WIP Wednesday 13/07/2022

We have a few items to show this week, some members are slowly getting back into their painting, where others find this hot weather not conducive to painting.

Above we have Eric’s last 5 Imperial Roman Legionaries (28mm), which might get used in Broken Legions in the future.

Next up, Marcus has been working on some 15mm Brigade Models Shamen Hover Tanks. These were pressed into use last weekend in a What a Tanker game, there will be a write up of which shortly.

Marcus’ Brigade Models Shamen

Finally, Mark H has managed to get back to the painting table to finish off some 6mm French figures he started a couple of years ago. One and a half regiments of Cuirassiers, a foot battery and a batch of generals. Paintwork now finished, varnished and based. Just base texturing and flags left to do.

Mark’s 6mm French.

That’s all for this week.

Work in Progress Wednesday 29/06/2022

With Tony away on holiday and Jeremey under the weather, editorship of this week’s WIP Wednesday roundup falls to Andy.

Above we have part of John’s 15mm Spanish Village, under construction for the game he ran at our open day last Saturday (blog post on which to follow). More of his buildings below:

Tony’s also been making scenery, this time for his 6mm Hammer’s Slammers open day game, power pylons (3D prints), monorail tracks (resin and metal) and telegraph poles (homemade from cocktail sticks and plastic strip)

Finally, not so much “Work In Progress” as “Just Finished”, a couple of examples of Stephen’s fine paintwork, first a 75mm tall Reaper Bones figure representing Utgaard-Loki for Of Gods and Mortals. He’s still trying to find the right model for Jormungandr.

And a group of scary amphibians, coming to a Stargrave waterworld near you soon (well, August 27th to be precise).

That’s all for this week folks!

Work in Progress Wednesday

It’s Wednesday and out of the blue we have a bumper crop from the members. Above we have a strange hover/truck/craft of some sort from Blotz  called a Luftblitzwagen.

Next up Mark J has painted more 2mm legions.

Mark’s also added to his Saxon ranks.

John L’s been busy getting his miniatures ready for the Society Open Day, first some mortar units.

And he has also been creating more buildings for the game.

Next up following the theme of getting ready for the Open Day John R has been painting some 6mm Hammers Slammers tanks, quite a few tanks in fact.

Tony F has also been working on his Hammers Slammers units to take John on.

Tony has also been putting together some scenery. Nice to see a bit of multiple levels.

That’s it for this week, see you next time.


Work in Progress Wednesday

Jeremey has briefly been sidelined, so Tony F takes over the WIP Wednesday reins this week.

The club’s gone relatively quiet lately – obviously everyone’s efforts went into the jubilee ! However, there has still been some progress – Mark J has employed his magnifying glass for his 6mm Saxons (above), then broke out the electron microscope for some 2mm Antonine for Strength and Honour, which are based on perspex.

Warbases’ 2mm Roman Legion (Mark J)

Marcus meanwhile has been working on some 28mm Spy-fi and 15mm Sci-fi miniatures.

The initial stages of some 28mm Spy-fi from Marcus (who, like Bond, seems to have an eye for the ladies !).
15mm Sci-fi from Marcus – mostly Brigade Models but with the odd interloper.

Jeremey has been converting a Copplestone figure to act as his Stargrave crew’s first mate.

Jeremey has named this image ‘Avon’ – a nod to the Blake’s 7 character perhaps ?

And finally, something from me – these were missed from the last WIP Wednesday post (about which I’m not bitter at all…) but since I’m in charge this week, I’m putting them in. First, it’s more additions to my Middle Earth armies – half-a-dozen elf spearmen to accompany the cavalry I painted a few weeks ago.

Six Rivendell elf spearmen

Next is my take on Radagast the Brown – it’s not either of the official GW figures which are rather expensive, but a Conquest Miniatures hedge witch. I added a bird from an OOP Celtos figure which is positioned as if the wizard is talking to it, painted up as a falcon.

