first dashing for one of the ground floor doors, there are fresh norms in there ripe and juicy for a cursed earth BBQ!

The Reasonable Approach Block Gang move in from the east, using the terrain as cover hoping to get in close with their sawn-off stump guns, they wave their reasonable banners as they move in shouting ‘we support the law’, ‘be reasonable’ and of course ‘e = mc2’!

The Reasonable Approach Block Gang

Justice next, coming in from the south; no one is fooling veteran street judge Milo who promptly shoots down one of Reasonable Approach, the gang immediately change their banners to ‘we hate the law!’. Meanwhile City Def start to pick off the muties on the ground floor, ‘supported’ by cadet judge Bow, city def attempt to fry some muties with a grenade but take out the young judge, game over for baby justice!

Rowdy Yates Tower , ground floor.

No way these muties are going down easy and street judge Bell takes a serious a hit after messing with a mutie packing a heavy spit gun. City Def buggs out to the second floor setting up an ambush for the muties, who are still pilling into Rowdy yates ground floor and heading for the lift and some tasty norms!

Dredd arrives on his Law Master ‘I am the Law!’, he’s not too happy that is old home is being attacked and he promptly jumps of his bike and heads for the front door his Lawgiver MkII at the ready. Reasonable approach keeps pushing from the east, taking out a mutie but taking some hits too. Dredd’s bike heads around Rowdy Yates and promptly dispatches justice taking out a mutie and a passing citizen! The not too happy muties head towards the lift at Rowdy Yates hoping to take out some norms.

City def unleash a rocket on Reasonable Approaching taking out one of the gang and exploding some fuel laden barrels. Seeing this, veteran Judge Milo moves to support Dredd and promptly runs into Judge Death who’s been lurking next to an add pod; a heart squeezing moment for Milo! Death also takes out rookie judge Reed and moves towards Rowdy Yates and Dredd ‘the ssentenccce isss death’.

The fight is getting hot in Rowdy Yates, city def wait on the second floor around the lift hoping to take out some muties. The muties oblige by coming up to the second floor, city def fire as the muties arrive but to no effect. One of city def is carrying a can of Boing and sprays the first mutie encasing him in an impenetrable plastic sphere! The second mutie roles out his buddy and heads back to the first floor. While all of this is going on, Reasonable Approach take out Dredd’s Lawmaster by exploding some chem waste. Dredd’s not happy and bursts into the ground floor of his old pad taking out two muties, he takes three hits but shrugs them off.

Death heads towards Dredd, seeing him from the corner of his eye Dredd spins around and fires a hotshot round at Death, nothing doing! Dredd rushes out of the building and attacks Death with his day stick and a culinary laser he happened to have tucked in his boot!

Judge Dredd and Judge Death

A mutie heads back up the lift, licking his lips in anticipation of some fresh norm meat. As he arrives on the second-floor, city def throw in a hi ex grenade, BOOM! The mutie manages to throw himself to the floor and the explosion comes right back at city def frying three of them but they remain standing and take out the mutie.

Dredd and Death proceed to knock lumps off each other but no-one’s winning the fight, Reasonable Approach move in close to Rowdy Yates and city Def seeing this, move back to the ground floor; singed but still in the fight. Seeing Dredd and Death fighting it out, the city def Boing guy moves in to help Dredd and manages to encase Death in Boing!

The games ends there, Dredd’s still standing but the rest of justice are dead, the muties are in bad shape but have caused a heap of chaos, Reasonable Approach are a few down but in the building. City def are a little charred but hold their block! A great game with many laughs and sticky moments, just as it should be in the Big Meg.

Mark H double checking his stats

Work in Progress Wednesday

It’s a bumper crop this week. We start off with a big beast from Phil to give the forces on Angband a helping hand. And Phil has made progress on the orc horde.

Next up John La has finished part of a new river set.

Moving on Mark J has made more progress on their Vietnam project.

Now we move on to Marcus with some more miniatures for Frostgrave.

And some unexpected heroes for another future project.

Andy has almost finished the Pilgrims.

And last for this week Stephen is getting ready to paint some more 15mm Wars of the Roses miniatures and also a cardinal Hugh DeVious coming to a crusade soon.

See you next week.