Talking to the birds…

And to round things off, another small piece of 6mm desert terrain, an oasis made from 3mm Foamex, a sand/paint/PVA texture, cheap palm trees from eBay and clear PVA for the water.

Water, water everywhere.

Work in Progress Wednesday

We’re back with another work in progress Wednesday. First up this week we have a first look at the miniatures I’ve choosen as a Stargrave crew. They are all from Copplestone Castings, I loved the old Grenadier miniatures marines Mark Copplestone sculpted. I’m going to convert them with different weapons and some alien bits.

Next up Mark and Felix have been busy with a Saxon Brigade and more Polish Lancers.

And last for this week Eric’s Game’s Workshop pile is (possibly) getting smaller. This time we have a Primaris Space Marine and Chaos Cultist.

And a Primaris Intercessor Sergeant.

See you next week.

Work In Progress Wednesday

A tad late today, sorry folks, but here’s the latest update on member’s painting.

First off, Stephen is painting up some sample packs to test the waters on a couple of projects he’s been umming and ahhing about for the last year or so.

Above you can see some 15mm ECW Scots from Peter Pig.

He’s also trying to find his WW2 mojo, he’s undecided on figure size, but wants to focus on infantry actions rather than tanks.

First off we have some Warlord Games 28mm Late war British infantry, a recent free sprue from one of the wargames magazines.

WW2 British

And changing size, some Russians based up for Crossfire, also from Peter Pig.

WW2 Russians, for Crossfire

Eric continues to work on some Games Workshop figures, a chaos marauder and cultist:

Chaos Marauder & Cultist.
Chaos Marauder & Cultist

Mark has been working on his 6mm Saxon 1809 army, Ist Corp division Generallieutenant Polentz, brigade Generalmajor Lecog, Prinze Celement, von Low and von Cerrini regiments. Basic uniform colour and regimental facings done, flesh, weapon, knapsack and bases to do, you can see the rest of the division in the background including some cuirassiers

Saxon 1st Corp, division Generallieutenant Polentz

That’s all folks, we’ll be back next week.

Work in Progress Wednesday

After a short break for Star Wars day we are back with another work in progress Wednesday.

We start this week with some 15mm Wars of the Roses artilery from Stephen. Stephen has also been modifying the bases on the rest of his WOTR army to add a hit/strength dice frame.

Next up Marcus has started on some Brigade and Dark Star 15mm models  for 5 Parsecs From Home solo gaming.

Tony has been working across genres with some 6mm sci-fi terrain to start with.

Followed by some Gondor Citadel Guard archers.

That’s it for this week, see you again next Wednesday.

Work in Progress Wednesday

Just a short work in progress this week. Above Tony has managed to finish the last dwarves to complete the company from the Hobbit.

Next up Andy has made some more progress on his WW2 Brits.

And last for this week, Eric has painted up an additional four Viking archers on top of last week’s efforts.

That’s it for this week, we’ll be taking a break next Wednesday from the WIP posts with something else but will be back the week after.

Work in Progress Wednesday

Welcome to another Work in Progress Wednesday. Above we start with Tony and his freshly painted Knights of Rivendell.

Tony has also been making some 6mm roads.

Next up Felix has made some good progress on his Polish army.

Eric has been as busy as usual, first up a standard bearer for his Chaos Warriors.

Then we have something Eric calls a Hellbrute.

And finally from Eric something slghtly different with some Viking archers.

See you next Wednesday.


Work in Progress Wednesday

It’s often feast or famine with the members projects and progress. Just a few offerings this week.

Above Eric has finished his Chaos Warriors.

Next up Andy has started a new project with some WW2 Brits.

Felix has continued his impressive run of putting paint on miniatures with some polish lancers.

And last for this week, I’ve finally returned to my balloon project. I’ve added more netting to some ballooons and finished the baskets. Next I have to start the assembly process.

That’s it for this week.